Campbell Family

Campbell Family
A Dentist, A Princess, 4 Crazy Boys, and a Little Princess too!

Sunday, March 01, 2009

I apologize for having gone missing from the blogging world. We have been busy, busy, busy. But this should catch you all up a little. We are doing well and still miss our friends in Ohio.

Here is Gunnar saying his line in his program. He said "Shawl on his shoulders, letters in his hat, that is Abraham Lincoln, and that is that." We were so proud of him. He memorized it in no time and loved being on stage with all the attention on him. It was a really cute program and very entertaining.

The boys got this ramp from Grandma and Papa for Christmas. Michael is mastering the art of bike jumping. Isn't this impressive? Look at the air he is getting on this jump!!! He was so excited that he actually got up off the ramp that he insisted I take a picture for proof. So here is the proof.

Axel just being cute. That is what he does best. He wanted to ride his bike just like Michael.

Gunnar and Jorden just hanging around. I love that we have trees in our yard. My boys would be lost without them. I think every boy should have a good tree to climb.

Here is my cutie pie, this is where we find him the most. He has learned to climb on everything but his most favorite is on the table. Now if I could just get him to get into his seat all by himself. That would make one less thing for me to do. Oh well. But doesn't he look cute???

In January the scouts had a wonderful opportunity to walk the Mormon Battalion Trail here in Temecula. They had stops along the way to tell them about it. They even got these cool rifles to carry through the hike. Michael came home very tired but he had a good time. JJ went also but was the picture guy so you don't get to see him decked out in his scout gear. We have definitely become a scouting family.

Well our Michael turned 9 and still toothless as ever he is growing up so fast. We can't believe he is 9 already. We sure love him. He is the best big brother anyone could ever ask for.