As details of the earthquake tragedy in Haiti unfold, I'm trying to help get the word out about relief efforts at
Pwoje Espwa
Just wanted to let you know, so you can possibly share with your many contacts around the country (& world), about the efforts through this organization and that it's a great DIRECT line to the "front line" in Haiti. There are many worthy organizations out there and most of those efforts/funds will be rightfully focused on Port-au-Prince, at the epicenter, but the outlying areas desperately need aid as well. And, they are able to provide aid without all the extreme logistical challenges going on in the capitol city.
Refugees and injured people are streaming into Les Cayes from Port-au-Prince in droves now, yet with all the chaos, it may be days before relief reaches this area. These people need food, water and medical care. Fr. Marc and the staff at
Pwoje Espwa are not only caring for the approx 680 children at the orphanage, but they are trying to help others who are desperate for help. Currently, they are preparing meals out of their old facility in the middle of town and they are sharing what food and medical supplies/aid they have, as the need is so tremendous. They're going out on faith that their own very limited supplies will somehow be replenished, because time is of essence for so many.
If you are interested in a direct, grass-roots line of care already in operation on the ground by those who live in Haiti ... please consider donations through Seems everyone is looking for a channel in which to donate ... please help spread the word about this one. Since they are (relatively) small in comparison to the many large organizations providing aid in Haiti ... it's difficult to get the word out to the masses.
Pwoje Espwa ( will need much help in the days and weeks ahead as this situation will not be quickly remedied. Thanks for remembering them. This is a desperate situation.