Sunday, April 25, 2010


studying musica calade by fréderic pompou these days
found this slideshow, was shocked to see
it was a tribute to a 12 year old Sophie who passed away
and then....
was relieved, somehow,
when I found out who Sophie really was.
I knew there was something
mythical about the sound of this piece.

Monday, April 19, 2010

the thinking hand

Views of the exhibition of Enzo Mari's paperweight collection
"the intellectual work", exhibition curated by barbara casavecchia
kaleidoscope project space, april 13 - 30, 2010, Milan

"mari has always investigated the role of the intellectual, the cooperation of thinking
and doing, heads and hands. words and things.(...) but there is more.
granting the papers months and years to mature, to form geological
layers of meditation, also means escaping the oppressive mechanisms of the productive
system, the compulsive logic of efficiency at all costs. it means affording oneself
the subversive luxury of taking all the required time to develop a good project. it means
extending the range of research in order to get an overall picture, acting against
the increasing hyper-specialization that restrains creative expression nowadays.
(...) perhaps the paperweights and the notes are ultimately talismans, there to exorcise
the risk of being complacent and giving up the search."

'I could affirm that the intellectual work
lies in saying NO.
negation is addressed not only to others,
but also to your own goal, because the final
aim is getting to the essence.'
- enzo mari

source images & text: designboom

The title of this post is taken from an expression which Erik
recently used to describe his ideas of art education, De Denkende Hand

Living with Berlage

These days Berlage, Krijn & Cathelijne's rabbit, is staying with me.
Or better said: is taking over the studio...

First her space was 1/3 of the front space but since she jumped over the fence
everytime I walked out of the room I now granted the whole front studio to her.
But ground floor is not enough for Berlage and everything is worth jumping on.
This morning Berlage ate parsely, cucumber, some bread and salad.
And some of my morning newspaper.
I think we are becoming friends.

Friday, April 16, 2010

good, better, other

Image by Bas Princen, who was in Burkina Faso and Mali last week for Icon magazine
(which is put together by an editorial team of four, incredible but true)

What's going on?
Is it a drive-by closet?
A roadside instant shop?
Someone's migrated balcony?
Probably all of them.

What came first, the clothes or the tree?

Tree, clothes hanging to dry, wind and road -
They look like they have always belonged together,
even though we learnt they are not supposed to.

Another example of how little we really know
how poor generic design is
and how immensely rich the world is,
if we are able to see it!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

life comes first

Photo: Cihan Lacin,

Life comes first and is the source of my work.
Work was never not meant to hollow life out,
no matter how passionate you are about it.

That's what I told an interviewer from the city
when she asked me
how I draw the border
between life and work.

Quetions are beautiful things.
They often trigger a truth
that was not evident until that moment.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Raoul - one had to move to see

Foreseen, 1989, Eindhoven

Raoul who was always there for us, is no longer amongst us.
He stepped out of time and cut short the life he couldn't live anymore.
Raoul left some traces online and I brought some together here.
Because without attention for one another, each and everyone of us is alone.
Raoul: we had no idea we are so sorry (words by Annelys today at the ceremony)
Here are some notions and phrases, which for me remain associated with Raoul's curiosity,
enthusiasm and generosity; pieced together from memory, email fragments and just plain sadness.

"Een ander beeld vraagt om een andere (talige) structuur wil zij niet in haar mimetische kwaliteit het afleggen tegen de grotere macht waar tegen zij zich juist wil afzetten." - Date: 8 March 2007 19:03:22 CET

Er zal dus eigenlijk een ander discours geproduceerd moeten worden dat meer het bricolerende weefsel zelf mimetiseert....." - Date: 26 April 2007 23:01:06 CEST

"We moeten, en ik herhaal mijn argument van de laatste ontmoeing- het maar eens uitgebreid over representatie hebben..." - Date: 26 April 2007 23:01:06 CEST

"Met tekst –want het leek de hele tijd die kant op te gaan- bedoelde ik niet een gedrukte –of anderszins gepubliceerde tekst maar het weefsel (textuur) van betekenissen die een museum om een kunstwerk weeft. (...) Kortom tekst als textuur en/of weefsel." - Date: 26 April 2007 23:01:06 CEST

