09 February 2022

Tangled YW Activity

I was in charge of the combined YW activity. This is where all of the girls ages 12-18 join once a month and we do a fun activity with a purpose! We try to have all of our activities relate to one of the values in the Personal Progress Book or have a life lesson or gospel application! Seriously, doing any activity should not be an issue because it is easy to relate anything to the gospel and a learning experience. Here is a link to what our girls work on for their personal progress here!

It was the Mia Maids month and I am over this age group. (14-15yr old girls) I choose to have the girls plan their activities completely to what it will be, how they will make it happen and who is to bring what etc. From full on planning start to finish but for the combined I like to make it a surprise for even my girls when our group is in charge. So, I listen to the class presidency at what they would like to do for the combined and then search for weeks what would work or be fun to do. I am a woman who LOVES THEMES and THEME PARTIES! It makes everything so much more playful and fun!!  Planning this activity was easy because I had done this a year prior for a class activity. On the fifth week I choose something for the girls to do.

They chose Tangled.  I needed to watch the movie again but I remember from the moment I watched this movie I knew there was a gospel application into this somewhere and knew it would be a fun activity for all the girls! I had also done this as a class activity. I will share the night of our combined.

When the girls first arrived at the church they saw Rapunzel's hair from the outside entrance strung all through the building to our room. - Table cloth on a bolt from Party City. ( I had used this for a prior dinner party)

The building was set up in different stations. When they first arrived to the church. Rapunzel's hair was streamed through out the building and I had made a pennant banner cutting purple paper and using a stapler or sewing together by thick yellow ribbon.  I also cut the starburst symbol and glued it to the front. This was strung in our main room.
With each station, each girl received a handout and a quote and there was a different activity to do at each station.


The last part of our night came from here, Daughter of a King A perfect message!

Pinterest is my friend and it should be your friend too!

Refreshments:  WE had white buttered speghetti -represented her hair, orange boats with sails, and we had root beer. I printed off cute signs. When the girls arrived (class) I greeted them with my Repunzel hair made from yarn. If you do it as a class activity you could have a lesson on hair braiding. We enjoyed learning how to make the fishtail or herringbone braid and the french braid, and the waterfall braid.

I also had Flynn Rider's face printed off and on cardstock hung all over the house and (church) wanted dead or alive some had his nose and some didn't. Basically, setting the atmosphere. The table we decorated with purple gold and green silks and I had paper lanterns strung through out the building. The lanterns were a big part of the movie and when it was a class activity the girls made the paper lanterns.

The girls all used chalk paint and drew on the sidewalk, -She did this in the movie (class) not combined

I made pasqual blowers - getting

them from the dollar store and making pasqual's head and eyes from construction paper.
I wanted to share the photos but I just should share the post and come back to photos later. 

Sweetheart's room make over

When we moved into our home Sweetheart's bedroom was pink with mauve paint below the chair rail. Her bedding that she had chose was grey and purple.
Pretty basic and pretty boring
She has two really large deep closets. We keep her dressers in there.

No personality!

Now her colors are pink, black, zebra print and gold. She fashioned her room after the Victoria Secret bag. of hot pink and pink striped bags with the Gold lettering and grommets.
For her 13th birthday she was given new bedding and some wall decals.
Her Aunt Gretchen and her family came to visit us, and we took over the project.

I taped off the walls. This picture shows my tape lines bowed! I had to go back with a chalk line. I had to mark a dot at the top of the wall and one at the bottom of the wall. Then remove the tape and re-align the tape so that the lines were PERFECTLY STRAIGHT AND EVEN!!! Tedious but worth it.

You will want to mark which one you will paint. We were keeping the light pink. So I marked every other stripe DARK. When you apply the painters tape be sure that you put your tape on the CORRECT side of the line. I wanted my dark stripes to be 10 inches. So, you will need to tape off, so that both of your painter strips, are on the outer edges of your dark stripe.

Finally ready to paint!!

Hawaiian Christmas

Twas the Night Before Christmas (Hawaiian Style) Was da night befo Chreesmess when all tru da hale, Not one crecha was stirring not even one `iole, Da Kakini stay hang on the puka wit caya Wit hopes dat Santa Claus soon would be dea. Da keiki wen moemoe on top of da bed while crackseed and mochi stay dance in deh head. Mama in her muumuu and I in my malo, were just finishing off da aku bone and kalo, Wen outside da hale I heard one beeg clatta I jumped from da table fo see whats da matta quick tru da lumi i went like one flash I opened the puka and run out on da grass The moon wen shine down on da ocean so clea gave a lusta to da wata, like frosty root bea. When what to my maka should I suddenly see but a double hulled canoe and eight giant mahimahi. Wit one tiny old paddla, so lively and quick, That I knew in one minute gotta be St Nick. More fas dane one mo`o his i`a dey came an he screaming and yelling and calling dey name Now Kini, now Kimo, now Kale and Moke, On Ha`a, on Umi on Limu and Loke, sweem ova da waves by da light of da moon, now wait in da wata, I gon come back soon. Like pupu they stay on da deep ocean flooa when da wata stat swirling dey come to da shore so up to the village in Honolulu with a canoe full of toys and Santa Claus too. An den in one twinkle, I heard on da wall, da mele and hula, soun like half-time futball As I run in da hale and just turn aroun down came da beeg guy, some tree hundred fifty pound. He was dress in one malo and kihei all in red wit one matching papale on top of his head one package of toys he had trown on his back and mango and papaya in a lauhala pack his maka, wen twinkle, his deemple so merry his cheeks was all rosy, his nose like one cherry his waha niho ole, was smilin so beeg and da beard on his `auwae was smoothe as one peeg he had one tan face, and a beeg fat opu that shook when he laugh, like a bowl of pipi stew he was oh so momona, a cute ol kane and I wen laugh wen I see him, he jus look so funny One wink of his eye and one twis of his head soon went let me know I had noting to dread, he spoke not one word but wen shtraight to his work filling all the kakini; then he turn wit one jerk and he wen put his finga on da side of his ihu and giving one nod ran out to his canoe, He wen spring on top his noho, an made one beeg whistle and waway they wen swam like one rocket ship missle but I heard him wen say on the waves as he go Mele Kalikimaka, a me hau`oli makahiki hou!

