Monday, July 31, 2006

I guess I'll post

So John tells me with his new software that people are visiting my site even though I haven't been posting. Sorry all you people. Guilt was always a strong motivator in my life.

Anyway John writes about most of the things going on around here so I guess I don't have much to say. I help him write sometimes too, but I'll tell you what's going on here.

Tonight I went to the library's grand finale to their summer reading program. I debated whether or not to go but finally decided to because they were giving away lots of free door prizes that you could only win if you go. Anyway so I took 4 tired girls by myself, because John left today for CO for a business trip. Now for me this is a feat in itself. Anyway, so I got up there and what were they having for treats? Popsicles. I was hoping the girls wouldn't notice but the lady standing at the door saying, "Hey EVERYONE can have a popsicle!" didn't help. But remarkably the girls didn't really get any on their clothes or themselves (they did get some on the library chairs but I figure they're the ones who gave them to them, and Ruth didn't get one because she's not old enough to verbalize, "I want one!" That's why I love babies!)

So then we got to the prizes and guess what I won? A brand new Lewis and Clark commemorative edition DUTCH OVEN! I about cracked up. Now don't get me wrong, I love the dutch oven. It looks really nice and it's preseasoned and everything. But I'm sure I made quite the picture: This pregnant lady(I already look pregnant and I'm only 4 and a half months along--it's pathetic) trailing 4 little kids, one in a stroller, all ready for bed, and lugging this big box that weighs like 20-30 pounds. Couldn't I have won the restaurant gift certificate that I could have slipped in my purse? Oh well. Hopefully we'll make something really good in the dutch oven and not loan it to the scouts and never see it again like we did with our last one. The food on the box looked great. I can't wait until John gets home to try it. A guy I vaguely recognized from my days at BYU came up with his wife and offered to carry it to my car for me, but I was too embarassed to accept so I did it myself. His wife said something like, "That's all you needed--give the dutch oven to the pregnant lady with 4 little kids." We all laughed. But we made it to the car, home and into bed so I guess that's all that matters.