Monday, March 29, 2010


Some fault Phoenix for its lack of seasons...I disagree. It has seasons. Spring is my favorite. The citrus trees in our backyard are in bloom, and the smell of orange and lemon blossoms might be the most heavenly scent in the world. I don't know, a baby's neck probably has orange blossoms beat... also sunscreened baby...the smell of a sunscreened baby is pretty delicious, but anyway, orange blossoms are in my top three.
Audrey also has a few little home-school preschool gardening projects her pot of baby lettuces. (She samples them everyday and yesterday she ate a little dirt with her baby arugula and I sure was glad I splurged on the organic potting mix.)

Kateri's afternoon nap (when she is kind enough to take one) affords Audrey and I a little reading/story time in our favorite spot right now: a blanket under the citrus trees where we can enjoy the balmy breeze, a perfect mix of sun and shade, and that heavenly aroma. The thought is in my mind that next year Audrey will be in kindergarten, and these quiet moments with her will be fewer and farther in between, but right now it's hard to do anything other than soak up the springtime.

Look how happy that little bee is.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Kateri and Leah on the air mattress

Here are the only other photos I managed to snap of our company: Kateri and Leah snuggling on the air mattress we set up in the toy room.
Kateri looks positively gargantuan here next to her pretty little Leah, but it is funny to think that in a couple of years they are going to be running around the beach together in the summers.


We've been too busy... life to do much documenting of it. We've had a really fun busy month with lots of visitors. We celebrated Nanny's 60th birthday!

And the Bird babies came to see us (with their parents, of course.) The girls were so excited for some cousin time...especially since they got to meet little Leah Regina for the first time.

We had a really fun pizza party on Friday before the big event of the weekend: the Burch's St. Patrick's Day block party, which of course I have no photos of...

At least I snapped one of this precious little face! We miss everyone already, but we are already looking forward to summer in Scituate.