Friday, February 26, 2010


For those of you who would like a Wazel update (thanks, Brenda, for asking), I wish I could tell you she had come, but alas, no such luck. Contractions come and go, but mostly, they're not happening so much. Wazel's heartbeat was consistently way above normal at our Dr. appt. yesterday, so we spent a not-so-fun 3 1/2 hours at the hospital being monitored and having an ultrasound done. The Dr. on-call was considering a C-section, thinking the baby was in distress, but thank goodness he determined that wasn't necessary after seeing the results of the ultrasound. Turns out, the baby is fine - she passed all the tests; apparently she was just excited and happily moving around.

Me, on the other hand, have spent a relatively quiet week at home. I have used up all the wheat flour I have in the house by baking treats for Ken . . . but have definitely eaten my fair share - which isn't so great for my allergy, but its great for boredom. I go for a walk and take a nap every day, and thankfully, don't waste too much of my time watching TV (there isn't much on when you don't have cable). I've given up the idea that Wazel will come early, and have resigned myself to more boredom while I wait.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Waiting Game

Have I mentioned before that I'm not a patient person? The unknown kills me. I want to know when, where, and how events are going to take place. But now I must wait - without knowing when it will all take place.

My last day of work (prior to maternity leave) was Friday (Feb 19). I really thought Wazel would have come by then, or at least soon afterwards, but no such luck. My sisters and my mother, all had their babies early or right on time, so I have possibly set myself up for disappointment, as I was planning on Wazel coming early too. I know I still have a week until my due date, so she could still come early. But I'm ready now . . . I just don't think she is.

So I wait. And wonder what to do with myself every day that I'm not at work.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wrong Number

So this morning I get a text message. It reads:

"How r u feeling this morning :)? Steve"

I don't know a Steve. But I'm feeling a bit mischievous - knowing it's a wrong number - I respond with:

"Very pregnant! Thanks for asking. Sharon"

I really wanted to leave my name off the text message, but somehow when I went to hit "send", I just couldn't be that mean.

Steve responds with "Wrong number huh?"

Ya think? But then I felt kind of sorry for Steve. Here he was trying to be nice and flirtatious to some girl he obviously doesn't know well enough to have right number . . . and who knows if she blew him off with the wrong number.

Well, the good news is - I HAVE a sweetie, who knows MY number, AND asks me how I'm feeling in the morning :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Opinions Needed

Hand sanitizer: Necessity or Overkill?

I've always thought hand sanitizer was for camping and hiking. It has come in "handy" when I haven't been able to wash my hands, but that's about the limit of what I've used it for.

Now, however, Ken and I have been told by multiple people that we should carry sanitizer with us, and dole it out as a requirement to touch the baby. It seems a tad excessive to me, but maybe I'm naive?

So, taking a vote here: Is it really a necessity or overkill?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ready . . . Set . . . Go?

Baby's bed set up - check
Car seat installed - check
Ken healthy and able to help around the house - check
Baby showers - check
(With a cute diaper "cake")

Baby clothes washed and ready - check
Child birth classes completed - check
Pre-registered at hospital - check
Bags packed and ready to go - check
Tired, uncomfortable, and ready for this baby to come - check
(faking a smile)

37 weeks and counting down

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Occasionally I see signs or advertising that make me laugh - typos on marquees, weird wording, etc. And I decided that I wanted to start writing about them - maybe these "advertising wrecks" would make someone else laugh . . . and maybe not - maybe I'm the only one who will find these things funny or odd.

So, the other day at work, I noticed a container of personal care wipes (baby wipes for adults). I can't even remember what the brand or product name was, but its tag line was: "The soft touch of aloe in every wipe". Really, have you seen an aloe vera plant?

Soft is probably the last thing I think of when I think of an aloe vera plant. I have used the liquid from an aloe vera plant to soothe my sunburns and other burns - so I'm thinking a better tag line would have been "The soothing touch of aloe in every wipe". But that's just my opinion.

And then I'm doing errands, driving around town, and I see 2 people dressed up as the Statue of Liberty, waving signs for the Liberty Tax Service. And I think to myself, "is getting your taxes done an impulse?" I can understand waving signs for a car wash or a food place - hey my car IS dirty or I AM hungry, I should stop. But tax services? Do you just happen to have your shoebox full of receipts and your W-2s in the car with you, and think, oh yeah, I need to get my taxes done, I should pull in?

Keeping my eyes open for more "advertising wrecks".