Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Valemtimes Day!

That's how Audrey says "Valentine's Day." On Sunday morning we were going to a later Mass than usual so the girls made us stay in bed (how dare they!!) while they worked on a special Valentine's Day surprise for us. Well, Audrey and Lili worked on the surprise, Kateri just dragged a chair over to the counter where Lili's Valentine's candy from school was and helped herself to some delicious Nerds until Luke and I heard the mysterious crunching sounds and rushed out to rescue Lili's stash. Here was our surprise! They dressed up the flowers Luke had bought for his household of girls.

Please notice how our little Daddy's girl Audrey smothered his card with as many foam hearts as possible. What a nice way to start the day! They even cleaned up their craft mess before leading us out blindfolded.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Maybe Audrey needs more structure to her day

I had just finished putting Kateri down for a nap and I came out to see that ALL of the light switches in the house had been carefully set exactly in between on and off thanks to Audrey. I asked her about it and I guess she thought they worked like dimmers and she wanted "Perfectly medium light."
That was yesterday. Today she came up to me after her bath wearing a towel and a defeated expression. She handed me her underwear and said, "Mom, I just don't understand my panties." I guess she couldn't tell the front from the back because the tag was on the side.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What to do on a Friday night...

If you are lucky enough to live in Phoenix, and it is a beautiful January night with a gorgeous full moon, you can break out a bed sheet and a projector and watch Star Wars in the back yard with some friends. Maybe it was the s'mores, but some of us were a little more excited than others...

It was just chilly enough so that the fire in the fire pit felt nice, and the pillows and blankets came in handy.

Star Wars has some intense scenes,

Lucky for sweet little Mr. Finn, his sweet big brother was there to put his arm around him during the scary parts.