Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Highlights from Isaiah's first month

We were so happy to get our little man home and settled, where he had no shortage of devoted admirers. There is nothing sweeter than a snuggly newborn, so he spent most of his first few weeks getting passed around between his family members.

I know it looks like Kateri is trying to unscrew his head in this picture. She wasn't.

 We were so grateful that Nanny decided to ignore my hunch that I would be overdue. She was there to cook and clean and take the kids swimming in the heat.  Her presence made our transition period so much easier...plus she was one of Isaiah's favorite spots to nap.
Thank you Nanny!
 The girls have been helpful too (notwithstanding a few squabbles over who gets to hold him and when.) Lili is actually old enough to be a real help...she can rock him and burp him and calm him down when he is fussy. I always knew she was a baby person, so it is fun to see her enjoy her baby brother so much. Audrey's enthusiasm and eagerness to help outmatches her competency right now, so I've given her her own special job. She's the bathtime assistant; helping me get everything ready and get him dressed afterwards.
 He was not the biggest fan of bathtime initially, but he is coming around.
 And if only every new mother could have a husband like mine. I think Lili must get her baby instincts from her dad. His way with babies was actually one of the first things that I noticed about him, way back in college. He just has the magic touch.
 I think Isaiah would agree.
I can't believe he has been with us for five weeks tomorrow and yet it is already hard to believe he wasn't always with us. He has already started to change...his skinny little chicken legs are slowly getting some meat on them and is smiling at us now. I can't wait to see his personality come out as he grows.