16 April 2018

letter to G- October

Today is a beautiful fall day in October. I know you would like the weather we have been having here. Not too hot, not too cold and just perfect enough for a light sweater or sweat shirt. Lately, I have really missed you. I long for our conversations and chats and I miss your wisdom! Our Warrior will have been actively serving his mission for almost a month now. I know you would share how proud you are of him, and your recollections of when the missionaries would visit you and how nice you thought they all were. I wanted to know how you handled your ache when you had your first son leave home to serve in the war, and I wanted you to share with me how you ever survived when you had your second son, leave home to serve in that same war? I wish I had listened more intently to those stories when Gramps would share what it was like when your third and last son would be called out and how he wrote and said that the war already had two of his sons. I can still hear your words, I can still hear your laughter. I wonder what you would think about Lady Gaga and what funny thing you would say about her. I wonder what your opinion would be about the Obama, the economy and the world affairs are. I wonder what new artists you would have liked or not liked or what would have been your new favorite songs! I miss picking up the phone and hearing you sing, MEET me in St. Louie, Louie! I miss you. I miss the updates that you would give me about each of my cousins and their families. I miss the stories of how you would tell me that Noah would come over and dunk cookies, and how much you loved Jeff for bringing him and what a good mother I am, and how I have the sweetest kids. I miss you! I miss knowing about Gina and you telling me the funny things about her sweet baby and I know you would just tell me she was adorable, and then you would tell me who you thought she looked like.
I play all these conversations in my head. Knowing how you would respond. Your birthday is coming up. I know you hate celebrating it or even mentioning it but on that day and every day you can know that you were truly loved by many! My children will still speak of you, they will openly say they miss you too and then we say how grateful we are that we even got to know you. Not many grandchildren get to have their grandma's for that long, and not many great grandchildren get to have those sweet memories that they have. Many of their friends don't have memories of their great grandparents. They are truly blessed. You helped shape their lives. To this day, Warrior's favorite cookie is pecan sandies because of you, my children can't look at your home without salivating for gum and diet ginger ale and they don't even like diet ginger ale! LOL, but they do at your house!

A letter to G

found a letter I had writen to you on Mother's Day.

Dear G,
Happy Mother's day! I reached for the phone today to call you only to be jolted to realization that no one will answer. You know what I do? I still call your number and listen to it ring and ring. The calling may stop when someone actually picks up.
I miss our phone chats. I have an emptiness in my heart. I knew the time would come eventually, that Father would call you home. Dad and mom and everyone went to your grave, ewww... I hate writing that word. But they went to that place and laid flowers for you. Sorry they were plastic. But, it SNOWED!! It snowed on Mother's day where you are! I was thinking how appropriate because earth lost one of it's greatest examples on how to be a great mother and grandmother.
May you rest in lovely slumber. May you arise again on the morning of the second coming. 'Cause, I'm letting you know now, I'LL BE THERE!"
Just wanted to say that I got the wiifit. I have the best little family ever. I know you know that! I miss hearing you praise my children and I miss hearing you tell me what a wonderful mother I am and how loving my children are. I miss you just building me up and always encouraging me! I MISS YOU!

Foundation of Faith

A Foundation of Faith

“If we do not have a deep foundation of faith and a solid testimony of truth, we may have difficulty with standing the harsh storms and icy winds of adversity which inevitably come to each of us.

“Mortality is a period of testing, a time to prove ourselves worthy to return to the presence of our Heavenly Father. In order for us to be tested, we must face challenges and difficulties. These can break us, and the surface of our souls may crack and crumble—that is, if our foundations of faith, our testimonies of truth are not deeply embedded within us.”
for the entire article, please click here.

We have gone through many trials and adversity that would have cracked many but this past trial of unemployment I believe did leave a crack in my exterior but not my foundation. If anything it fortified and strengthened. I'm thankful for my parents for instilling this belief in me and more importantly my mother. She has been stoic. She has had to rear 3 children as a single mother. My father was always on the road earning us a living and providing for us and for our physical and temporal needs, I adore him but for my spiritual nourishment it has been through observing my mother's example. She has served in so many countless ways and always sacrificing her own wants, needs and desires. My father has also been a great example of unselfish service and unconditional love. I truly, do have two wonderful parents.
They are people who have done their best and I know that's all Heavenly Father asks of each of us. I know I falter as a parent myself, but I try my best and when I learn better I do better. It's not about comparing or being the best, it's about being the best YOU that you can be.  I have seen my mother kneel in prayer when she thought we were all asleep, I have heard her bare testimony many times in my childhood of the truthfulness of the Gospel. I have seen her write in her journal. I have seen much. I have also seen my Father share and bare his testimony in word but more times in actions and deeds and you know the saying about actions are stronger than words. This holds true for him! I know that he loves the Lord and he serves with every breath he has.

