Thursday, March 26, 2009


Audrey had been reprimanded several times yesterday for playing with potting soil and getting it everywhere, but I thought these delicious looking tacos were really funny all lined up on the lawn, as was her contrite response to my finding them; "Don't worry, Mom, I promise I won't make any more dirt recipes."

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

March in Phoenix

I love Phoenix in March...and yes, I am posting this to make you guys in Boston jealous, and to remind myself in the middle of the summer of why I love Phoenix.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring Training game with Daddy

Last Saturday Luke was planning on taking the girls to Uncle Justin's game, but due to an unfortunate stomach bug, Lili was out of commission. Audrey got to spend some one-on-one time with Luke, which was nice. Not only did she get to see her uncle pitch, but her day included a foray into the Angels clubhouse. She even got to meet some of the Angels' star players in the weight room including Vladimir Guerrero...pretty exciting right? Anyway, when I asked her what her favorite part of the day was she said, "Hmm...probably getting to have a piece of gum!" But seriously, thanks for a great day, Uncle Justin!!


She won't stop doing this to is like her special little Daddy obviously means something in that little mind of hers.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Every time we've tried to give Kateri solids she has gagged and looked at us like we'd tried to poison her. Our pediatrician suggested we give her something to chew, since she already has a mouthful of teeth, so here is her first experience with Cheerios. She has already learned that being a goofball gets a big reaction from her sisters... either that or the sniffing is a coping mechanism to help her power through the gag reflex, I'm not sure.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Baby Bumblebee

yeah, she only does if for a couple of seconds, but you get the idea...the second time around I was doing it with one hand and holding the camera with the other so she got confused and copied me...

Friday, March 20, 2009

God ples you

Lili made this for me when she came home from school yesterday...I want to have it on record for when she is thirteen and embarrassed to be seen with me....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

You can file this under "What goes on in Audrey's Head?"

I told her to go pick up her puzzle off the floor...apparently that needed the sanitary precaution of putting sandwich baggies on not only her hands, but her feet as well. She looks like a crazy old cat lady in this picture, I know...

Just for Uncle Jon: This is Star Wars Land

So I was trying to catch Kateri's new trick: Nanny kept getting her to say "Row row row" for singing "Row Row your boat", but it looks like she won't do it for me. Anyway, Kateri was enjoying the yard (It has been so beautiful; warm and breezy and smelling delicious from the citrus blossoms) and Audrey comes up behind me humming a Star Wars theme...listen close and you can hear her. Anyway, I decided to keep rolling and Audrey gave me a rare glimpse of what goes on in her head. She and Lili and Uncle Jon have put in alot of hours in our yard playing star wars, so thanks, Uncle Jon, for helping turn our mundane backyard into Star Wars Land, and for leading Audrey to think that green-on-green is an acceptable color scheme when she got dressed this morning.