There were a lot of these birds of paradise flowers in Justin's neighborhood. One day walking home from the beach, Lili told me that she and Audrey like to pretend that they are "Angry birds coming to attack us."
Audrey, Kateri and I had a fifteen minute drive home today and Kateri cried the whole way. When a few choruses of "Baby Mine" did nothing to assuage her tears, Audrey said, "I think she's crying cause she forgot I loved her."
Audrey also has the habit of quietly whispering to Kateri (usually in the morning when she climbs in bed with us to squeeze and pet her squirming baby sister) "I'm always there for you, Kateri, I'm always there for you." I don't know where she got that phrase, but I love it.
Oh, and just to offset the sweet remarks above, Audrey was just playing doctor with Kateri as her patient. After inspecting Kateri's hand with the orange otoscope-type-thingy she looks at me, shakes her head and says, "Her hand doesn't look that great probably because you drank a lot of coffee when she was in your tummy." I totally drank decaf, just to let you know!!!!