Through my husband's family I have seen the strength of the priesthood power and the strength of the gospel flow through from generation to generation. I have learned that it took the strength of one great woman, who did not allow her husband to stand in the way of her taking her children to church, he could stay home but they would walk 3 miles and attend church, that is faith of a strong woman. With or without the support of her husband she knew where she needed to be and because of her strength her testimony grew into 5 children, she would cart off to church into each of them having strong faithful families! This is not to say that all are strong active members in the church and that all have been to the temple. However, it is less than ONE hand! But, it is to say that all members on my side as well as the Solomon side are good, productive, helpful, giving people who value family and wholesome values.

It makes me ponder about the foundation of faith I am laying for my posterity. I am not a good journal keeper at all and my trials and victories are recorded in my memories and even that is failing me. 
 I know I have a faith that is strong that has weathered me through my teenage years. I wasn't perfect but I wasn't awful and I struggled with most things that teens struggle with. I'm so grateful that I never got involved or tried drugs. I have a pretty addictive personality as it is.  I will go 110% in, until I master it and then I toss it aside like an old rag doll. As a teen I always believed that God's hand was in my life and could be in my life if I allowed Him to be. I believed that I could be an instrument to be good and as I followed promptings or little inspirations and thoughts that would come to my mind it made me feel good and I saw it blessed others as well.
If I felt that I should smile at someone in the hall or say hello, I did. Sometimes, I was greeted with a warm hello or smile back and other times it was pretty prickly which made me question why did I even bother and left me feeling annoyed. BUT, you have no idea what the domino effect can be from you listening to those promptings.

Faith as a young expecting mother to know when told she would have to deliver her baby 10 weeks early and the gravity that would mean to both of our lives. I knew I needed to turn to our Father in Heaven. I sought for a blessing and clung to those words.

Faith that even though I couldn't see the end picture to know that the trial and the storm I was going through as a young mother of 3 would only be but a moment yet at the time it felt like an eternity and that I was the only one who had ever trialed this. Faith to know that I needed to do everything on my part by praying, reading the scriptures and serving others would save me from my own depths of despair and provide answers and a softened heart to feel the gentle promptings of the Lord to help my young family and marriage. Faith that I wanted to quit and throw the towel in to believe in the promises of a temple marriage.

Faith when our last child was born and I had a dream pregnancy until my 6th month and in a matter of days everything changed. Three children at home. Bill would take them to school when he left for work and I would drive 45 min one way to pick them up. Or If I had to bring them to school at Irwin Elementary in Charlotte I would stay at Concord Mill with a 2 year old in a stroller and pregnant until school got out so I wouldn't have to drive all the way back home. But, it was faith that got me through 52 days of him in the NICU. I, also was in the ICU and at one point he was doing better than I.  I did believe that it could be my time and it was then that I knew if it was the children would be ok.

It took two years of exercised faith as we entered the hospital almost every month because our baby had RSV and couldn't breath but when he was 9 months old it was the most exertion of faith I have had to dig for.  He had struggled breathing while eating and I had a hard day with him feeding him and having to suction him because he would turn purple his machine would go off and try to bring him around so when I had the opportunity to go to a church RS meeting I jumped at it so quickly I forgot to warn my husband of the AWFUL time we had which resulted in the ambulance coming out to our home 3 times before they rushed him in ambulance with lights to the closest hospital which didn't have the medical tools needed to help him so we had to sit and wait until he stabilized and struggled and weakened with each minute. It was frustrating because they couldn't air flight him and they couldn't transport him because he was so precariously teedering between life and death and they needed to intubate him but didn't have anything small enough to do so! UGH!!! When I heard the news I rushed to the hospital and saw them working on my small baby 1 doctor and 2 nurses and I felt they weren't saving him right, LOL. But, they didn't know how to suction him right so he could breathe quicker. I wanted to get in and show them but I didn't. Then when he turned a cadaver gray and was so tired I was so scared and ran outside knowing that this child needs a blessing. I didn't care that it was 1:30 in the am! I called our Bishop, Bishop Mahler his wife answered he was out of town, I called two other people I could think of that were near by I couldn't get them another was out of town. I was panicked! Finally at about 2:15 we got a blessing and the dr was adamant to say if anything happens we are coming in- they stood behind a drawn curtain.  FAITH- Within the half hour he was able to be stabilized and transported by ambulance to the hospital uptown.

Faith when same child got RSV again despite his RSV shots he got monthly! He would do so well get the shots and land him in the hospital! UGH!! His little body had gone through so much from birth and being intubated that he had scarring and his body was tired of breathing and the dr's wanted to put him in an induced coma to help him breathe and his body wouldn't have to work so hard. However, they said it would cause more scarring which isn't good and they would give him 24 hours to see which way he would fall. I had already been at the hospital for a 5 days with barely a shower. I truly was afraid if I left him he would die! His alarms would go off because he wasn't breathing. I would be there helping him and the alarms still ringing but then when I couldn't get him to breathe I would frantically hit the call button and scream you need to get down here and help me he's purple. This happened too many times that I couldn't leave. Bill, could tell that I was a looney tune and he made me go home and shower and see the other children and he would spend the night. I left that afternoon exhausted and defeated.  I had a good heart to heart with HF in the shower and cried unto him saying I cant do it anymore. I am fighting so hard for him to stay with me, if you want him take him. As I got out of the shower the phone rang and I saw it was the hospital I was so afraid to answer it and I shakingly said Hello. It was Bill and he said the Dr came in and said that Dash had made the turn for the better and he would not be induced.  Have you ever felt so deflated that you gave your will up to Heavenly Father?

I have faith in smaller things. Faith I will get home ok, faith to trust my instincts, faith to believe that everything will turn out ok even if it is harder and faith in the trial to know that there is lesson that to be learned.

