Campbell Family

Campbell Family
A Dentist, A Princess, 4 Crazy Boys, and a Little Princess too!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Our Christmas and New Year were great this year. We got to spend it visiting lots of family and playing a lot. We even got to celebrate my Grandpa's 80th birthday smack dab in the middle of all the fun. At this time of the year I would be truly remised if I didn't say how thankful I am for all the things I have been blessed with. A great job, renters for our Cleveland Summer Home, four wonderful boys, a home to live in, food to eat, and a great family. What more could anyone ask for or need. (A girl? maybe?) (No I am not making an announcement!!!!) Any way we hope all of your holidays were great too. Happy New Year!!!

Santa delivered a trampoline this year and the boys have been on it every day since. I love this picture of the three boys. They love each other so much. I am so grateful for that. What better friends can one have then their brothers.

Christmas Morning

Christmas Eve

We let the boys open one present on Christmas Eve. This year Axel go two books. It was fun to watch him actually open up his present.

The boys got Bionicles. They loved it.

Here are all the cousins waiting for the go sign so that they could open there presents.

Me and my honey on Christmas Eve

Jorden playing the wiseman in the Nativity play. I just loved this picture, check out those ears.

Here is JJ with his gorgeous sisters. It was fun to see all of them.


My sister Kim and her son AJ came to visit and stay until Christmas. Axel and AJ are 2 days apart. They had so much fun stealing each others toys. But I do think they really liked each other. How fun to have cousins your age. We did miss having the third baby of our trio here with us, little Bryce. But we will see him soon.