Campbell Family

Campbell Family
A Dentist, A Princess, 4 Crazy Boys, and a Little Princess too!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Catch up

Wow it has really been a while since I updated this blog. I thought I would catch you up on our life. Sorry there aren't too many pictures but I just haven't been taking any. So here goes. As I stated in my last posting, we have been neck deep into baseball. Having 3 boys and a husband all playing baseball has really consumed our lives. We are at some field every day until way past bedtime. As crazy as it has been, it has been fun watching everyone play and seeing how much they have improved over the season. We were also given notice by our landlords that we have to be out of our house next month, so we have been frantically looking for something to buy or rent. Thanks to extra credit Michael is going to move on to 4th grade. We are very excited about that. He is a smart child just very lazy and doesn't like to do his work. Life just never slows down. So now we are anxiously awaiting school to get over, baseball to end, and a miracle to happen. Then life can slow down again right? Yeah right then soccer starts, woohoo!!!!
JJ and I had the great opportunity to go with our Stake on their pioneer trek. We were a "Ma and Pa" to 10 wonderful youth in the stake. At times it was really hard but they were all troopers and we made it to "Zion". I loved it so much I can't wait to do it again.

Easter Sunday

Not a bad shot for taking it ourselves don't you think? We always take a picture on Easter Sunday of our family and here it is again. What a good looking group of boys I have. They were all such good sports to dress up in their suits for me.

How do you say cute in your language???

Why Elliot of course!!! She has got to be the most adorable thing ever. She is such a little drama queen already. Man do they start early. But I sure do love this little girl. And so do all the boy cousins.


My sister, Jenny, and her family, Conor, Aiden, and Elliot, joined us for Easter this year. We had an Easter egg hunt in the backyard and the kids loved it. Way to much candy was has this year.