08 July 2016

Voodoo Hex...Boo hiss hiss boo

It has been some time since I have blogged or even checked on the blogging world. The introduction of myself and facebook seems to be the demise of my little blog and all those who live in the elusive blog world. Well, that and we still have "dial up" internet connection. INSERT HUGE: sigh of disgust!

On the same day that I wrote the Suicide post. We had received an email from Warrior saying that some things were happening in his mission field with he and a few of his companions but really not to worry. Of course when your missionary tells you not to worry, YOU WORRY!.. duh! WE had a week of worry before we could hear from him again. He felt if he could get through this last transfer that all would be right in the world again. Sadly, the last transfer never happened.

Ever since that email things have been a worry and a worry throughout the week. Please realize that this was over two months ago. You can't talk to your missionary nor did I know that parents can actually call the mission president. Hmm... Anyway, by the end of the week we learned that there should be worry. However, things were very vague.

On the home front, I had felt very impressed to prepare our office into a guest room. Beauty had been complaining that every time we have guests she had to give her room up. Her room is also on the opposite end of the house and has its own private bathroom. But, I listened to her woes and decided that I could very well make our office into a guest room. So, I scoured the internet for the perfect bed. I already had lamps, end tables, and dressers for the room. It was complete.

Friday night the Bishop asked to come over to talk to us about Warrior. I don't believe he knew we had an inclination of trouble in the mission. He looked quite surprised to see a bed in the office. It was our first night to actually talk to Warrior.

A few months prior to this I had a dream that woke me clear out of the bed and had me disturbed. I wrote to Warrior about it. In my dream I had heard the doorbell ring. I went to the door and answered it and there was Warrior standing before me with the biggest brightest smile on. I embraced him, to where I could feel the warmth of his chest, and the strength of his embrace around me. I kissed him and he kissed me. It was so real. After pushing him back so I could gaze upon his gorgeous face, I called him by name and said,"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" He said, he just wanted to see me. I laughed at him and told him to get back out on his mission. He turned and smiled and said, "ok, mom". It left me scared. I never felt that he would be coming home. I felt that he may be in grave physical danger; that perhaps he might die. I wrote him to be extremely careful, to stand in holy places.

We had no iota what this could be about. But, understood it could mean he could come home. I couldn't imagine what it could be. Warrior did not believe that he would or could be in jeopardy of being sent home. He had heard of stories and seen missionaries who had done worse. So, I truly don't believe that he was even prepared for his news. The scenarios that went through my mind raged like a wildfire through a parched forest. Could it be girl problems, could he have lost his testimony, was he gay? Yeah, right... well my mind plays horrible scenarios.

Prayers and tears and pleas and hours in the temple and on bended knee for what is best for him has brought Warrior home. There was no disciplinary action taken against him, he didn't have to have endless meetings with the stake. He has always held the priesthood and the only thing he could NOT do was partake of sacrament his first Sunday but was able to the next. He was given a calling the next Sunday. So, all these good worthy things, why is he home?
Prior to the decision if he would come home were questions that seem ridiculous to me, How strong is his mother, his father, would his siblings leave the church? Is he the first to serve a mission in the family? They take more into account about the entire family in general prior to deciding. Which Warrior did not understand. You can not compare yourself against another. What keeps one out, may send you home. It is individual and by the spirit. Perhaps, they were newly converted, weren't reared in the church, or just plain didn't have such FREAKING AWESOME PARENTS as you! For whatever reason you are home and others are not. I understand you keeping your silence on some things but then I wonder if other missionaries hadn't kept their silence would you have had to deal with those same experiences?

My angst comes from so many different stories that were passed to Warrior from the Mission President. One moment we hear Salt Lake has said it is up to the mission president if he stays or not, in my head. If SL says they support whatever the pres says then he has a good shot of staying. Warrior's mission president was just put in, perhaps no longer than 6 months. His first day as Mission President Warrior was in a car accident, which involved no other vehicles just a dirt road and a tree. Then we heard SL says no he has to go home, however they will allow him to go back out and finish his mission, if he so desires.

KEY POINTS I want to make clear as I share that I do not want clouded or misunderstood as I write my feelings.
We love his mission President. Could he have relayed and had better communication skills or even talked to parents involved. MOST DEFINITELY. It would have been nice that he answered a few emails and let us know that our boy got off safely to the airport. It would have been nice to ensure that a young man, has enough money to cover his baggage prior to just dropping him off at the airport and leaving him. So...nice is nice or considerate or treating another's son the way you would have one treat yours. But, I know unless you go through this, you wouldn't know.  Do you realize whether fault or not you are always sending someone home deflated defeated and broken?
I blame no one. Ultimately it was Warrior's decisions and lack of decisions that brought him home. END OF STORY! He takes his blame for his part. I understand this as well. However, where were the others? How was this one missionary allowed to stay in the field up to two weeks prior to finishing his two year mission and NOT ONE, NOT ONE person mentioned this issue? How did it manage to go so long? Other missionaries had said they knew about this. Warrior asked to be changed but his President felt he was strong enough or needed to be there. (hindsight is always 20/20)

I have many words of advice to Mission Presidents. One don't put a missionary for 3 transfers with missionaries who are all going home. Spread that out. Some missionaries finish strong, some could care less about mission rules, some worry about being in shape, and some can only focus on college entrance exams. Therefore, it is hard on another to motivate and get their companion out the door much less, pray. THREE transfer trunkies in a row, is NOT a good call.  If you hear rumors check it out.

