Monday, February 23, 2009

Kateri speaks!!!

Kateri's first word....kind of
You have to let me have this little victory, even if it's not completely legit, since both Lili and Audrey said "Dada" first....

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Going for a Walk

This is Luke's current favorite thing to do with Kateri: He helps he balance by holding one hand so it looks like they are going for a walk together. The girls think it's hysterical and Kateri finds it pretty amusing as well.

Octopus Baby

Lately Kateri has been doing this pinwheeling motion with her arms whenever she is sitting somewhere and gets excited...she does it when she wants to get picked up or when she is watching the girls run or skate or ride their bikes. I made a comment that I should get her an octopus costume so now the girls are calling her octopus baby. Here it is, kind of funny:

Monday, February 9, 2009


This video will have no real entertainment value to anyone but me and possibly Nanny, despite Audrey's dramatic offscreen wailing. I just thought she looked so sweet playing happily by herself: soon she'll be destroying the house...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A waste of tape

Want to see what Audrey was doing while I was nursing and she was supposed to be picking up her toy room? She was constructing an elaborate security system using a jumprope, a tutu, a ribbon and about 3/4 of a roll of scotch tape that now I need to go and peel off gently so it doesn't take any of the finish off the armoire. I said, "Audrey why did you do this?" and she replied"So no one would take my stuff" I asked, "Who is going to take your stuff?" and she said, "I don't know, like a bad guy..." I'm so glad my junky craft drawers and fabric scraps are now safe from bad guys...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

More of Audrey's Brutal Honesty

So the kids are brushing their teeth a couple of night ago when Lili decides to tattle on her sister..."Mom, just to let you know, Audrey said you were boring." (I wish I had heard their whole conversation...but Audrey probably just threw that statement out there as they were putting on PJs...) Anyway, Lili, who has always been overly empathetic, immediately feels bad for me and decides to do some kissing up: "Well, I think you're the best mom in the world and I don't think you're boring." We both look expectantly at Audrey, who shrugs at her own reflection in the mirror and says in a compromising kind of tone, "Well, I like Daddy."

This little episode is totally an illustration of my kids' personalities. I hope this isn't a self-fulfilling prophecy but I am so afraid that in about 12 years or so Audrey is totally going to be the one sneaking out of the house on Friday night and Lili will be "letting us know...."

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Snow White and the Five(?) Dwarfs

A few nights ago, Audrey was "reading" Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to Nanny. Apparently, in Audrey's version of the classic fairy tale, the dwarves are named, "Inky, Winkie, Stinky, Sneaky, and Tommy."

Fun with Nanny

Nanny is in town...she always stuffs her suitcase full of fun stuff for the of the things she brought this time was an animal facepainting kit....we had fun with it one night, as you can see. The girls played Kung-Fu Panda: Lili was Master Tigress and Audrey was "The Kung-Fu Zebra" (I guess he didn't appear in the film.) They came out pretty good!

Lili's got skills

Here's a little video to show you Lili's improvement in the roller skating area:

Kateri copying Audrey

It's not the best clip, but you get the idea