Showing posts with label HEALTH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEALTH. Show all posts

Sunday, 24 October 2021

'It's Absolutely Appalling': Unvaccinated Canadians Become Social Outcasts and the New Persecuted Minority

By Eva K Bartlett


October 21, 2021

Anti-vaccination, anti-mask and anti-pandemic protesters and their supporters seen in front of the Alberta Legislature Building during the weekly protest. Artur Widak / NurPhoto via Getty Images

In Canada, the supposedly benevolent country that prides itself on inclusivity, Covid totalitarianism has become unavoidably apparent, with its decision that soon only the fully vaccinated can travel. 

Vaccine mandates have also been imposed on healthcare workers, municipal employees and federal public servants. Basically, as part of what PM Justin Trudeau called one of the world's strictest vaccine-mandate policies, unjabbed Canadians are being increasingly restricted/excluded not only from work, but from social life as well. Supposedly, this is done for their well-being and health.

I argue, though,

that it's nothing but "medical fascism."

Some months ago, much ado was made in media around the world when the government of Canada shed crocodile tears for the country's imprisonment, torture, starvation and murder of indigenous children in the horrific 'residential school' system. The government, we were meant to believe, suddenly cared for the people it had sought to erase

But, aside from many examples of that being mere lip service, it has become clear, over the past year and a half plus, 

that the government 

doesn't care for Canadians, 


Under some of the world's longest lockdowns, Canadians had their businesses shuttered, were deprived of contact with their elderly, were prevented from worshipping and holding holiday gatherings (while Canadian leadership steadfastly ignored the rules) and, more seriously, were deprived of critical medical care ~ all in the name of public health.

Already, Canadians with natural immunity say they have been told that's not enough to enter the country.

Starting from October 30, only the Covid-jabbed can travel by plane or train in Canada. While huge numbers of Canadians have got the shots, many others have legitimate concerns about the safety of vaccines, with good reason. 

Comment: Meanwhile, the CDC is reconsidering the definition of what fully vaccinated means. Changes will likely be coming soon in lock-step to Canada.

Indications coming from CDC Director Walensky:

The "updated" definition would potentially mean only people who have had the third "booster" shot would be considered "fully vaccinated", while people who have had the two original shots are no longer "fully vaccinated".

For those 'fully' vaccinated Canadians, one question might be asked: can they expect a continuous hamster-wheel of vaccinations until one is deemed fully vaccinated? This begets the question, why are they not working as promoted? Without having a blueprint, the answer might be that they were never designed to ever work as claimed, they were designed to help control


When Dr. Byram Bridle, associate professor of viral immunology ~ a well-recognized expert in vaccinology ` refused vaccination due to his natural immunity, he was derided by media and banned from his University of Guelph campus. He made clear that he is, "a vaccine lover and an innovator in this field," but has concerns about the, "possible link between this heart inflammation that is occurring and these COVID-19 vaccines."

And although I already realized it is unlikely that I'll see my family in Canada in person again, the newest 'no jab, no travel' dictates seal the deal for me.

But, for people within Canada, it is more than just the matter of being able to see loved ones again. For some, these new dictates might mean a matter of life or death: whether they can get vital medical care and whether they can earn a living.

One such person is an Italian researcher living in Canada since 2001, who was in that year diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I recently spoke with Valentina Capurri about how the vaccine mandates will affect her. 

She explained that, following her MS diagnosis, she was offered to participate in a trial program for a new medication. Although a risky decision, she accepted for different reasons, including the health care and medication it would ensure her as a then-lone international student.

She described the importance of the trial, which lasted twelve years.

"Lots of people who had severe effects of MS would have benefitted from the medication. And yet they were not able to access the medication for a reason: because you cannot give a medication whose effect-if everything goes wrong-can be worse than the cure."

Trials like this, she emphasized, are something every new medication, or vaccine, endure.

"And none of this has been done in this particular case. So that's what made me a little suspicious about the Covid vaccines."

Over the past year and a half, she says, she has not been allowed to see her neurologist, all medical appointments at her Toronto hospital were suspended and replaced with phone consultations. No physical visits, no MRIs, just phone calls.

"In 2003, when we had SARS, I used to go once a month to the hospital. Despite the fact that SARS in 2003 had a much higher mortality rate than Covid, we still were allowed to enter the hospital on a regular basis. None of our visits were cancelled back then as they are now."

Since neither she nor her Canadian husband will take the jab, they will lose their jobs, and thus won't be able to pay for her expensive MS medication.

"You are forcing me to lose my job, to lose my ability to support myself, just because I am exerting my right not to have an experimental medical procedure done on me. This is worse than fascism, this is absolutely appalling."

On top of this, now, those needing organ transplants face being denied care if they do not consent to mandatory jabs.

Among other Canadians suspended without pay for their refusal to be jabbed are hundreds of hospital workers, including nurses. The sort of people who might know a thing or two about health...

And, in August, emergency room and family practice physician, Dr. Rochagné Kilian resigned over the unethical and coercive pressuring of Canadians to be jabbed.

