Campbell Family

Campbell Family
A Dentist, A Princess, 4 Crazy Boys, and a Little Princess too!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Well it has been awhile since my last update and I don't know when I will get the next one in. But I had to drop a little line to let any one who reads this blog know that we are having...........

A Girl!!!

Yep it is true. My boys are warming up to the idea, and I am loving it.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Medieval Times

For Christmas this year, JJ and I decided that we didn't want to give toys. So we bought tickets to the Medieval Times dinner and show. It was fabulous. Here I am after catching a flower from our winning Knight. We cheered for the yellow and red Knight, hence the crown.

Here are the boys anxiously awaiting our dinner. It was delicious and we got to eat everything with our hands which made it even more fun.

The Royal Family, minus the picture taker King.


The boys made out well this year for Christmas. Michael asked for a Lego Agents Helicopter, Gunnar wanted the Lego Agents RoboAttack, and Jorden wanted a glowing light saber. Santa was able to deliver them all.

Axel couldn't decide what he wanted to Santa gave him an Elmo. He hasn't put it down.

Here they all are in their Christmas PJ's and glowing lightsabers. Santa was smart on this one, he knew having just one lightsaber would be a problem in this house so 4 were delivered.


And of course the token Santa picture. Why we torture our children I will never know.


Here is Michael making his Gingerbread house. Look how intensly he is focused on the task at hand. He did a great job.
Gunnar looking as cute as ever.
Here is Papa and Jorden. Not sure why the silly face on Papa, but we definitely needed to post this one.
Does Axel look happy or what. He was in heaven with all that candy. Grandma and Cousin Kristen are there helping him.
And of course the token nativity scene is always done and the boys love it. I love how this picture caught the little guy in back peeking at baby Jesus. How sweet is that!