Friday, October 12, 2012

...and the Little One said roll over...

When James was born nearly 9 1/2 years ago, my brother, Rob, gave us this cross stitch of these cute little 6 bears. Gradually each child has claimed a bear as his or her own. Now, finally, the little sweetie in the middle will be claimed -and with a St. Patrick's day due date, it's only appropriate that she is dressed in green!

We are ALL looking forward to your arrival, little one!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

A House Divided

Anna was determined to wear BYU Blue to school on Thursday, knowing most of her school would be sporting BSU Blue and Orange. She told me "I want to cheer for BYU because Daddy went there, and what if they loose because no one is cheering for them? That would be so sad." So you can't blame Thursday's loss on Anna... she was cheering!

Her good friend came over before school decked out in BSU so we had to get some shots of the 2 of them.
(Jojo chose Spiderman over either team...) 

As soon as James got home from school, he created this sign and painted his face. Anna took a marker to her face, too... 

Lizzy was the brave sole in our home wearing Bronco gear. But not before asking "Will you be mad if I wear my BSU shirt?"
James, Jimmy and I had a great time at the game, despite the tough lose. Jamers cheered loud and hard for his BYU team and thanks to Jim's fly by, we had awesome seats, so I'm pretty sure the players heard him amidst all that orange!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Brace Yourself

We went to Utah.
We had SO, SO much fun with nearly EVERY cousin we have! (Seneca, we miss you!!!)
Enjoy all 104 pictures. It's taken me weeks to finally get them all uploaded. -And this is just one vacation of this summer. I cannot believe I've let 3 months pass since I last posted. Guess why? Abigail stopped nursing. Yup- she was my excuse to sit at the computer and post away.
I have got so many pictures to share though- we will never have such a break again!
Cute cousin Elsie:

Cousin Ariel joins Lizzy and Anna in Papa and Mamaw's 'canuzi
Shadow tried drinking from the fountain!
Sad- the smoke from one of many fires
Jojo drinking water from the slip'n slide
Ariel preparing to launch her water balloon.
The girls were so sneaky preparing to ambush Papa who was out front doing yard work.
As soon as Jojo got out the garage door he hollars "Papa, we're coming to get you with water balloons!"
He was such a good sport (as always) and let the kids fire away.
But not without retaliation!
Anna and Lizzy LOVE to have Granmama doll them up with make up. Cousin Ariel got in on the action this summer, too.

Not wanting to leave out whining Jojo, Mamaw turned him into a clown:)

An Ice Cream Cake to celebrate Granmama's birthday!

Abigail giving ni-night kisses!

Anna and Mabel waiting to go swimming
Melinda and Liam perfecting the ice cream
Abby and Ali getting acquainted

Oh, man- the dogs. Shadow, Tessa and Gus had a great time. (sorry about the destruction to your pond, Rob...)

And so many pets visiting G'ma and G'pa Hawkes!

Oli and Jojo enjoy through the smoke from a cautious distance...
...and not so cautious...
Cach and Abby
The moose we saw just outside of Nate and Mandy's place!

Golden retrievers are THE CUTTEST PUPPIES!!!!
Prepping for a family photo shoot.

Nate and Many were so gracious to let us ALL invade their home!

The girls LOVE Millie's room!

Anna adores Maybe

We were lucky enough to camp out with Nate and Mandy for a night.

Thanks for the great time, guys!

Chloe and Ariel bounce each other

while Lizzy and Ada pick raspberries

So fun getting together with Kempton cousins at the gym at Papa's work!

scooters are always a highlight!

randomly placed photo of Abby at Nate's cabin. There are over 100 pix- one misplace one? Not bad.

Silly Sadie! 

Papa and uncle Jeff teach us how to play Bocce Ball.
He's a pro.

James LOVED attending a NXT Level football camp with Hawkes cousins and BYU FB Stars!

We had so much family in town, our time was consumed with cousins! It was AWESOME!

Kristin & I did sneak away, however, for a GNO with some fabulous HS friends.
(Loved that Lucy was taking the group picture:)

Just admire these ladies so much!

8 out of 9 cousins together? Must be time for a group shot!

... or not.