Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day

We had a great Father's Day on Sunday with this man right here. What would we do without him? I guess we'd go to Scituate and miss him for two weeks. Sigh. But I guess he'll be there soon enough.

I am just using this post to share this ridiculous photo our dear Miss Emily took of my husband. Doesn't it look like she captured him reaching for the next rung on some corporate ladder? What I REALLY wanted to do for Father's day was pay to have this put on a park bench or side of a bus, with "Luke Speier: Pharmaceutical Sales Rep" and his cell number printed on it.

But we made him some homemade bloody mary mix with some fun garnishes instead...better than a rolodex, I guess.
He also took the whole fam to see Toy Story 3. It was fantastic. Pixar is always cute and clever, but like Finding Nemo, I was suprised at how emotionally involved I was in it by the end. I enjoyed it so much more than any grown-up movie I've seen in a long, long time. I wish the rest of Hollywood would take note and concentrate on telling a great story instead of packing their films with the latest pop-culture references and potty humor. Toy Story 3 was totally clean (I think the word "butt" was used once...) and Audrey's belly laugh was ringing out the whole time.
But anyway, enough of my ranting, I'm off to pack.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Nothing says summer... an organization project half done then gone horribly awry... This was actually from last week, before Kateri fell and got a massive scrape on her chin.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Nothing says summer... a new seersucker sun suit.
During these hot hot days, we are pretty much cooped up inside for the majority of the day. It's our chance to experience what our dear friends in the North go through during the winter trying to keep your kids occupied without destroying the entire house. Today after a lovely morning swim at our gym, I made a double batch of playdough for the kids and fooled around on my sewing machine. I ended up with a little outfit for Kateri. Thanks for the material, Nanny!

Also...the high was 107 today. Lili chose to wear jeans. I don't get it either.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Nothing says summer... whipping up a batch of fresh pesto... Luckily Kateri was on hand to help clean the food processor.
After each lick, she would close her eyes for effect and give a dramatic "Mmmmmmmmm!!!!"

And yes, she smelled horribly garlicky afterwards.