Short version of his birth:
C-section was done...tubes tied and now onto recovery. Oh and Paul will still be going in to get his snip snip...2 women while I was in the hospital had, had their tubes tied and they were there delivering...hmmmm! So I'm not chancing it. Paul has got to do HIS part too!
Monday morning felt sick had some bleeding called the doctor and went to the hospital. I was examined and was at a 0 but my contractions were coming on strong. Hours later and depending on who examined me I was anywhere from a 3-5cm...of course they went with the 3. Then they checked me and my bag was bulging but his head wasn't engaged and I was slowly continuing to progress so they didn't want me to go home because if my water broke the cord could come out and well results were grim- baby dying, so they had me stay over night. Throughout the night many more contractions but the pain wasn't bad at all. Next day-Tuesday they checked me and couldn't find Luke's head but the bag was bulging still and I was still progressing further but slowly so the did an ultrasound only to find that over night he had turned with his head up and feet down so the had to "massage" my stomach and turn him...TWICE! Now still Tuesday his head was down but his hand was coming out too. Not good so they waited a bit I napped and woke up telling them I think he has turned again so the did an ultrasound and sure enough he now had his sholder coming out instead of his hand...can't deliver shoulder first so c-section here I come.
Before I went in and Paul to the right
C-section was done...tubes tied and now onto recovery. Oh and Paul will still be going in to get his snip snip...2 women while I was in the hospital had, had their tubes tied and they were there delivering...hmmmm! So I'm not chancing it. Paul has got to do HIS part too!
That's the jest of the story..kinda crude but another time we can talk about it ;)
Finally after not eating sweets forever (gestaional diabetes) and then being in the hospital for over 12 hours with nothing to eat...I had my chocolate cake and a few cupcakes!
Luke Eric: Born October 20th 6lbs 6.9oz born early at 36 weeks- Mom and baby are fine, tired and way too emotional!
Finally after not eating sweets forever (gestaional diabetes) and then being in the hospital for over 12 hours with nothing to eat...I had my chocolate cake and a few cupcakes!
My kiddo's with their new baby brother:
Noah & Luke
Madeline & Luke
Ben & Luke
Paige...without Luke???
Luke in his car seat (going home weight 5lbs 11oz)
Noah & Luke
Madeline & Luke
Ben & Luke
Paige...without Luke???
However she did make this really cute picture!
After 6 nights in the hospital and 7 days I was ready to leave...sorta! I have to admit being home is way more challenging and emotionally draining that being in the hospital seemed like a cake walk HOWEVER glad to be home! Still can't believe I have 5 KIDS!
Luke in his car seat (going home weight 5lbs 11oz)
Thanks for all the well wishes and all the help I have and will be recieving! I am so very thankful and happy!