I have advice for soon to be missionary moms. Words of advice to your sons. Yes, you will be someone's baby sitter. Yes, you are your brother's keeper. Yes, it is your job to make them get up, to make them read, to make them follow rules. YES! You are your brother's keeper AND if they won't do it, you sing like a canary to the mission president zone leaders etc.  Being a missionary is like being in the front lines. Do your duty to protect yourself first and your buddy will be as well.

Although, I know and felt that the best place for Warrior to grow and heal and learn again is home under our roof with our love and guidance does not temper the pain, hurt and disappointment. I feel let down by many. I feel he was let down as well. I know that ultimately it is Warrior's decisions, but what one knows is true doesn't always calm the emotion or the heart. We as his parents have given him all of his life saving, eternal saving things that he needs the day he entered temple and took out his endowments. Yes, a huge sigh and weight of relief and worry was lifted the day he left the temple endowed. The rest is clearly up to him how he will write his own book of life. It was one of the hardest things to live through to welcome a home a son who is broken, when you last some him bright eyed and excited to serve. It's a completely different thing to watch your child go through depression and have to nurse him and worry for him. I think it is so much easier to nurse a physical illness or sickness but to rebuild and grow self confidence and perhaps even to waken a testimony again takes hours of prayer, patience and much frustration is there as well, because you are dealing with your own issues but have to put those aside for the welfare of your child.  It is our 100% purpose to nurture and love him back. It is so easy for one to fully lose their testimony when it takes this big of a hit.  I want to say I have the most amazing loving ward. I gathered them and they have wrapped their arms around me and have wrapped their arms around Warrior.  Through their love they have strengthened us all and our Bishop has been great too.  Our family is strong, we are fighters, we have tenacity and when push comes to shove we are pushing! One for all and all for one and I so love how my children are like glue! I'm so happy that Mr. Incredible and I have each other and have fortitude and strength that we have built our little family on for this very moment. We are resilient. We are Solomon!

When you have a child come home from a mission, not because they are sick, injured or dead. Members of the church do not know how to succor or how to even speak to the person. It is a death. However, it is a death unacknowledged. When someone loses a child, or a loved one. Flowers are sent, meals are prepared, and an out pouring of love and support surrounds that family. You aren't met with eyes of please explain, give more details, judgement or eyes of pity. People don't know what to say. It is looked upon with shame.

I don't look at my son with shame. Never have and never will. His mission president told him to walk into church on Sunday with his head held high. I told him if he can walk through the halls of the temple with your head held high you can walk anywhere with your head held higher! .

I have had much anticipation about this day. Warrior felt like his first Sunday back would be one of the hardest. I want to say that we belong to one of the greatest wards possible. He was met with love and understanding and many hugs. Some surprise but all within a controlled loving concern of truly understanding that this is not only my son, but God's son.
I know that others were looking for sadness or a hint of something in my eyes. But, it would not be found. I am so thankful and grateful that Warrior was there by our side. We love and support our son. He is on the path and what more can a parent ask for? It is important that we work on Warrior and his perception of himself. Not on what others may think of me, my mothering or parenting skills. This is a blip in time. I never saw this or dreamed that we would be on this path. However, I am. I do not hold my head in shame. This is not my trial, this is his. If he chooses to go out and finish his mission, it is his choice. If he chooses to stay and go to college they are both choices that he and he alone can only make.
I reflect back on the day when Warrior went through the temple. I literally felt a weight taken from my shoulders. I felt like this was the moment, a significant moment. From this point on he would be walking his own path.

No one asked him to give a talk about his mission. The last month does not define or negate the wonderful work that he did on his mission. The baptisms the experiences. When he came home he was so excited to share pictures and stories of all the things that happened. I'm so proud of you. I'm proud of the mission and the service you rendered and can't wait to see where this takes you. I'm so grateful for our friends who asked him all the great questions about his mission and about what he loved serving and was there for support and love. I love the fact that genuinely our ward members wanted him to be well.

He was told he would be able to serve again but not back to the same mission. He was really disappointed about that. The process to get back out is very new. It doesn't happen often. Salt lake was slow and going back and forth with the stake president was weekly check ups.  I think it was the not knowing.  We were thinking it would be just a few weeks and had someone told us, No, its basically a mandatory 6 months it would have subsided much angst and frustration of WHEN!

Those 6 months were the hardest trying months for me as his mother. I would ask are you doing what you are suppose to do? Did you read the BOM again? Well, you don't have anything to do, you should have that read in a week! Get up, you are sleeping too much, you aren't doing anything. Warrior you need to be engaged in things. I was frustrated!! I had no idea that he was experiencing and going through depression and I was the pusher, the let's go, I was the JERK, for lack of a better description, JERK about sums it up! He was. He didn't realize it. I didn't realize it. Mr. Incredible did.  He had written him this most amazing loving letter for Warrior to read on the plane when he boarded in California! As a parent, it is hard. Hard to watch your child go through this, hard to motivate and hard to sit idle and let them navigate their lives. Warrior was just not reacting to things the way I would. It frustrated me to no end.  This single event and 6 months has put a crack in our relationship. I think I'm not so whatever you say.  I always have an opinion and am obstinate but when it comes to discipline with the children I know I am a bit more harsh and he usually comes in and sweeps it away or negates the punishment I gave out.  If I say grounded for a week and no tv, he will have them grounded for 2 days and tv. Or If I react and say you can't go anywhere until your chores are done, he will get up and do their chores for them.  It never truly bothered me until this moment of a returned son home early from a mission.  Mr. Incredible has always been there to share the burden or the consequence and this burden and consequence he can't share.  ALSO, ALL of a sudden Mr. Incredible wants to KNOW what I would do or wants my opinion.  I was not happy with that. I should have realized he was at his wits end, too.  But, instead I said, " NO, you always thought my way was too harsh, always came in and changed it, so you work it out.  It brought things into focus.  My upbringing was harsh. I knew that when I disciplined it was harsh but Mr. Incredible would even it out. I knew I was upset that if I yelled at the kids he would get up and do their chore, but I really didn't care who did it, I just wanted it done. It brought things in line with you don't make consequences if there is no accountability.  So, I threw my hands up and said fine! You got it. It has also opened up a door that I never realized I allowed to stay shut. It was just the simple rolls we fell into and expectations we had for each other! Joy in the Journey! Do I want to open this door and walk through or am I content enough to keep it how things have always been?

