Saturday, April 11, 2009

Reading Harold and the Purple Crayon

Now Henni can read (recite) many books on her own. Here Scott got on the video Henni reading the entire book of Harold and the Purple Crayon. It is one of my favorite children's books, and I was surprised to see how well she can read for herself (alas, I wasn't there to witness it in person!). One of the funniest parts in the videos is in the beginning of the first clip, where she says "Harold and the Purple Crayon... by...Elmos and Doras." This is a habit she picked up from yours truly who always makes sure to say the name of the author(s) after reading the title.

Henni-isms 6


Henni still makes us laugh with everything she says.

Henni: (pointing at her knee) Dada, I got a boo-boo!!
Scott: (kissing where she has pointed) Let me kiss it and it will be all better.
Henni: (seriously upset) It is NOT better!
Even a couple of months ago, a kiss used to make every boo-boo "better" but not so anymore.

Me: (making a V sign with the index and middle fingers) Henni, go like this! It is for Victory!
Henni: That is not victory, that's TWO!

Scott: (pointing to Henni's big post-dinner tummy) What's in there, Henni?
Henni: (declaring proudly, with an obvious accent on "very") My very own baby!

Scott and I always spell out words that we don't want the kids to hear, like c-a-n-d-y or i-c-e-c-r-e-a-m. One day, we heard her say out of nowhere, "My name is b-a-n-a-n-a-s."

I made some clanking noise doing the dishes and Henni called after me with a tint of worry in her voice, "Try not to break the plates, Mama!"

After seeing cherry blossom petals falling on our backyard, Henni said very matter of factly, "It's snowing with flowers! What a MESS!"
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Easter Egg Hunt 2009


Henni and Junjun got to participate in the Embassy's Easter Egg Hunt. Although it has gotten very warm in Seoul recently, because of the high yellow dust level, they rarely get to play outside. Today, the weather and the air quality cooperated with all the scheduled activities, and kids had a great time outside. It was Henni's first Easter Egg Hunt, because last year, it rained all weekend long around Easter, and all the activities were canceled. Henni liked finding eggs for the first 3 minutes and then lost all interest soon thereafter. She'd much rather ride the swing or play with sand. She got to have one out of about 15 eggs she found, and mom successfully hid the rest.
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