Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Nerfarium Twenty-Sixteen

Well here it is 2016. This year marks some special milestones but then again I suppose every new year does. This of course is the first Nerfarium post of the year, and I want to wish you a belated happy and healthy year ahead. Thanks to everyone for a great 2015.
This year one of the things I'm going to do is change Nerfarium. I've always wanted this blog to have more reader input whether it was just comments, followers, or better yet submissions like the photos and post from nerf friends like Xenomorph 1320-D and his amazing Xeno Cannons. Still I never got as much feed back as I wanted.
It seems that the scape of the interweb blog is changing as well. This last year 2 more legendary blogs sites said good-bye when Tactical Tag signed off and Nerf Mods and Reviews simply vanished after no longer posting the year before. Blaster Labs- I don't even know what to say so don't me... Facebook and YouTube seem to be popular with most. The blogs that are still active including this one aren't posting nearly as often as they used to.
It takes considerable time and effort to maintain a blog. Anyone who has ever tried knows. It's a different thing if you get paid to do it, but most of us don't. So to all of you bloggers still putting out a couple of posts every month- I salute you! To all you readers of Nerfarium and other nerf blogs- you're the reason I do it. Thanks for reading and...

                                                NERF ON NERFerS!!! 
       I thought you might like to see a picture of what I got for Christmas, ho ho ho.
My new blue RHINOFIRE, SHARPFIRE, and 30 new Zombie Strike darts. I got them for Christmas!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas 2015


Well here it is again Christmas. Like a lot of you I've been busy this time of year. I've been doing some work on restoring the blog and I've become involved with a couple of Google Nerf communities as well. I have plans for a new special mod after the holidays so watch for that. Maybe a new look for the new year too.
How ever you celebrate the holidays may joy and fellowship be in your heart, may foam be flying through the air,
                             ...and            NERF ON NERFerS!!!

"I'm just fool'n Santa, but how's about that blaster?"

Happy Holidays from your pal, Specimen 7

Monday, December 14, 2015

How Should I Know What Happened?



So I posted this image on a Google+ Nerf community last night, perhaps some of you saw it?
Now today all the pictures appear to be gone from my blog NERFARIUM. I tried to restore the images and figure  out what happened  but it seems things were deleted... I just don't know how that could be?  Well I did put a little bit back but for now most of the images from this blog are down. I'm sure I'll be able to at least partially restore a lot of the original images.  In the time being the blog shall continue NERFING ON! Send me a comment or get in contact if you think you know what happened and you can help.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

re-Meet My Elite


                                                             Meet my Elite II

So it seems that a post on my little blaster blog from about 20 months ago is still getting a lot of views. The post is titled Meet my Elite... it is basically just a few images of my Elite arsenal (at that time) and a short summary of the collection.

Elite Arsenal- April 2014

Since then my collection has grown a bit and I thought I might just post an update. So now it's show off time again complete with new pics.  So go ahead and click on "Read more" to see those images and of course...  read more.

Monday, December 7, 2015

A Rhino of a Different Color.

The  elusive  EXCLUSIVE   Blue RHINOFIRE !

Blue RHINOFIRE- A Costco exclusive.

 Ah, the Nerf N-Strike Elite RHINOFIRE. It was lust  at first sight for me back in July of 2014.  I knew I wanted one but I wasn't willing to shell  out $100 or even $80 to $90, but last May  (click for May post)  I found one for a more reasonable price and got it. There were no surprises with it, I was not disappointed, it was exactly what I was expecting it to be.  If I had one complaint about the RHINOFIRE it would be that instead of molding it in traditional Elite Blue they decided to go with white. Well now those goofy bastards over at NERF have produced a blue version exclusively for Costco and Costco UK. They should have made the blaster blue in the first place, and if you want this one you have to be a member of Costco (or have a friend who is). The good news is they only want $87.99 (USD) and it comes as a bonus pack with 4 drums and 100 elite darts. I think it's too bad NERF didn't release this version last year. I probably would have been willing to pay the original 100 dollar price tag and I think that holiday sales of the product would have been a little higher for Hasbro as well. If you want to check out the web site here's a link..... click for Costco- RhinoFire site 
 and ... NERF ON NERFerS!!!

Saturday, November 28, 2015


Keeping my devoted readers updated & Nerfy 


The Holidays; Some new darts; Reorganizing; Other stuff for the end of  November.    Get ready 'cause...




 " Nerf time is Family time.  Blast you All ! "

Friday, November 13, 2015



Destiny has kept us apart, but last night I was finally brought together with a long anticipated NERF N-STRIKE ELITE CROSSBOLT. As fate would have it the price was better too :)