Campbell Family

Campbell Family
A Dentist, A Princess, 4 Crazy Boys, and a Little Princess too!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Christmas Day

Every Christmas Day evening we go to the beach and cook hot dogs over a campfire. Hot Dogs are by far the best Christmas dinner food ever. And smores for dessert, how can you beat that?

Grandpa brings his guitar and we sing carols around the campfire. We even made snowmen in the sand this year, which I might add, was pretty fun. We had a competition and of course the judges said that everyone won. Oh well it was fun anyway.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve this year was spent with my family. We decorated gingerbread houses, made cookies for Santa, had a nativity reading and re-enactment, and then opened the gifts from cousins followed by the pajama elf coming for a visit. We all had a really great time. I just love my family.

Stake Christmas Program

Our stake each year puts on a Christmas concert down at the Center for the Arts. This year my boys were invited to sing in the children's choir and had so much fun. They sang two numbers and did great. The boy in the middle is Michael's friend Jayden. They have known each other since they were 5 months old. Michael loved getting to be their with him. Jorden at the last minute got cold feet and luckily his Grammy was backstage and bribed him with 2 dollars to go on stage. That was all it took and he was out there. We were so proud of all of them.

Go Tee

Over Christmas break we became the proud caregivers of this wonderful Bearded Dragon, Go Tee. This is the class pet for Michael's class and his teacher thought we would be the perfect house for him to live in, being that we had a lot of boys. Well I said yes and she and I did well together. (As long as the boys left her in her cage.)

Alexa and Christian

On December 18th my beautiful niece married this very handsome man in the San Diego Temple. It was such a wonderful day. We are so excited for the both of them.

Christmas 2010

Here we are at our ward party with the kids talking to Santa. I decided for the first time in my life not to put my baby on Santa's lap. Look how happy she is in her own Santa outfit!!

Jorden is in the suspenders because that was his costume for the Christmas program.