Campbell Family

Campbell Family
A Dentist, A Princess, 4 Crazy Boys, and a Little Princess too!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Fun Video

Addy just can't resist the vacuum. Every time she hears it come to life she has to jump on.

Happy Birthday Axel

 Axel turned 4 in September and decided that he wanted Roundtable Pizza for his birthday dinner. If any one knows our family you know that Roundtable is hard to say no too. So off we went for an evening of pizza and air hockey.
 Addy sneaking all the soda. She is a sodaholic!
 Axel has been asking for a Buzz Lightyear for a year almost and well mommy finally delivered!

He chose donuts for his birthday cake, what better place is there than donut corner to get the biggest donuts ever! Happy Birthday to my favorite 4 year old! We love you so much!

Belated 1st Birthday Girl

 So due to the fact that the week before her actual real birthday Addy swallowed that wonderful battery, she was unable to have birthday cake then because she couldn't eat solid food for at least one month. We decided to finally celebrate her birthday at the end of August and luckily her birthday outfit almost still fit her.
 Isn't she adorable!! I love this picture!!
 She loved the cupcake, thank you Aunt Tina, and proceeded to immediately smash it on her shirt first.

 Oh how I love first birthday's and the excitement as we all watch them eat their first cake. Addy loved it and made a huge mess of course. She got her very first doll and stroller and loves to push them around and swaddle her baby. I love that in spite of being surrounded by boys she still is girly!

Gunnar the Gimp

 So Gunnar, our tooth problem child, had an abscess. JJ took him in and ended up pulling his tooth. We just couldn't resist taking his picture with his gimpy face.

School Time

 School time again. This is an exciting year for us, Michael started 6th grade at the middle school, Jorden started 1st grade, which is full day, and Gunnar started 4th grade. I am so excited to have all three in full day school. No more mid morning pick up!!! Now sending Michael to middle school I will admit was a little emotional. I am not ready to cut that apron string yet, but I have no choice. He is now going to a school where they are fans of moms at the school all the time. So I will now only see him before and after.

Jorden was so excited to get to go to school all day. He can't wait for his homework either because he said that Kindergarten homework was just too boring. I know this excitement will be short lived once he sees what 1st grade homework entails. But until then.....

Friday, December 09, 2011

Lake Tulloch part 2

 AJ and Axel sliding down the rocks in Yosemite
 Our family at the base of Vernal Falls

 Axel and JJ
Addy, Becky, JJ and Axel

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Lake Tulloch, August 2011

 Our family reunion this year was at Lake Tulloch. This is one of our families favorite places. We stayed in a big lake house and had a wonderful time.
 We jumped from the balcony,
 swung from a rope swing,

 Chilled on the dock,
 ate, ate, and ate,

 boated, skiied, kayaked and tubed,

 and fished to our hearts content.

 We also played minute to win it, girls against boys. I am pretty sure the girls won but who was really keeping score? Okay I was!!

 Even Grandpa got into the fun!!