I have to say that when Warrior came home battled and wounded Mr. Incredible was the one who put me in focus and didn't allow me to be so short sighted. It isn't nor does it matter if he chooses to go out again. He said, I am more worried about our eternal family about him and his eternal outlook. I could care less about what he chooses to do I want him to remain rooted and strong and remember what it's all about. Mr. Incredible was thinking long term. WE needed to help our boy remember the teachings that were rehearsed and actually put them into action . We want him to remain on the path and understand this is but a moment we have an eternity of happiness and joy but you have to remain on the path.

Halloween FOOD!

I love October! I love Halloween or what it used to be. I don't like all the gory stuff.
I have tried to be festive in my cooking.
WE have had mashed potato ghosts

pancake ghosts

and spiderweb pizzas

I intend on making something twice a week to fit my halloween theme! My punks don't appreciate my creativity. I barely got a "good job" mom! ::PUNKS, I tell ya, punks!

All recipes found here.

I wonder why I never posted this post! It was from years ago!


I always knew I wanted to be a mother. I knew from the depths of my soul that I would have children and I knew I always wanted to have 4 children just like my grandmother. I loved my childhood. I loved going to my grandparents house every Sunday and being with my aunts, uncles and cousins. My dad's side all of his siblings stayed near his parents. Oh, they all ventured out at one time in their lives but they all came back home. It is some of my most cherished memories and I wish for those type of memories for my children and one day my grandchildren. Sadly, we do not live close to either side. But, we have instilled the importance of getting together. We do most of the travelling, it makes it nice because we fly free.

My younger daughter, Sweetheart has many motherly talents. She is drawn to babies and little children. A crying baby does not stress her out. She will continue to try to soothe the babe. She likes everything about them, even the not so happy ends. It brings the greatest joy to see her bouncing, cooing and soothing a fussy baby and not instantly turning the babe back over to their parents or to me. I find wonder in that because I never could remain so calm. A crying baby can still bring my body temp. up and cause my sweat glands to go into over drive.

My older daughter, Beauty has wonderful mothering skills. She loves babies but I think she adores the interactive ages from 9months to 8yrs. She is so calm and good with them and a natural teacher. I see that she could easily teach children.  She beams at their smallest achievements and I think if she can do this with children who aren't even hers I can't wait to see what she does with her own.

I had no idea the capacity of love that I would have once I became a mother. To have someone completely depend on you for every need and every ounce of happiness is overwhelming and beautiful. My heart truly walks outside my body each time my children take a step. Birthdays have always been a big deal for me with planning them for my children. But, they are beginning to lose there savor. Because with each birthday they are getting older and with that they fly away from my nest and they only visit.  But, it brings me such joy to see that these little adults are beginning to adult themselves and they are doing so well and I can't help but beam with pride to think I had something to do with that! I love having my children all together and I love capturing those moments with pictures and they HATE IT!! But, as they leave they marry and we get to have another beautiful soul to our family!



I always knew I wanted to be a mother. I knew from the depths of my soul that I would have children and I knew I always wanted to have 4 children just like my grandmother. I loved my childhood. I loved going to my grandparents house every Sunday and being with my aunts, uncles and cousins. My dad's side all of his siblings stayed near his parents. Oh, they all ventured out at one time in their lives but they all came back home. It is some of my most cherished memories and I wish for those type of memories for my children and one day my grandchildren. Sadly, we do not live close to either side. But, we have instilled the importance of getting together. We do most of the travelling, it makes it nice because we fly free.

My younger daughter, Sweetheart has many motherly talents. She is drawn to babies and little children. A crying baby does not stress her out. She will continue to try to soothe the babe. She likes everything about them, even the not so happy ends. It brings the greatest joy to see her bouncing, cooing and soothing a fussy baby and not instantly turning the babe back over to their parents or to me. I find wonder in that because I never could remain so calm. A crying baby can still bring my body temp. up and cause my sweat glands to go into over drive.

My older daughter, Beauty has wonderful mothering skills. She loves babies but I think she adores the interactive ages from 9months to 8yrs. She is so calm and good with them and a natural teacher. I see that she could easily teach children.  She beams at their smallest achievements and I think if she can do this with children who aren't even hers I can't wait to see what she does with her own.

I had no idea the capacity of love that I would have once I became a mother. To have someone completely depend on you for every need and every ounce of happiness is overwhelming and beautiful. My heart truly walks outside my body each time my children take a step. Birthdays have always been a big deal for me with planning them for my children. But, they are beginning to lose there savor. Because with each birthday they are getting older and with that they fly away from my nest and they only visit.  But, it brings me such joy to see that these little adults are beginning to adult themselves and they are doing so well and I can't help but beam with pride to think I had something to do with that! I love having my children all together and I love capturing those moments with pictures and they HATE IT!! But, as they leave they marry and we get to have another beautiful soul to our family!