"Tamelijk eenvoudig eigenlijk. Wanneer je bijvoorbeeld kijkt naar de gemiddelde behandeling van een kunstwerk dan wordt het overgrote deel benut om te beschrijven WAT er zichbaar is en zelden HOE iets zichtbaar wordt gesteld."- Date: 13 May 2007 11:02:49 CEST

"De esthetica hernomen (Paul Frissen). (...) De kunsten en de vormgeving en hoe zij (misschien wel als verschil zijn weggevallen in de nieuwe media) kunnen deze rol op zich nemen." - Date: 13 October 2007 13:52:44 CEST

Bergon en Heidegger over de ervaring van de duur: "“zij valt samen met de wereld, zoekt daarin het singuliere en onherhaalbare dat op zijn beurt onpresenteerbaar is” - zie: H. Bergson, Introduction to Metaphysics p.7

Hi guys (Magnum P.I. Season 1976),
Hoi jongens,
Hé geluksvogel (zomaar in Detroit...),
Mijn waarde kenniskringleden,

Woekeren en opschorten
Dit spel is nooit waardevrij

Differentie als verlangen
Voorbij goed of slecht.....

Om mijn positie te ‘hernemen’.....
Ook wil ik nog even stilstaan bij
Tussen zien en weten
“Het lichaam is ruimte, het bewustzijn tijd” (Bergson) - en dit valt niet op te lossen [RT]
Zij [dit leven, dit landschap] wordt dus ervaren maar kan niet in haar geheel uitgedrukt worden.
Dit volgend wordt het voorgestelde uitermate interessant.

"In andere woorden: we maken betekenis door "tussen" de betekenisgevende
structuren te gaan 'staan' en niet meer door een plek (locus) aan te wijzen
waar deze gevonden kan worden." (over Lyotard's intrasemische ruimte)

Hier wordt ontwerpen ont-werpen.....

Voor jou altijd:
You’re welcome en het is altijd als steun bedoeld

Het was een goede middag.....
Veel succes alvast!
En nu ieder een fijne avond!
Geniet van dit weekend!
Geniet van je weekend!
Liefs en goed weekend!
Tot gauw,

En zo heb ik nog meer mar zal ik het hier even bij laten?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Subject to change or the space love needs

"Subject to Change" performed by NDT, Choreography bij Lightfoot & Léon

there is a point when the carpet she dances on,
the space in which she manifests all the love she holds within her,
that carpet shifts under her feet and turns her world around.
Sil and I were sitting on the tip of our chairs by then, moved to tears.

PS Noticed something strange in the format, right click the trailer and zoom out
or view full screen to not miss the margins of the carpet
(that's where it's all happening, in the fringes... of course)

Subject to Change is part of True to II, a compilation including also the virtuoso, super precise Shutters Shut and the magnanimous Cacti by young (24 year old yet author of 23 choreographies?!) Aleksander Ekman. Last chance to see and feel it all: tonight in Utrecht and tomorrow in Alkmaar.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Déracinner les pensées

Unroooted countless blackberrie bushes today, to make space
for a small magnolia, a group of snowdrops and three handful of field flowers
(which we call sneeuwklokje –snowbell– in Dutch, and perce-neige –snow piercer– in French)

Noticed a few parallels between the way roots and thoughts behave

a small stem says nothing about the size of the root below
a small stem that looks like it's by itself often turns out to be connected to some bigger root
(sometimes many meters further, in any direction)
pulling gently on the root yields more result
a hard pull will break the root off, leaving it amputated
to free a root you need to dig the earth up in a circle around it
at first it looks messy but it's also refreshing
shaking a root and seeing clumps of earth fall apart in black dust feels REALLY good
it made me think of the earth globe racing through space
raking the earth till it's soft and even feels EVEN better

Also cleaned up an uncanny pile of trash that was under my terrace when I moved in
and that I had tried to ignore over the winter. After getting rid of the most horrible stuff
I was left with earth and bricks of every possible size. I masoned them into a more or less even surface.

Bringing some kind of intention or direction or reading mode into whatever material
you are confronted with always works - it turns it into something, at least.

eco cathedraal van Kunsthistoricus, architect en filosoof Louis Guillaume Le Roy in Mildam (fr)