Thursday, September 29, 2011

Lost in Translation

Muchas Garcias?  Somebody needs to watch more Sesame Street.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Change of Lunch Plans

What happens to a person who leaves not only her cell phone but her wallet at home while rushing off to work in the morning? That person gets to sample the epicurean delights of Yakisoba.

That's exactly what happened to me today, and thus my lunchtime prospects were looking pretty bleak. Fortunately for me I have a rather lax attitude about the proper storing of pocket change and was able to scrape up $1.85 worth of jingle from the cupholder, my pockets, and the bottom of one of my desk drawers. Having forgotten about the value menu at Wendy's (from which I could have gotten a nice baked tater or side salad), I set off to the General Store to see what that change would get me at tourist prices. The last time I had this sort of escapade I had $1.74 and ended up with an ersatz microwaveable burrito. This time I decided to go in a different direction.

My choices in the instant noodle category were varied, but I settled on the Yakisoba. You know, it might come in a fancy plastic tray, but let's call a spade a spade here - it's glorified ramen. I will readily admit that I do enjoy a good ramen from time to time. For reasons I can't explain I even like the little freeze dried veggies in the cup-o-ramen. So, you can imagine my intrigue at the addition of what appeared to have been cabbage to the mix. I suppose I could have read the wrapper, but it definitely seemed like cabbage. If you're going to go the Yakisoba route, let me offer you this advice: microwave for half the time, then flip the noodle block and continue. I followed the directions to a T, but I ended up with about 1/4 crunchy noodles. You can imagine the insult this added on top of my already disappointing lunch. Bummer.

Anyhow, the result of this experience has been to push me even further toward my current obsession: bento. Of course, if I can't remember my phone and my wallet who's to say that I'll remember my lunch. I have been taking bento to work rather successfully lately, though, and I have to say it's enjoyable. The argument can be made that packed lunch is packed lunch regardless of what you call it, but there is definitely a certain sensibility to bento. I have actually managed some quasi-authentic-looking Japanese cuisine in recent weeks. This effort is complicated more than a little bit by the conspicuous absence of a proper Asian market in this area, but I do what I can. Oh, to have an Uwajimaya. Of course, after having visited Japantown in San Francisco I'm going to be hard pressed to find anything I consider adequate. I've managed to scrape together some basic supplies between New Frontiers and World Market, but I don't think I'm going to locate furikake anywhere in northern Arizona. I will probably have to make my own. Alas. I didn't really have the pep to get in the kitchen tonight, so I think tomorrow's lunch will just consist of leftovers. Bigger plans for tomorrow night.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Life is for Livin'

Tonight I made this cake with pineapple puree and cream cheese in it, and we broke off bits and ate it with our hands.  You gotta enjoy the now.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

They Just Don't Give A Ship

Today it's time for yet another of my shipping rants. We have been expecting some important documents to be delivered by FedEx - you know, the sign-and-return kind of documents. Yesterday while we were still sleeping we got a message on the machine from the driver saying that they were short on drivers and he'd like to deliver our package to the Village, about 30 miles away from our home. I called the local office to find out what the deal was, and they said he was out for delivery and that the package should be delivered to the house after all. Great, right? No. The package did not show up. Isn't the FedEx slogan something like "The World, On Time"? Considering that this is not the first time something like this has happened, I'm thinking it should be something more like "Some Places, As Long As It's A Place With Lots Of Cars and Tall Buildings, If The Weather Is Nice, The Driver Feels Like It, And We Can Get Those Nice Little Sandwiches With The Crusts Cut Off For Lunch - Oh, And A Shrubbery". See, now it's Saturday so I have to wait two more extra days to get my documents because they don't deliver on the weekends! I realize we live in a vaguely remote area, but if you're going to sell a service, DELIVER, for heaven's sake!!!

Time to revive The Mailboat!

I know. I know. I've been away forever...after...being away forever. One post every few years sucks. In my defense I have a really crappy internet connection and not a lot of free time. I'm going to give this a go again, though. I've been kicking around the idea of starting a new blog since I'm not on "the island" anymore, but I've decided that The Mailboat can continue to sail regardless of my seriously non-aquatic environment. We do what we can. I'm hoping that the rise of the smart phone will make this whole timely blogging thing a little easier. We shall see. What can you expect from The Mailboat in the future? I dunno. It'll probably be whatever pisses me off, pleases me, or kind of makes me scratch my head during the course of my day-to-day. Randomness is about all that I can promise you. But hey, if you're here that's probably pretty random to start with. Kismet!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dat's alotta dollbabies!!!

Lots of fun today at the Phoenix and Northern Arizona Blythe Meet in Sedona! 8 collectors, and about a zillion dollies were in attendance. We swiped one of the restaurant's benches and moved it over to our table so we could set them all up. Aren't they just the cutest?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dog Day Afternoon

Dog Day Afternoon, originally uploaded by superlativeworld.

Well, it's been nearly a year since I've posted to the Mailboat, but here I am. Lots has happened in the last year and we are no longer living in the Keys. We have moved to Northern Arizona and gotten a couple of dogs, and are trying to spend as much of our free time as possible enjoying the outdoors and the multitude of public lands in this area. Here are our pups, River (black lab) and Jasper (rez mutt) at Lake Powell on Sunday. Too much fun!

Monday, July 14, 2008

As American as Apple Pee

Alright, so who just could not allow Independence Day to remain a wholesome, good clean fun kind of holiday? I demand to know! I should have saved this box for Jay Leno.