Saturday, September 10, 2005


The move is now about a week away: September 19. I'm looking forward to it - starting to get a little cool in the evenings and mornings here. I'll be glad to get to the land of endless summer, hurricanes or no. Time to buy those boat shoes.

Friday, September 02, 2005

The beginning

I never thought I'd have a blog. Seems like a lot of trouble, really, and perhaps a little narcissistic. I've never been able to commit to keeping a journal, so we'll see just how long this lasts. It's the same sort of thing, really. The difference is that now my mental ramblings will be available all over the world with the click of a button. Not sure I like the idea, but there are people out there with whom I would like to keep in touch. Hoping this will help in that capacity. Hmm. Well, here goes.