Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Just wanted to share the girls' Father's Day cards. Audrey's is the one on green cardstock (she is insistent about using her loved ones' favorite colors) She was a little offended when we complemented her on a lovely merman Daddy...he is actually soaring up towards a basketball hoop and the flipper-like appendages are his feet. Lili made a little book about things her Daddy likes to do. This one is Luke working on his computer..I like the little computer mouse she drew, as well as Luke's impeccable posture and formal attire. Thanks to Miss Emily, who had the bright idea of using photos of the Daddies' heads and having the kids draw their own bodies..

Friday, June 19, 2009

Cooking with Uncle Steve and Aunt Cindy

I've said it before; my kids are so lucky in that they have fun aunts and uncles who take time to do fun things with them... Uncle Steve is in town preparing to marry the lovely Cindy Parks next week. The girls are thrilled to have their soon to be Aunt Cindy around as well. Steve and Cindy made a delicious meal with Audrey and Lili "helping" in the kitchen, which I can assure you requires a lot of patience.

Uncle Jon's worst nightmare...GLITTER

Check out Audrey'e knees after some glittery crafting...and yes, even though I insisted that anyone who wanted to glitter do so out on the porch, if made its way inside quite rapidly. Kateri's pudgy body basically acted like a giant marshmallowy lint roller as she crawled around and by noon she was all sparkly.

And yes, Audrey is sporting her favorite hairstyle: "crazy lady who lives next door with 12 cats..."

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Irish Step Dancing

Two very excited little girls off to their first Irish Step Class...on the way home they were talking to each other in the back seat. "Wasn't our teacher nice?" "She was so nice" " She was super duper nice..."

Friday, June 5, 2009

Lili's scrupulosity

Lili swam up to me at the Lifetime Fitness pool today and asked, "Do you think it will worry the lifeguards if I do a really long handstand underwater?" I just had to laugh. I think I need to take her out to a dogfight or something, Royal Tenebaums style...I guess I should be thankful.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009