Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Things That Do Not Matter

Maybe a scar on your heart from today isn't as bad as the void in your soul tomorrow. Maybe second chances are all we need to keep shooters out of schools with pure innocence and free hope. Maybe we have this story all wrong and "bad guys" are just lost and "good people" just have yet to show you their flaws.

The Kid Turns 12 Today

Happy birthday Ash!!! I love you and hope that you have so much fun today! You are a pain so often, but I'm glad youre my brother, cause other times you are awesome. Mom will be over this afternoon, she loves you, of course. Dad loves you too, so we all hope today is great. Rachel, josh, Taylor, and Zoei all pass on a happy birthday as well. 

Friday, March 29, 2013

The Words you can't take back

Every time you tell someone you love them, they believe you with everything they have, until they know just how hard it is to glue the pieces together again after someone else has shattered you. If you're going to say it you best be ready to mean it and prepares to stay. And of you're going to come see me, to hold me tight and say everything will be ok then you best be ready to cry once more in this lifetime.
Just in case you didn't hear it last night before you ran away, I love you too. I always have.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Colored Pencils

Sometimes seeing things in color makes more sense than the black and white mess you would see otherwise.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Future

So many things can happen, focus on now to have the best chances.

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Sun is Made of Ice

You can't believe anything anyone says however you do need to listen to everything everyone says. Take their words and make them a part of your soul, don't let those words inside though. I hope you can tell what you need and don't need because it's all important. because its all bullshit.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Honors

As long as it has meaning when you do it you should feel the highest honor imaginable has been bestowed upon your delicate lacy heart. 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Unspoken Words (TSI 025)

Whenever I get upset people around here usually say, "taylor loves you smile please, madison" well today nobody knew what i felt like or why. Honestly I dont even know why i felt so bad. While i was looking out the window at the beautiful rain coming down a car pulled in my driveway to turn around, obviously they were as lost as I felt. But as they left i.noticed the.license plate said "tly 567" and without meaning to I thought of what my friend always says... I just hope shes right, I hope one day you are the reason I smile.
P.s. Names have been changed like that of most posts.

Friday, March 22, 2013

The Final Words

And when they ask you for my final words I need you to tell them I was here, I lived, I loved, I fell down, I always got back up. But most importantly I left my heart for you

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Colorful Socks

So many little things make me think of you at the most random times. When do I get to see you again?

The Point Is

If you dont try to be happy, you never will be. If you cry just to cry you are bringing yourself sorrow and pain. If someone breaks your heart its only because you managed to break theirs.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Fact is

Love is love, nothing more and nothing less. Hate on the other hand is indifference, pain, confusion and so much more.

The Smile is Worth it

You are beautiful, you are fabulous, you are wonderful, you are cute, you are so much fun and so sweet. And you need to know that this world wouldnt stand a chance at being anything close to great without you. I love you. They love you. i know you love you too. Thats good. Just remember our love is unconditional and you are more than worthy.

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Sad Story

How about instead of telling people I was a screw up you think about it first then tell them I was human. I was born, I lived, I made mistakes, and finally Time took me from this stupid, ugly body and let me be among the stars shining bright with hope for all to see.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Post for Gabbi Sorrenson

Happy birthday hun! Sorry its so late compared to the other posts today! I know you had a dance recital today at the strand, I hope it went well. I.miss you.much and love you!

The Reasonn Why

The screaming.
The name calling.
The "You should be more like her".
The horrible people at school.
The people hating me.
The friends ignoring me.
The heartache.
The screwed up family.
The pain they all cause me.
The lonliness.

You still wonder why I do it? It's all these things together that make me do it. It's my fucked-up life that makes me want to.

The Best day ever

Happy Birthday StringyBean we loves you with all our hearts. Have a beautiful day and a stunning time.
And dont forget to feed your ninja.have fun!!!! You are wonderful and we are so glad to spend today with you.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Capacity is Only So Much

One can only love for so long before their mind is robbed of the invigorating details. Hatred can only last for as long as you remember who wronged you and how. But the mind is stronger than that because it has the compacity to think, do, and act anyway you desire.

