Warning ~ this page is EXTREMELY graphic.
It is not suitable for young ones or those weak of stomach or mind.
This page is dedicated to exposing the war crimes being
committed in Libya by NATO and the NATO backed “rebels” otherwise known as
Al-Qaeda. The pictures, videos, and info are all coming from inside
Libya, from refuges, civilians and independent (non-government) aid
organizations. The only goal is to get the truth out about the people we
as a country are backing and the real results of NATO’s continued bombing raids
on the densely populated cities inside of Libya.
These horrors are only a small part
(!) of what the people on the streets are protesting when they stand up
and speak against the banks of Wall Street and other conglomerates who
profit from these atrocities in the name of "democracy" Western style.
Share this page with other people, to Media, to the governments, to citizens.
The baby's older sister.
All we have been shown by so-called official media about the
events in Libya is a lie. Look at the truth here!
The war in Libya is carried out by NATO forces, with the support
of a corrupt bureaucracy of the UN, according to the CIA plans. This is a real
destruction of the socialist country. The war is far from being won, as the
various politicians and media ~ members of an international gang, backed up by
the global banking oligarchy, rush to assure us.
The war is going on. Today, right now the heroic people of Libya
resist with all their might. The Army of Libya has been restored under the
leadership of Qaddafi and his sons and now participates in active hostilities.
This was once a little girl who played and laughed.
At the same time, the bandits are eliminating all the black
population, killing without trial. There is real genocide of indigenous people
in the heart of Africa ~ under the guise of NATO and with the acquiescence of
most international organizations for human rights ~ Amnesty International,
Human Rights Court at the United Nations (ECHR), etc.
At this point, the bandits surrounded the cities of Beni Walid,
Sirte. These cities are under siege; they have no electricity, no water, no medicines,
no food. Every day, 24 hours a day, NATO planes bomb the cities from a safe
distance using prohibited weapons: phosphorous bombs, depleted uranium bombs,
mustard gas, sound, cluster bombs. There is a possibility that atomic bombs can
be used! In the cities there are many dead and wounded people, this is real
genocide happening right now! It is a humanitarian catastrophe!
Another victim of the same NATO strike.
UN and NATO are CRIMINAL ORGANIZATIONS, which have put themselves outside the
law by this war. They treacherously attacked Libya, without declaring war, in
order to capture all of its resources (including oil, gas, huge territory and
vast reserves of fresh water), destroying infrastructure and population, under
the false slogan of bringing "democracy".
Al-Qaeda, nourished, armed and trained by the US, is acting on the side of the
NTC and NATO ~ they commit rapes, murders, slitting throats and threaten to
organize a radical Islamist state in Libya!
Prisoners of war and wounded people are being killed! This is
completely against all rules and conventions, and simply against any human
A dead woman pulled from a NATO bombed house
Since the beginning of the conflict more than 60,000 Libyans
have been killed. There are thousands and thousands of refugees, destroyed
hospitals, schools, houses, and the entire infrastructure. The
"revolutionaries" kill old men, women and children. And they want us
to believe that they have won the war? This is ridiculous and pathetic.
Another woman, only her head left "intact".
Take another look at all this!
Can’t you see what you have done?
Maybe you're just crazy?
Then your place is in a psychiatric clinic!
Or you are the forces of Satan?
Open your eyes!
Come to the path of good, it is not too late!
Write the truth!
Tell the truth!
And maybe, someday, we will forgive.
How many bodies are in this bag?
Find the strength.
Awaken your conscience and humanism.
Anything else?
Think and act properly.
Otherwise, you're all done for!
False mass media. Many of
the videos were filmed in Qatar, in an open-air pavilion with extras, and have
no relation to the real events. Specifically, the material on the capture of
Lying about the reason
for the attack, saying that Gaddafi allegedly shot a peaceful demonstration
does not hold water. Even the turncoat organization Amnesty International found
no trace, no witnesses that the troops fired on protesters Libya.
Moreover, it is a lie
that so-called "protesters" were "peaceful" ~ they were
well armed by NATO and by some authoritarian monarchies such as Qatar, Jordan.
All the weapons were new, in packages, and the latest models from around the
world, but most of the weapons were American.
There were even the
latest weapons, which have not been taken into service in the U.S. ~ can you
guess where the bandits could get it from?
"demonstrators" ~ were mercenaries, bandits from around the world,
particularly from Afghanistan and Pakistan.
85 civilians slaughtered
You may not understand a word these angry Libyans say, but the emotions are there and the imagery, graphic. This video made me cry out and weep at what was shown. Yes, it is graphic, but WAR is graphic. And we must show the world what is being done "in our name"!
It is a lie that the war
had been won by the coalition.
It is a lie that Gaddafi
did not want negotiations.............
It is a lie that
according to NATO none of the civilians was killed. Look!
It is not for the
faint of heart.
People are still dying right now ~ in Bani Walid, Surt, Sabha,
and in the rest of Libya.
You hide the fact that
NATO bombs schools and hospitals, houses belonging to civilians, and the
rebels under the guise of NATO devastate entire cities.
You are hiding the fact
that NATO is using dirty bombs, chemical weapons and cluster bombs - it is also
your lies and a huge crime!
You hide the genocide of
the black population of Libya!
The majority of the
population of the south is black. Their cities destroyed and the inhabitants
driven out and entire families are cut out. Many of the black people were
working in Libya, and have no relation with the army.
But after the pro-NATO
mass media announced that Gaddafi had allegedly had black mercenaries, bandits
started killing all the black African!
Where are you,
anti-racist organizations?
The African Union?
Afro-American media?
Africans living in Europe
~ have you seen?
You hide the murder,
torture, shooting, cutting throats of the wounded, prisoners of war, just
civilians who "the revolutionaries" meet on their way!
You hide the huge losses
of the coalition troops ~ NATO troops and the Gulf countries (Kuwait, UAE,
But they are your
children, Americans, Europeans, now they are coming back home, in coffins, and
how many more to come?
Is that what you wanted?
Is it what you pay your
taxes for?
Do you know how big the
losses of France, Great Britain, USA, Italy, and Qatar are?
Sure you know all this...
You lie about the true
reasons for the war ~ the Libyan resources and the Libyan money.
People all over the world
are collecting materials for the tribunal about you and your crimes. A lot of
photographic and video material!
Obama, Sarkozy, Cameron,
Emir of Qatar, NTC ~ look!
This is what YOU have
done! Are you happy?
You are hiding
information about the protests against the war and NATO's aggression:
You hide the fact that
there are leaders of some countries with conscience and honour that 8 countries
in Central America condemned the military intervention and unlawful entry of
NATO forces in Libya and are trying to defend Libya in the UN.
And there's more! This
time NATO after mustard gas, cluster bombs and other prohibited weapons might
use nuclear weapons against Sirte and Beni Walid!
Other sites, with regular
news on Libya and Syria:
So, WE all know that
already. Soon everyone will know about it! And YOU? What do you not know about
The massacre in Libya will be stopped in the nearest future. The
tribunal will be convened in Libya, where they will investigate all your
The leaders of NATO, UN leaders who have recognized the NTC,
bank managers, who blocked the money of the sovereign state, and all those who
supplied the weapons to the bandits, trained, coordinated them, military
leaders and those who took part in operations against a sovereign Libya, mass
media who distributed lies and slander, you will soon answer for your crimes!
We understand that to some extent you are have been taken hostages
by the international $$ gang.
You think nothing can stop them. And you are scared.
This is the beginning of the end of your dirty and deceitful
world, our golden calf and interest rates, and the oppression! Your wars are
coming to end too!