Saturday, June 22, 2013

Our Need for Listening Points

We all need listening points on the planet where we can feel and respond to the rhythms of the Universe as they touch our lives in so many ways. This is one of mine...Point Pelee Ontario Canada at Sunset. We will be heading there soon for our annual 2 week stay.

For more on living  the only life you have to the fullest....Click Here

Friday, June 07, 2013

FREE REPORT: The Healing Power of Laughter

I would like to give you a copy of my popular report "The Healing Power of Laughter" (How to Improve your life and relationships with laughter)

To download your free report click on this link...

Have a fun day.   Mike

Need a speaker with a great message in a fun package?  

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

New Cartoon: Computer Jargon

Hi to All.   I now have a best selling book " The Art Of Verbal Self Defence" . It outsells all my other books  by far.  Take a look here

300 ready to use cartoons for newsletters, memos, powerpoint presentations, bulletin boards etc. Check Here