The Excuses

Life is coming at me faster than I can bear and honestly I am not sure how often I will be able to post. I will do the est I can though, dont forget me, please.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Sun Still Shines

Every day after a long day of idiots tearing you down at school you stand at the mirror in your room and stare at the gorgeous girl on the other side. "where are you hiding?" You ask quietly, "why cant I be like you?!" You gently place your silver glinting tiara on top of your loose curls and gaze at the simple change and the smile slowly streatching across your stunning face. Then you wipe away your tears and smeared make up as you wonder what they would think of this version-the real version- of you. And when you take the metal masterpiece off of your head you ask yourself what happened to the joy when they called you "Princess" and "Beautiful." Baby, I see the tears coming when they are not looking  and I know you will be a fine queen to someone wonderful when the time comes and love has finally found you. I love you Hun, and do not forget that -I unconditionally love you now and forever.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013

The simple question

Are you going to stay or leave me like everyone else? Telle now because I am not falling apart again.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Children Play Cause...

And if you've ever wondered why children are the only ones pretending to be superheros in the street or astronauts as they hide under covers at night, I hope you know it is because they haven't seen the cruelty of the world just yet. Now I know what you're thinking, I know it's not right, artists and actors are children playing too, but that's cause they're here to entertain you.

Friday, March 8, 2013

The Song Stuck in my Head

Sorry hun, this picture is perfect!

"It's not that you're not beautiful  you're just not beautiful to me.She said how beautiful do I have to be " Honestly, when we talk now I feel like that and it makes me wonder just how long I can stay strong before I break down from knowing that I'll never be good enough for you. Really, I thought we might have a chance, once a little time passed, I thought that we would be O.K. I thought I could deal with this, then I fell for you - I fell completely ad that's the biggest mistake of my life. You don't want me to be your friend, you don't have any feelings for me at all and you never will. You're just killing me, you're part of the reason I am so depressed lately, and truly I don't know what else I can do. " When I look in the mirror you're the only thing I see and I have loved you beautifully."    < is the song stuck in my head

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Only Story You'll Ever Let Me Read

You aren't really here when you're with me. I can see it in your eyes when they glaze over as though you're scared to death and I'm the one killing my only friend... If you'd like to leave, then please do so now. If not, I hope you come back soon, I miss you.

I know something is wrong, I don't know what it is though. If you would ve so kind as to tell me, I would love to help you. It's clear that you have back crying lately, if I were there when you shed those tears, I  promise I would stop them.

The whole world believes you when you say that you're okay, I'm glad I'm not part of them, ecause I know that you have never told a lie farther from the truth.

I hope this is not the end of your story, but if it is, please give me a fair warning so I can put down the ook and go back to writing my own. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Coffin Isn't Neccessary

Love, love like you've never loved before  Love, love with all your heart. Love, love now. Love, love as though your life depends on it, because at the moment it really does and I'd hate to lose you this way.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Art of Words

They are simply meaningless until you come along and give them a purpose. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Strangers with Cameras

I know you know how to pose but could you please show me the real you? If only for one moment I would like to love your true soul instead of the monster you have let them make of you. Perhaps that is why people so often refuse to smile for the cameras shoved in their face when there is a dark world and absolutely no reason to smile. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Tallest Tree Around

If you can't find me I'm out trying to find me too. I don't know why but I keep hiding; I guess I feel safer that way. Please don't be mad, I promise I'll be home for dinner this time.

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Meaning Of Somethings...

I thought I could give this to you, but now I see it is wrong. It is selfish of me to say something is only for you when the entire world can see what we are going through. Hopefully now everyone will see meaning in this, because I no longer have the strength to say its ALL FOR YOU...