A little Bit About Me

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Someplace in Thyme

I have been creating since I was a little girl. I am happy to say that having my own website has opened up a whole new world for me. Trying new mediums is a joy and sometimes a real eye opener. I sell what I create on etsy and my website, someplaceinthyme. If you have questions,please email me at cpeterson72@q.com. I welcome new blog friends and am honored if you find my little piece of heaven interesting enough to follow.

Saturday, June 14, 2014


 As I was scrolling through some of my floral photos, I thought I would share some of those that are from the desert. I think when you see some of the beauty of a cactus in bloom, it takes your breathe way.
 How can something so prickly be so beautiful? Yet, here it is, in all it's glory.
 And then, there are the stranger than fiction blooms. Makes you wonder what planet this came from!!
 If you didn't know better, you would think the plant is dead or dying, but it's not. I don't know how the thing stands up.

 This plants blooms are like cotton and fly all over. Good thing I have no allergies.
 This is a desert, yellow bird of paradise which lives in my front yard. It has no scent, but gives you these lovely flowers and delicate, lacy leaves.
 This is a funky looking cactus but the blooms are so cute.
 This only needs one word, gorgeous.
 Snow Drops in my statuary in the back yard. Love this.
 I took a photo of this cactus at a shop, couldn't believe how long the plant was to how small the pot is. I can tell you when she blooms, she is a winner.
 This is the front of my home on the side. This cactus has arms that are beginning to lay down everywhere, but when she blooms, oh my! I am in love.
 These blooms have a heavenly scent too. It's too bad they last less than a day.

I hope you enjoyed your little tour of what grows around me. I have more to show, but that has to wait another day. Be safe and be sure to smell the roses.