Friday, May 29, 2009


Today was Lili's last day of first grade. I cannot believe how grown up she suddenly seems. It is hard to believe that she already has two years of school under her belt! VDM had a little awards ceremony today and Lili received an award for Best Conduct and Perfect Attendance (although she did miss one day...and she said that Daddy really should get the credit for that since he drove her to school every morning. Anyway, we are so proud of you, Lili!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Things you don't want to hear from the playroom

Me: "what is the baby playing with?"
Audrey: "She's just eating crunchy things that are old..."

luckily it was just a stray cheerio...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

One more birthay video

Happy Birthday Audrey

Here are some photo's from Audrey's fourth birthday...the morning started with presents and a sugary cereal breakfast (I gave her complete free reign on the cereal aisle and she chose generic froot loops) followed by a tea party play date with Lucy and Finn. The day was rounded out with her star wars birthday cake, and a little snuggle with her sweet cuz...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"Darth Vader isn't really in this cake"

It is hard to believe, but my little Audrey turned four today. Several weeks ago, she stared talking about her birthday, and when I told her she could have any cake she wanted she immediately asked, "Can we go to StarWars dot com and pick out a cake?" Come to find out, there is a, but I google imaged some star wars cakes instead, and she saw one with a replica of the Mos Eisley Cantina on it. From that moment on, all she wanted was a cake with "Han Solo sitting on him little chair" I know that I need to work on the proper use of pronouns. So I resolved to make a Star Wars Cantina scene on her is her description of it
Also, raise your hand if you think she is humoring me when I ask her if this is how she pictured her cake...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Kateri and Aunt Katie

And how can I describe how much Kateri loves her Aunt Katie...these pics will have to suffice

A Meeting of the Jedi Council

Oh, how can I describe how much my girls love their Uncle Jon. How can you blame them when he comes to visit and spends hours in the back yard playing Star Wars...