I have found that as Mr. Incredible is out of the nest more that I tend to be more fanatic about making sure that our nest is extra fluffy and comfortable. A mother Goose always tends to her nest and always makes sure that it is clean and tidy and brings in extra things to make it soft. I wouldn't want my goslings or my mate thinking that another nest might be better. It is in line with the conference talks as well. Keeping your home neat and orderly and a welcome place for the spirit to dwell. What are you doing to fluff your nest? I am getting ready to do a major over haul purge of the house, garage and shed. I feel it is so important for the woman of the house, whether she is working or not to be extra savvy over finances! Respect your husband's hard work and time away from the home. He is the provider both physically and spiritually.  Honor him by living within your means.  Honor your family by tempering your wants and desires.  Be diligent about what you allow to take precedence on your list of needs.  Having the most expensive or the newest gadgets may be nice but do not let them define you, don't be dictated by them.  Life is amazing and when we find joy in the simpler things that is where peace will be, as well. A happy well tended home is a great nest! Keep contention and ill speaking out of it. Positivity and love makes the fluffiest of all nests! It's not what you put in your nest but who resides in it and what is said in it!  

God Be With You Til We Meet Again....

This is hard to take your own pic with a HEAVY camera


Almost there


Our hearts are sunken but filled with love and gratitude! Mr. Incredible has been attending a safety class for driving and hauling dangerous chemicals. We are blessed that my parents can put Mr. Incredible to work immediately. It shocked me that it would be so quick. I hadn't even let it settle in that he was actually going to start driving again!
20 Years ago, Mr. Incredible got a CDL license so that he could drive a BIG RIG for my parents.
This wonderful little thing was able to support us and put us through college. What a tough time that was for us then but looking back on those days they were some of the strongest, life changing years we experienced. We knew that if we could make it through that we could make it through ANYTHING!

It strengthened our relationship with each other but more importantly it strengthened our relationship with the Lord and during those times we formed friendships that will last into the eternities.

And now 15 years later we are saying HELLO, sweet darlin! Hello my precious little 3 letter acronym. CDL!! You once again will be our little life line! My dad was right in his advice to keep his CDL because there would always be a job when things got rough. Well, things are rough.

Heavenly Father has not found the perfect opportunity for us yet! I know its not a problem on His end. I think perhaps the EMPLOYER to be is not praying for the right person, because I know we DEFINITELY are doing OUR part and the Lord is doing his part, so there is a third party that we are just patiently waiting for him to do HIS part! (please do your part)

Today Mr. Incredible flies out to Albany to work with my dad!

WE know you will be fine!

WE know you will be safe!

WE know you can do it!

WE have faith in you and most of all


but you will be so sadly

Loving you, your clan at home!

MOM & DAD thanks so much for EVERYTHING you do for our FAMILY! For loving, worrying and caring! We love you guys TONS!

Dear Beloved,

Thank you so much for loving us and being willing to do ANYTHING to keep our family going. I think it is AMAZING what you are doing! Love, C

Spencer Reid, Tin Tins


 When the Prince of Samoa comes to town everyone stops and greets him! Spencer had come in to check on one of his properties that he has here and stayed with us for a night! It was great seeing him again and catching up ever so briefly! Sure miss him and his family! We ate at Tin Tin's a restaurant that I know he loves the soup they serve there. The Tuipulotu's joined us along with the Suhren's and Aunty Nu!


Bruises and Bruises

Sunday night May 18th, Mr. Incredible told me to look at Dash's bruising. I saw them and figured he was just playing hard like all boys do. He had bruising and he had rub marks across his neck and sides. I thought nothing of it and figured he's fine.

Monday, Dash had complained that his throat hurt "just a little" I'm like OK. gargle with salt water. He didn't. I figured if it hurt bad enough he would gargle eventually. He asked to play at a friends house and when he came home he crashed. He has been sleeping a lot lately. That was a bit alarming to me because this is so NOT Dash. I dismissed it as he being a growing teenager! He has gotten so tall lately, so logically he would be sleeping more as his body is growing.  That night he showed us more bruising on his legs which were just a day old. These were quite impressive and alarming that Mr. Incredible said, I should take him into the Dr.s and I completely  agreed.  I do not run my children to the dr's for every little sniffle or fever. Frankly, the meds they give say give it to you for a week and you'll be better. Well, in most cases if you give a cold a week to run it's course you will GET BETTER! unless you need an antibiotic!

I called and made the appointment for Tuesday, May 20, 2014 for 1:30 and the appt was for excessive bruising. While we were in there we had a weight check. He weighs 122 and a height check. He is 5'5! He has grown!! She also swabbed his throat for strep and when she swabbed him the cotton swabs came out bloody!!! I felt like scum pond. Lower than scum pond!!! Dash had said his throat hurt A LITTLE!!!! His culture came back positive! UGH! poor kid. The bruising was also concerning to her so she sent us to the hospital to do blood work! They did a complete run of many blood clotting factors. He had 8 viles of blood taken and then we went to pick up his medicine which was NOT ready!!! So, we went home and waited and updated Mr Incredible of what was going on.

Mr. Incredible said he had another call come in and he thought it was my dad. When he called me back there was anxiety in his voice and urgency. I prefer to be spoken to in a calm matter so that I DON'T GO BESERK!!  He said I needed to go immediately to Albany Medical ER because Dash's platelets are critically low. They are a 3, meaning 3,000! Instant panic ran through my veins. I was perusing facebook prior to him calling me! I do not know how to get there. My GPS doesn't work and my phone GPS is crap!! Mr. Incredible in the past has always been able to handle things like this for me! Sweetheart had just left for a baseball game and so I called her to come back home to help direct me to the hospital.

