Saturday, October 8, 2011

Little Isak is here!

Isak Bowen Osthed
7 lb. 7 oz. 21 inches

Right after he was born.

The big sisters' first time meeting Isak.

My handsome boys!

Yes, he is here! He has been here for a month now and we just love him! His sisters absolutely adore him! I thought Maya would be very jealous, but she gives him more kisses than I have ever gotten from her! Isak is a good baby and we are still adjusting. We are so happy to add a brother to our family.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

April 2011

Starting to lose our view to the West of us.

Since Simon is back to teaching, we got to enjoy a little spring break! Our week started off with some fun! I had my ultrasound to find out what we are having in September. We are having a BOY!!! We are so excited!! He will be joining us sometime around September 7th.

We went to the aquarium.

Then we head to Idaho for a few days! The girls just love the dress-ups at Grandma's house!

You can always find a pair of grandma's glasses laying around. Why do kids just love glasses?!? I love this picture of Maya with grandma's glasses on! :)

The girls also love seeing the wind turbines. So we thought we would get up close. They are so huge!

Coloring eggs for Easter

Easter egg hunt
It was so cold that day. We finished the egg hunt just before it started to rain!

New Easter/Spring dresses
Nice poses!

Front Yard!!!

We got our front yard! We love seeing some green in our yard now!

This is the best "before" picture. They just finished the sprinklers and started putting topsoil on.

Curbing in and waiting for the weather to be nice enough to get the grass in.

Most of the grass in.

Patio in the front

DONE!!! Just need to get some plants in the front.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Random pictures that make me smile...

Just some random pictures that put a smile on my face.

Maya loves her glasses.

Can't go wrong with the pink cowboy hat, Superman sweatshirt, and plaid skirt!

Brynn is becoming quite the artist. She drew this elephant.

They begged and begged to go outside and use their umbrellas and rainboots. Didn't last long because it was freezing cold.

Making a pretty rainbow out of Pappa's "soccer drink" (Powerade).

Maya loved watching and feeling the rain hit the door.

Just a little reading break.

This one doesn't bring too much of a smile because she was sick with RSV (luckily a very mild case). But she still looks happy.