While medical workers and average Canadians are being forced out of work, denied medical care, ostracized from society, the government has made clear the rules for thee but not for me adage still applies. 

PM Trudeau said all federal workers would be compelled to get fully vaccinated but, as it turns out, that's not the case. According to an article in the Toronto Sun, roughly 70% of the federal workforce will be exempt from getting vaccines, including: federal judges, meat inspectors, park wardens, postal workers, tax auditors, Commons and Senate staff, soldiers, sailors and air force personnel, and Canada Post employees, among others.

Canada doesn't even pretend to follow logic any longer.

Just full-on medical fascism for the majority of Canadians.

With the introduction of vaccine mandates, it is only a matter of time before Canada reaches Lithuanian-level totalitarianism where the non-jabbed are almost fully excluded from all aspects of society

ED Noor: Life in Lithuania:


Please ask yourselves if you really believe this is about public health

ED Noor: We knew it was not about health when Adamson's BBQ was shut using globalist style techniques: horses, squads, every manner of heavy-handedness possible. This show of force said everything that needed to be said about the powers that be.

We knew it was not about health when Christians were forced to flee to the forest and hidden groves to worship as their pastor was dragged off to prison. 

We knew it was not about health when the idiot savant Trudeau announced right at the beginning that vaccinations would be mandatory to live in Canada. It was in his first announcement of the lockdown when this all began.

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

La Quinta Columa Informs On More Antioxidants That Degrade Graphene Oxide


July 21, 2021


La Quinta Columna has released an informative video regarding antioxidants that can be used as a preventative treatment to detoxify the graphene oxide that both vaccinated and unvaccinated people may have in their bodies.

Orwell City has taken the time to translate it into English, as it has valuable information that both La Quinta Columna's followers and Orwell City's readers are looking for desperately. 

No one wants to have poison as aggressive as graphene oxide in their bodies.

Remember to take a look at the preventive treatment with antioxidant rotation suggested by Dr. José Luis Sevillano.

Below is the subtitled video. 


Link: Rumble

Well. Good evening to everyone. 

I decided to make this video because people have been asking me about antioxidants. And although it's late, I think it's important to record it. It's a must-see video, especially for La Quinta Columna's followers who are aware of the relevance of graphene oxide from a disturbing point of view, as it causes the fashionable disease pictures.

Thanks to scientific articles we have seen, we know that every antioxidant, especially the master antioxidant glutathione, degrades graphene oxide. Glutathione can reduce even to zero its toxicity. And we have demonstrated that. 

We have proven it empirically through people who presented their own or acquired magnetism after the 'invasion' of graphene oxide through the inoculated pathway, through the vaccine, or other routes of administration. So, as you know, within the antioxidants that degrade graphene oxide and allows the recovery of the balance in favor of our glutathione reserves and antioxidants in general concerning the oxidative stress caused by the toxic graphene oxide, we have glutathione, logically. 

I'm going to show you what I have in my home, and which in my opinion are great since there's evidence based on the scientific articles we have seen. These are food supplements without any medical contraindications, as long as you take the doses that appear on the package insert. And they don't even have a prescription. They don't have any. However, it's advisable that the particular conditions of each person, intrinsic variables of the individual, consult with your doctor pharmacist. Okay? 

First of all, regardless of the brand, 750 mg NAC is good. Its most common format is 600 mg. N-acetylcysteine causes the body to secrete glutathione endogenously

For me, it's the most effective antioxidant. Take one capsule in the morning as a preventive treatment. People who're going through a more serious clinical condition will have to consult the dosage first. However, take one capsule in the morning. That's how it should be taken.

Almost everything we're going to see here is taken in the morning. The reason is that after gastric emptying or fasting, everything that first enters the body is absorbed quite better. This is a rule in all types of supplementation lines. N-acetylcysteine is a must

I'll leave it here so as not to confuse you.

In case you don't want to consume N-acetylcysteine, you also have glutathione to consume directly. I prefer NAC because it makes the body secrete glutathione endogenously, just as it does if you do sports intensively. When you exercise, you're going to secrete glutathione endogenously, and it's much safer because we are talking about the body will use 100% of the glutathione. This is glutathione, which is also sold directly for oral consumption. One tablet or capsule in the morning.

However, according to what I have read about it, the body doesn't assimilate it that well. Only 25% ~ 30% of it is assimilated, depending on the individual and his gastric conditions.

Therefore, the dosage needs to be higher to obtain the same effects as with N-acetylcysteine.

However, it's good to have it as well. Why? Well, because we consume N-acetylcysteine for a week, we can cross-supplement and continue substituting it with glutathione. Okay? However, as I said, N-acetylcysteine is best because the body will endogenously secrete it. It will maintain optimal levels of glutathione endogenously.

Here's another must-have antioxidant. I told you the main one is N-acetylcysteine, but zinc is also. Okay? Specifically, these are 25 mg. You can also find it in 30 mg, 45 mg, and even 50 mg tablets. Or you simply take 2 tablets of 25 mg. This is a trace element introduced and supplemented especially for athletes who take one zinc tablet a day. In the morning then, N-acetylcysteine and zinc. These two antioxidants are essential to degrade graphene oxide.

