Campbell Family

Campbell Family
A Dentist, A Princess, 4 Crazy Boys, and a Little Princess too!

Sunday, August 09, 2015

Axel and AJ

Axel and AJ along with their cousin Bryce were all born within 2 days of each other. Bryce lives in Florida but since Axel and AJ live here we decided to do a combined birthday party. They both wanted to go to Get Air so we decided to throw a party before school starts.

They are such goofs!!
Here is Axel showing off a cool trick. I was quite surprise that he could do this!!

Saturday, August 08, 2015

August 2015

I had a moment and took some time to look at our blog. I couldn't believe it had been 2 years since I had posted anything. Really pathetic. Well I am going to give this another try. The last 2 years have been a whirl wind of crazy and high emotions. But life seems to be getting back to a new kind of normal. This summer started with only 8 weeks of summer. We filled it with 3 different scout camps, 1 girls camp, one really fun a big trip to Peru, 1 EFY, and 1 week of drivers ed. Of course nothing landed on the same week. After looking back we figured we have really only had one week of pure lazy summer. We finally went to the beach only because of an invite. Pathetic when you only live 20 minutes away!! But it has been fun and we are all about ready for school to start. Okay well maybe just me!!

Let's give this another try!!

 My favorite holiday, 4th of July. Everyone has to dress up.
 We took the kids to Peru this year to visit my parents. It was amazing! I will add more later but I thought I would do a little update with a few new pictures. After all it has been 2 years!!
 Michael has finally passed mom in height.
 Otuzco, Peru with a llama
 Jorden, either he won't look at the camera or will only make goofy faces.
 All of us in Malabrigo, Peru
 Kids living the life in a hot tub, Axel, Addy, Michael, Jorden and Gunnar
 We loved being with Grandma and Grandpa. Only 11 more months till they come home!!

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Whirlwind June!

 What better time than now to start blogging again. I am not going to do a catch up on the past year (too much has happened) but I will start with the last few months. First my parents were called to serve a mission in Trujillo, Peru as Mission Presidents. They will be serving there for 3 years. So they sold their house and moved in with us. Surprisingly it was really fun! The kids loved having them there all the time and I loved having a live in maid. :) Yep, my mom cleans and I cook, so it was a great combination. We then had a family reunion with my Dad's bothers and sisters. 8 out of the 9 kids were their with most of their families. It was super fun to have all of our children play together. We even took one night and had all the adults attend a session at the temple. It was a wonderful sight to have everyone there. After the reunion we got notice that we had to move so we soon became homeowners!
 Here I am by the sign, I need to take pictures of the house but this will have to do. It was a crazy ride but well worth it. I love my house and I love that we are finally settled.
 Gunnar earned and received his Arrow of Light. We are so proud of him for sticking it out and making it to the end. He just finished his first Boy Scout Camp and loved it!
 This picture is out of order but I will explain after the next picture.
Then we took my whole family to Hawaii, yep 28 of us in a beautiful 6 bedroom home. It was a blast. We swam, snorkeled, jumped off cliffs, ate shaved ice from Matsumotos, had pineapple ice cream from the dole plantation, swam, visited Pearl Harbor, played on Black Hawk Helicopters, hiked, swam, and enjoyed our own practically private beach. It was a family reunion we will never forget. The kids still ask when we are going back to our house in Hawaii!!?? I hope soon. We returned home from Hawaii to pack up our house, move and then send my parents to Peru. It culminated with stake girls camp. I was the stake girls camp director this year. I had the responsibility of planning a camp for 240 people. We went to Catalina and had a fabulous time. The picture above unfortunately is the only thing camp I have. Those were the tent assignments. I will have to beg some pictures off of the other leaders.
All in all we had a crazy last few months but they were amazing!! I couldn't have done it with out the help of my sisters to take kids or help with camp assignments. (I even got shingles in the middle of the craziness!!) We do feel so blessed with all that we have been given and can't wait to see what new adventures will be coming our way.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


If anyone is still following our blog, I am finally caught up! Hopefully I will keep it up.

Happy Birthday to Us

 For JJ's birthday and mine of course, I surprise him with a weekend away. We went to San Diego and stayed in a hotel down in Old Town. It was so nice to wake up when we wanted, nap if we wanted, walk around with out any one whining, eat when we wanted, etc. We love our children but this was a much needed and well deserved little break. I can't wait to do it again.

Here we are standing on the pier in Cornado. It was so pretty. Happy Birthday to my love. I hope you had fun.

Finish Chelsea's Run 5K

 So a friend of mine talked me into running a 5K. I in turn talked JJ into it and run we did! We had a great time and I was so proud of myself. I can't wait to do it again.

Here we are at the finish line. We ran almost the whole thing. I just couldn't run up the last hill. Next year though I will do it!

Weekend at cabin

 JJ's cousin owns a cabin in Lake Arrowhead. His mom has been trying to get us up there for years. Well we finally made it and had a great couple of days. The boys loved the snow but wished mom would have spent the money on snow boots. I told them that I would next time. (really why spend the money on something you are only going to use once, what a waste!) However, watching them I decided that maybe it wouldn't be a waste after all. They were such good sports even though they were freezing. Addy and Axel loved to sled but hated the wind blowing in their faces.


 February brought on a whole new season of sports again. Gunnar decided to take up basketball again. I have to admit, it wasn't so bad this time around. He really learned a lot and really improved.

 Axel wanted to play soccer again and due to JJ's refusal to ever coach 3 & 4 year olds again, I did it. I understand now why he won't do it and believe me when I say- neither will I. We made it through the season though and Axel actually came out and played with out tears for the last 3 or 4 games!! It was a successful season.
Michael and Jorden played soccer too but for some reason we are missing those pictures. They both had a great season and Michael's team took 2nd place in the tournament. It was a great season!


 My little chubby boy has grown up. He turned 12 in January and I really can't believe it. Where has the time gone. He decided he wanted to have a pizza and movie party.

 Axel, Jayden, Jorden, Michael, Adam, Jake, and Gunnar-the party animals
However, they saw not so much of the movie but a lot of the trampoline and nerf guns. Luckily my neighbors were okay with the noise. They ran from inside to outside till about 11:00 pm. JJ joined them and they shot nerf darts at each other for hours. My house smelled like sweaty stinky boys!! But they had a lot of fun.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Pinewood Derby 2012

 Gunnar designed his car this year, he wanted it flat and cool! Well dad delivered.

He won 3rd place and got coolest design. Way to go Gunnar and Dad!

Warning: pictures may be graphic

 So for Christmas, my husbands father, gave all the boys in my family a motorcycle. Its really more like a vespa but looks cooler. Anyway, while teaching one of my children to drive, we shall keep him anonymous, the bike fell and while JJ saved the child, he managed to cut open his leg. Well like any good dentist he pulled out his suture kit and stitched himself up. He did call his colleague to bring over some lidacaine however

 Two dentists at work.

And there it is all stitched up! Another successful operation!