Friday, December 16, 2011


Last weekend we took a 24 hour trip to Sedona to take advantage of Nona's spare night in her timeshare. We went to a light festival at one of the resorts up there, which the kids loved.

Santa was there, but there were very few children around. As we approached him, a young preschooler came streaking past us in tears as Santa called out to her, "Hey, come and sit on my lap!" Apparently, Audrey thought he was talking to her, because she promptly sprinted the twenty feet or so between them, and leaped up onto his lap, where she sat unabashedly chatting and absentmindedly petting his beard with her mittened hand. He didn't seem to mind. Our other two children were either too embarrassed or too terrified to approach him, so I guess this is our one "Picture with Santa" for the year.

The next morning we decided to take advantage of the indoor pool, even though to get to the pool we had to dash through the frosty morning air with inadequate cover-ups. I'm afraid the rest of us didn't look quite as adorable as Kateri.

I just had to include the back view.

After breakfast at a great spot I highly recommend:
We had a fun day of hiking and sightseeing before heading back to Phoenix.

It was great to have some fun family time together!

Thanks, Nona!

Monday, December 12, 2011


Kateri and I went to Dallas for the weekend. It was Jon's birthday, and I had been missing my family a lot.

Plus, I had been dying to meet this little guy since he made his appearance into the world last July. He did not disappoint. My sweet nephew was so happy and smiley and easy to make laugh.
And I fell in love all over again with my goddaughter Evie.
Kateri had the time of her life running around with her little cousins. They spent a whole evening playing our family's version of hide and seek.

They had to go find the scary uncles hiding in the back rooms.

This is what happened when they found him.

It was so much fun watching these three play together...
...and no one makes my face hurt from laughing like these two gentlemen. I have more videos starring them that I could post, but I think I'll save them for blackmail.

After all the craziness, Kateri snuggled with all of her aunts and uncles in turn until finally she passed out.

We even got a (too-brief) visit with Genny and Maggie!
It was way too short of a trip all around, but it was so lovely spending that rainy weekend with my family, laughing at my brothers, eating too much delicious food and sipping coffee with my wonderful sisters-in-law.
During bedtime prayers, Kateri's intention continues to be "That I can go to Dallas another day."
I hope so!