Monday 22 May 2017

Emily's bear at Soggibottom's rest and recuperation

Emily's bear is quite small and fragile.

She is not made of mohair. She is a second hand bear.
But, and there is a but, she belongs to Emily.

Emily and her bear. Quite a while ago.

When I clicked on my mail, I don't often click any more. Photo's of the little bear.
My first thought was, no way can I restore Pepper bear to her good looks in this photo.

BESIDES, I am an ARTIST..... Then laughed out loud.

It seems as other bear hospital's around the South West haven't even replied to emails. AW.
Bear's no matter what they are made of are very special. Especially to little girls of seven.

I cannot give back the years of love. I don't want to. Instead, I asked Emily what she wanted.
Little bear has spent time in a bath then drying out in good weather. HUM.....
Poor little lady.
I kept her head above water don't worry and I think she has enjoyed bubbles.
She has also spent time sunning herself in my little back garden.

Along with other's.

Emily's little bear will keep you up dated.
:- ) xxx

Friday 28 April 2017

Hello again Soggibottom.

Still here and still making every day count.

Just in case anyone gives up. NEVER GIVE UP.....

If you do, all is lost. Never give up when hard times hit or sadness comes. Sadness is always there, but you go on.

Many thanks to two of my beloved yesterday for doing the right thing and letting me do the right thing. Letting go is very hard.
Ah, before anyone reads this and thinks Freya is under the sand she is not. I also know my youngest is type reading this and saying AW MUM !

One part of the heart of Soggibottom now, I hope rests.
The other still walks. How lucky.
Soggibottom I AM BACK AND BEWARE :-)

This not me, it could be, but it's not.

It's not her !

Thank you so very much to everyone over the last two and a half years that have contacted me. Even if it's to do with some pattern that they struggle with. Aw, bless. Still here. Because I promised someone I would be. Always. XXX
For all those that sign anon oh mouse. I do not do anon oh mouse. Just email me and will answer EVENTUALLY,
So much belated mail. Will catch up. Janet, please email me again.

Or you can find me in South Devon, England. Taking in amazing views and thinking how lucky am.

It's has been so long I think I now forget how to sign off Soggibottom,'s blog. I think I always signed off with lots of love. XXX Lots of love. XXX.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Frankie de tabby.

I will leave this to your imagination as I know anyone with old paws, dog or cat knows exactly how it can be.
I am around guys, but so busy that other things take up my time.

Freya is over at her own blog The Cat Flap Cavalier. A few days ago she was picking out her very own boat.


Frankie de tabby, Freya Rose Blossom and I hope where ever you are this Summer you are having a brilliant time :-) x x x 

Thursday 16 July 2015

Chatsworth House July 2015

Thank you so much to my friend Julie and her husband Mike for inviting Freya Rose Blossom and me to gatecrash their short break from work this week.
From the South West, keep heading NORTH.. I did that and I got lost.
Never trust sat navs, always have a map book and read it properly.
I found amazing English scenery I had never viewed before as I drove along roads trying to find my way to Chatsworth.
Two hours later after having had a great time I found Chatsworth house.
I found the farm shop I have to be honest then Mike and Julie came to my rescue.

Chatsworth House.


Freya Rose Blossom and I had the pleasure of meeting my DOG DAUGHTER at last.

Princess Leah in the Furrs and FUR REAL.

The hunting tower stands high above everything else. It's in the middle of the photo in the far distance.

How did that happen ?

Must have been Magic !
If I hadn't have driven so many miles today I would show you more.

Boy oh boy !!!!!

Freya is over at her CATFLAP CAVALIER blog. Joined by Princess Leah.
More of Chatters a way house photo's to follow soon.

Freya Rose Blossom, Princes Leah, Julie and I, promise.
 :-) xxx

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Soggibottom Rag Doll makes more smiles happen.

Your welcome Evie-May. Enjoy your doll, but as always you will have to tell me what you call her.
:-) x x x 

Saturday 11 April 2015

Devon Teddy Bear Hospital

A few weeks ago I was asked if I could help Lionel. Lionel is such a beautiful old bear how could I refuse.

Lionel normally sits in the window of a house over looking Plymouth Sound. If only teddy bears could talk. Lionel must have the most astounding views at his look out post.
A while ago his arms had to be totally replaced. It's a sad fact no matter how much we love and take care of our teddy bears, they age.

Lionel as you can see needed some new paw pads this time.

He spent a few days here at Soggibottom.

Until his owner came to pick him up.

Joani and Lionel reunited. 
I do love a happy ending.  

Soggibottom's cottage blog is back, up and running again. 
Freya is as always over at The Cat Flap Cavalier.  

Thank you to everyone for all their messages, flowers and especially for all the love sent to the cottage over the last few months. 

See you all soon :-) x x x

Saturday 21 February 2015

Strange Soggibottom.

Soggibottom cottage. Daft name for a cottage, unless your a happy go lucky guy and know that is the name that suits the place you live.

Tony the soggibottom carpenter, such a happy go lucky guy.

I have borrowed, pinched, stolen borrowed can be forgiven and it is the word that suits. I have borrowed the photo's from a friend.
They show my very happy go lucky, tomorrow is another day, beautiful caring, guy at his best.
Skilled, articulate, caring, loving, peaceful. Just a few words.

Over the last few months it has been very hard to keep up two blogs and try to pretend nothing has been different.
It has been a strange time when one of us always tells others who have asked he is fine. Still told me was fine a few seconds before he left soggibottom.

I miss my blog proof reader.
I will dearly miss the brave guy who has never ever complained once when he has been in so much pain over the last few months. My guy. Tony, I hope somewhere you are proof reading this and approve. Short and ultra sweet. I never do short and sweet. This might be a bit longer.

I promise to blog, such silly things, never to be a diva and never not care. Always be myself.
Feed and house the bees, feed the birds. Take mutt out to our usual haunts. Cuddle her lots and hug her more because she misses you already and has gone so very quiet.....
Just like Soggibottom. It is very quiet.........
Thank everyone who has already sent such lovely words and cards.
Thanks again to all those that say. BLOG AGAIN.
Thank you most to someone who has always given me a good perspective on the most important things of life.... Silly stuff is silly stuff and things are just JUNK, things..... replaceable. You my dearest husband are irreplaceable.
Thank you for teaching me the most important things, love, laugh and care.
Not to be my usual outspoken self too much :-)
I won't forget. I promise x x x