I love you all, and I don't want to annoy you with advertising, but well, I'm gonna advertise. Well, we will call it INFORMING instead of advertising :)
I am participating in a boutique tomorrow, and would love to see some visitors! I will be selling quilts: all of those currently on my etsy site plus 5 more that haven't made it online yet. And a few of my etsy quilts will be on SALE at the show! My friend and I will also be selling these super cute coal sacks, awesome stocking stuffers!
There will be some other awesome and talented vendors with cool stuff too!
Hair bows/flowers
Bow boards(these are sooo cool!)
And more!
For anyone interested, it will be from 8am-2pm tomorrow, Saturday 20, at the S.E. corner of Recker & Guadalupe in Superstition Highlands, Gilbert - follow the signs!
Thanks tons for putting up with all of my, uh, informing, and hope to see you there!
November 19, 2010
Holiday Homemakers Sale
Posted by Kirsten at 1:42 PM 0 comments
October 6, 2010
It's ARIZONA, sheesh.
I posted this on my other blog, but I wanted it up here too:
So, we had a crazy bad storm yesterday. It was naptime, so I was in sewing and listening to an audiobook. It had been thundering for a while, but then the lights started flickering and I could hear wind and loud rain. So, I went out to look out our balcony. All I could see was the tree right next to our balcony practically bent over, and WHITE. I couldn't see the parking lot(usually VERY visible), I couldn't see ANYTHING but blowing rain and hail!
And then my entire apartment SHOOK.
I'll admit, I kinda freaked out. I like Arizona because I don't have to worry about things like hurricanes or tornadoes or earthquakes. And I felt like I was in the middle of it all!
Anyways, the craziness lasted another 10 or so minutes, and abruptly cleared. From my balcony I could see 3 fallen trees and lots of branches, so that didn't bode very well. And my street looked and sounded like a rushing river. Cars driving by had water up to the car body. It was insane.
And my little spot wasn't so bad! Zoey and I took a walk this morning to snap pictures of some of the damage around us.
Luckily this tree just decided to rest on the covered parking, and there wasn't a car underneath!
Another uprooted tree. It's leaning on the fence...
This is what our walk was really for. This billboard is about 1/4 mile away from our apartment on the main road. It was straight up and down yesterday morning.
Seriously crazy. That huge piece of metal is TWISTED.
When I drove by this yesterday afternoon on the way to work, the huge tree that caused all of this damage was still on top of those poor cars. The wood chipper was at work this morning!
I feel really bad for our maintenance guys right now...They have so much work ahead of them!
Here's the trunk. It took that whole chunk of ground out with it! (It was a ginormous pine tree)
Walking back, we found another building that met a tree.
And then I rounded the corner to go get our mail, and found ANOTHER huge tree uprooted!
Aaaaand another one!
I could hear the wood chipper working in the back of the complex where we didn't venture, too, so I imagine there was a lot more going on than I saw on my little walk. There are branches littering the ground everywhere. And guess what? It's getting gray outside again. Hope it isn't as bad as yesterday!!
Posted by Kirsten at 11:53 AM 0 comments
August 27, 2010
Da Zoo
Posted by Kirsten at 9:00 AM 1 comments
August 25, 2010
House Painting Adventures
Posted by Kirsten at 10:01 AM 0 comments
June 30, 2010
This and That
Posted by Kirsten at 12:43 PM 2 comments
May 11, 2010
This is Zoey's broken tooth. She was standing up at Grandma and Grandpa James's house this weekend, holding on to the metal loft railing, and both of her hands slipped through the bars and she face planted into a bar. She didn't really cry much, and after getting her to at least show me that there were teeth in all the places there had been, I let her go back playing. I didn't even notice that one of them was broken! My mom saw it a couple hours later though.
We went to the dentist yesterday, and he said that because of how it broke, there is a chance that there might have been nerve damage, so we are waiting a week to see if the tooth starts to darken, but if it's ok, Zoey is going to get the missing part filled back in on Monday. I really don't want to get bitten by this vampire! Because little miss Zoey is quite the biter right now...
Anyways, I wanted to be sure to get a picture of this so she can see it when she gets older :)
Oh, and guess what? Spencer is done with school for the semester!!!! We are all very relieved, it was a stressful year. He should hear by June 15 if he made it into the program for next year.
Posted by Kirsten at 12:04 PM 3 comments
April 23, 2010
More randomness
Posted by Kirsten at 12:03 AM 2 comments