Campbell Family

Campbell Family
A Dentist, A Princess, 4 Crazy Boys, and a Little Princess too!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Can you say Princess Leia?

Here is Jorden with his Uncle Lance. We don't know who is teaching who. But we do know that the kids love living by their Aunt Shell and Uncle Lance. And that their poor cousins Wyatt, Jess and Aly are going to be driven crazy by them in no time.

We're finally here

Well I finally got the Internet up and working so I will catch you all up to speed on the Campbell's. We made our four day journey across the country and everyone did surprisingly well, yes I am a slave driver and we did drive straight there. I hate to stop all the time. We did have one mishap on the journey and I would like to share that with you. While on our trek to California, Axel started running a fever. I gave him tylenol and he was already on antibiotics for an ear infection so we kept on going seeing as the tylenol was working. As we headed towards Omaha, Nebraska, our next stopping point, we saw a sign for Council Bluffs. Well as you know that is close to where winter quarters was for the saints heading to Zion. Anyway Axel's fever kept coming back and as any mom does out on the "trek" I started to get a little concerned for my little guy. So I decided we would make one stop on our trip. We could go tour the visitors center and there I was sure we could find another Priesthood holder to help JJ give our little guy a blessing. We walked in and just as we expected there was a missionary there waiting just for us. Long story short Axel was blessed to recover quickly while on the trip and he did. But my point of sharing this is this. I felt so blessed to know that no matter where I go there are worthy brethren everywhere that hold the priesthood. I am so grateful that my husband has kept himself worthy to have that priesthood so that he can bless our family with it. Sorry to ramble on like this I just had to share that. The next posts will be pictures I promise. And to everyone we have left in Cleveland, we love you and miss you a lot.

Friday, June 06, 2008

So I heard a few comments about my last blog looking like a naked man. Well "ew, gross"!!! So I had to change it. But mom you can keep your dots.