The previous night I had googled his symptoms and had diagnosed him with ITP or thrombocypotenia or something like that. I also feared that he could have leukemia or one of the cancers. So, when they said his blood work was bad and we had to go to Albany Med and not the hospital closest to us.  I knew I could not RECEIVE possibly life changing bad news BY MYSELF!!
I was told to pack over night clothes except I was thinking over night clothes for Aden and didn't realize it would be for myself!! DUH!!!

Mr Incredible managed to meet us a few exits to the hospital so we dropped his truck and trailer in a lot and he drove to the hospital which put my mind at ease and all was right in the world and I knew that if we had to hear the worst news in the world I could take it with him by my side.  WE had some grueling days and testing ahead of us.  He was admitted onto the pediatric oncology floor.  He needs to see a blood specialist and they usually deal with forms of cancer. We are so blessed that Dash did indeed, have ITP! Some kids grow out of it and some children have it forever. It is an autoimmune blood disorder.  He must have gotten in from having mono and strep at the same time that his red blood cells were killing off his white platelets or they weren't reproducing like they should. No sports because it is dangerous more if he fell, he could have a brain bleed! SCARY!! He is on some pretty heavy medicine and we stayed there almost a week and then he could not attend school for a week and he was to return back to full school slowly. With Dash there is nothing slow about him. He insisted on going back to school after a few days and really has rebounded amazingly well! WE have seen far too many miracles and blessings when it comes to that child!

Bruises and Bruises

Sunday night May 18th, Mr. Incredible told me to look at Dash's bruising. I saw them and figured he was just playing hard like all boys do. He had bruising and he had rub marks across his neck and sides. I thought nothing of it and figured he's fine.

Monday, Dash had complained that his throat hurt "just a little" I'm like OK. gargle with salt water. He didn't. I figured if it hurt bad enough he would gargle eventually. He asked to play at a friends house and when he came home he crashed. He has been sleeping a lot lately. That was a bit alarming to me because this is so NOT Dash. I dismissed it as he being a growing teenager! He has gotten so tall lately, so logically he would be sleeping more as his body is growing.  That night he showed us more bruising on his legs which were just a day old. These were quite impressive and alarming that Mr. Incredible said, I should take him into the Dr.s and I completely  agreed.  I do not run my children to the dr's for every little sniffle or fever. Frankly, the meds they give say give it to you for a week and you'll be better. Well, in most cases if you give a cold a week to run it's course you will GET BETTER! unless you need an antibiotic!

I called and made the appointment for Tuesday, May 20, 2014 for 1:30 and the appt was for excessive bruising. While we were in there we had a weight check. He weighs 122 and a height check. He is 5'5! He has grown!! She also swabbed his throat for strep and when she swabbed him the cotton swabs came out bloody!!! I felt like scum pond. Lower than scum pond!!! Dash had said his throat hurt A LITTLE!!!! His culture came back positive! UGH! poor kid. The bruising was also concerning to her so she sent us to the hospital to do blood work! They did a complete run of many blood clotting factors. He had 8 viles of blood taken and then we went to pick up his medicine which was NOT ready!!! So, we went home and waited and updated Mr Incredible of what was going on.

Mr. Incredible said he had another call come in and he thought it was my dad. When he called me back there was anxiety in his voice and urgency. I prefer to be spoken to in a calm matter so that I DON'T GO BESERK!!  He said I needed to go immediately to Albany Medical ER because Dash's platelets are critically low. They are a 3, meaning 3,000! Instant panic ran through my veins. I was perusing facebook prior to him calling me! I do not know how to get there. My GPS doesn't work and my phone GPS is crap!! Mr. Incredible in the past has always been able to handle things like this for me! Sweetheart had just left for a baseball game and so I called her to come back home to help direct me to the hospital.

The previous night I had googled his symptoms and had diagnosed him with ITP or thrombocypotenia or something like that. I also feared that he could have leukemia or one of the cancers. So, when they said his blood work was bad and we had to go to Albany Med and not the hospital closest to us.  I knew I could not RECEIVE possibly life changing bad news BY MYSELF!!
I was told to pack over night clothes except I was thinking over night clothes for Aden and didn't realize it would be for myself!! DUH!!!

Mr Incredible managed to meet us a few exits to the hospital so we dropped his truck and trailer in a lot and he drove to the hospital which put my mind at ease and all was right in the world and I knew that if we had to hear the worst news in the world I could take it with him by my side.  WE had some grueling days and testing ahead of us.  He was admitted onto the pediatric oncology floor.  He needs to see a blood specialist and they usually deal with forms of cancer. We are so blessed that Dash did indeed, have ITP! Some kids grow out of it and some children have it forever. It is an autoimmune blood disorder.  He must have gotten in from having mono and strep at the same time that his red blood cells were killing off his white platelets or they weren't reproducing like they should. No sports because it is dangerous more if he fell, he could have a brain bleed! SCARY!! He is on some pretty heavy medicine and we stayed there almost a week and then he could not attend school for a week and he was to return back to full school slowly. With Dash there is nothing slow about him. He insisted on going back to school after a few days and really has rebounded amazingly well! WE have seen far too many miracles and blessings when it comes to that child!

07 July 2016

Gifts, mugs

Made a personalized water bottle for Dash to use at his track meets and then just had to monogram everything in the cupboard! I made the coffee mug for my mom! It seems appropriate for her line of work! 


Birthday Gifts, car decals, mailbox

Sweetheart chose pink glitter monogram for her jeep and I thought our mailbox needed to be fancied up! I also did our front door! One of my beehives had a birthday and I did an orange theme! Orange happens to be her favorite color which I didn't know! I put a monogram on her cup and a dancer. She is a beautiful dancer! An orange mylar balloon, candy, drink and a card I printed off of pinterest!