Campbell Family

Campbell Family
A Dentist, A Princess, 4 Crazy Boys, and a Little Princess too!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Playing in the Leaves

Here are the boys playing in the leaves after JJ and Gunnar raked them all. The boys had so much fun. Michael and Gunnar especially loved to hide from Jorden in the leaves and them pop up and scare him. They are going to miss the leaf piles when we move.

Fall in Cleveland

I love the fall in Cleveland. The colors are so pretty. This is the morning after JJ finished raking all the leaves from our yard. I have decided that raking leaves is like laundry. It is never done no matter how often you do it.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My Four Boys

These are the latest pictures of our four boys. I thought I would attempt to try a little digital scrapbooking. I don't know if I will do this permanently but it was worth a try.

Monday, November 19, 2007

JJ's additions to Lake Tullock

Certain things had to be added from our trip. I am adding this one because it's sweet! How I ended up with water like this I will never know, but I thank those in the boat for allowing it. Kathy will look at this and still say it's too choppy!

We also wake boarded...

This one had to make the blog because Becky was so cute with her 'Axel filled' belly on this trip. What a lucky guy I am.

Bubble Bath

Let this be proof that one; Jorden's face is clean once ina while, and two; he can be happy and delightful if he chooses.

Axels Blessing

We blessed Axel on October 14, 2007. The blessing circle from left to right: Larry Kalke, Jake Atwood, Daddy, Poppy Jon and Papa Kurt.
Mom and Dad are so proud to be the lucky parents of four good boys!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Hello Family and Friends I know it has been a while since I posted, but I have been slightly preoccupied. So here it is. Halloween has now come and gone but we sure had fun this year.
Here is JJ, yes he looks a little scary, let me explain. First I wanted you all to see his costume. He was a tooth fairy this year and he looked fabulous. Actually he looked like a "fairy". The boys thought he was crazy. They kept asking him why he was dressing like a girl. As for the white face; at our ward Halloween party everyone that won the costume contest got to throw pies at the counselors. So JJ got quite a few in the face.

Here are the four superheros in my life. Gunnar-Flash, Axel-Spiderman (thanks mom), Michael-Batman, and Jorden-Superman. They all loved their costumes.