Tonight is not the first night that I lost my cool and yelled at my kids. I wasn't actually yelling at them more just yelling in general frustration. My voice has been gone for the past month and a half I just got done teaching young kids dance, something I love but strains my voice... I was tired and realizing that I was getting a cold when I don't have time to be sick . It was just too much and it was 9 o'clock at night and my kids were still awake. My husband has been gone for three days and we have three more months to go. It just feels overwhelming sometimes, and I hit my tired, sick, no patience breaking point. I told my kids I was sorry that I was just frustrated that my voice is been gone for so long, and that I felt overwhelmed and I missed daddy. The reaction they gave me next was surprising touching. I asked Benson if I could sleep with one of his stuffed animals. He offered me his Nemos. Little baby fishes that he sleeps with every night. Eden then climbed on her bunkbed and brought me kitty meow meow. Kitty meow meow has her most beloved favorite stuffed animal/toy for the past 4 years.. She tells me I can sleep with kitty meow meow with tears in her eyes. Knowing how much this special pet means to Eden I asked if she could give me any other of her special stuffed animals. She tearfully held her ground. She said, "Mom, I've slept without kitty meow meow before, I know I can do it again". I could tell she was making a sacrifice for me because she loved me. I Felt so overwhelmed to be a recipient of this kind of big love. She offered up the best she had in order to comfort me. Bedtime went better after that. We giggled and listened to our messages from daddy. It still took 45 minutes and I was still exhausted afterwards but I felt so profoundly loved by my sweet little children. Family Life is not about perfection but loving each other in our imperfection.