With these two antioxidants, I have personally and particularly helped people affected by magnetism after inoculation.

People with two doses of Pfizer, and after two weeks they no longer express it. Okay? Now, since these are antioxidants, any kind of antioxidant is going to help them. Let's say glutathione is the master antioxidant. It's the best in terms of its antioxidation and degradation capacity. However, there are other very powerful antioxidants as well.

The second on the list is a bit more expensive. It's Astaxanthin 5 mg. That is the commercial dosage. It's a little bit more expensive than the other antioxidants because I think it's 24 or 25 euros and it comes in 30 capsules. Many people who take it notice that it also improves their eyesight. 

Astaxanthin can be taken together with the other two antioxidants already mentioned, the ones I told you are essential or indispensable.

So you can take Astaxanthin along with them as well. Okay? Astaxanthin is what gives the orange color to crustaceans and shellfish. Foods we were told not to consume once vaccinated. You know why. You know the reason. Astaxanthin is also usually extracted from algae.

Another quite important antioxidant is Quercetin. Remember that we read a study on this, and you can find it on La Quinta Columna's website. Regardless of the brand, choose those that offer this antioxidant in high doses.  

In La Quinta Columna's programs, we saw studies that referred to cases of COVID-19 treated with quercetin, and with very good results. It's a very good antioxidant as well. You know why. What it does is raising the levels of glutathione and antioxidants in general that are going to deal with the recitative stress caused by the toxic graphene oxide. 

Although they say it hasn't on Spanish radio and television, graphene oxide has been introduced in vials and other routes of administration such as masks  ~ which were withdrawn but are still marketed ~ PCR tests, compresses, by inhalation, etc. Because all this is part of an agenda of extermination and death. So quercetin is very important as well. As I say, I'm talking about the ones that I have personally treated.

Another universal antioxidant, which is not as powerful as astaxanthin or quercetin but which also helps a lot is vitamin D in its format as vitamin D3. Like the other antioxidants, you can take one pill in the morning. Or if you prefer: take half an hour of sun in the morning, which is quite healthy. 

In the Nordic countries, where there is hardly any sunshine, 80% of the population is supplemented with vitamin D3. One pill a day. The dosage and dosage instructions must be followed. Everything is taken in the morning.

This antioxidant that I am showing you now is the greatest liver and stomach protector out there. It's milk thistle, which is also very antioxidant. As you can see, most of these supplements are extracted from plants. 

Some are synthetic chemicals, but not chemicals from a pharmacological or medicinal point of view. Milk thistle is a very antioxidant supplement. You can also take it. It's also a stomach protector for all the rest, although they come nicely wrapped in capsules.

And finally, we have here a supplement with radioprotective action. You know why. Melatonin. See? Pure melatonin. This format is 1 mg. There are formats up to 1.9 milligrams. That is, you can easily check the dosage you can take by googling. Melatonin is taken at night, okay? 

In addition, it will help to reconcile the sleep cycles because precisely the electromagnetic fields inhibit melatonin. They prevent the body from naturally secreting melatonin. That is why they cause alteration of sleep cycles. Because melatonin is a hormone that is related to the regulation of these cycles. So, it's taken at night.

With all this, you ensure that you have a very high level of antioxidants. Under normal conditions, they're usually high, but they depend on variables such as age, exercise, obesity, youth...  Young people have very high levels of glutathione. However, if they have a toxic substance in their bodies, they experience distinctive fatigue. It's a fatigue that people who have been vaccinated tend to feel.

That happens because there is already an internal struggle between the oxidative stress caused by the toxicant and the body's reserves of glutathione and antioxidants. 

Therefore, if the balance raises in favor of the soldiers that counteract the toxicant, then the balance is restored. It returns to normal within a few days, as we've seen in family members who took the shots. And they have also lost their magnetism, which is the most important thing.

Well, I think that's all.

I was going to comment that graphene oxide is doing damages right now, but what it's doing now is not that much compared to the damage it'll do to the body in a few days when 5G technology has been activated.

Those bandwidth frequencies will allow the toxicity of graphene oxide to increase very considerably concerning the levels of antioxidants in the body. So, they quickly break that imbalance and trigger inflammatory syndrome, immune system collapse, altered oxidative stress very quickly ~ within hours ~ cytokine storm, bilateral pneumonia, and everything that you know as severe COVID-19. Or the neurological COVID-19 if you already have graphene in your head. That's a normal thing after vaccination because the magnetism moves from the arm to the head.

So that's all. I hope that in some way it has helped you. I will share this video directly and also upload it to the Odysee channel. Leave in the comments any questions you have, and I will try to solve them to the best of my ability and knowledge. Well, that's all. Thank you all for watching this video and stay strong!"

~ Ricardo Delgado, biostatistician and director of La Quinta Columna.

Do you want to get in touch with La Quinta Columna? Then you can refer to their official website and follow them on their official channels on TelegramInstagramYoutube and Twitch. If you want to contact directly, sent them a message at: Don’t worry about the language barrier, they understand English and French.