DISCLAIMER: i believe most doctors to be compassionate, caring people. i realize many sacrifice time, energy and their personal well-being to tend to others. i am grateful for these men and women and the hard work they do.
BUT, this is where i vent, complain, whine and generally sound bitter with them. sorry about that.
april 26, 2011
i am beyond frustrated. i am overwhelmed. i am tired. and, i am angry.
i am finding that the health-care world is an exhausting and discouraging place to navigate.
i have been battling migraines and neck (disc) problems for over 2 years. (waaaaaa)
i have been to dr's, chiropracters, specialists. i have had blood drawn. i have been proscribed narcotics. i have had massages, decompression therapy, traction, physcial therapy. i have used excercise bands, lifted weights, had laser therapy. i have iced, heated, taken hot baths, and lived on ibuprofen, and extra strength tylenol to avoid said narcotics as much as possible. i have eaten spoonfuls of ginger pills to combat the stomach aches from the pain and, the pain medicine.
i have been on the phone. like, alot.
i have told people i am hurting. like, alot.
some have listened, several have not.
BUT, mostly- i have been told many different things by many different doctors.
and, here i am...almost three years later...having spent quite a bit of time and money...and i don't have a damn clue who to believe.
i don't know which specialist to go to; which philosophy to follow or which school of thought is correct, in dealing with my case. i have had doctors tell me to my face that another doctor's opinion is crap. well, great. glad i spent all that time and money with them and their crap.
the thing is...i am the sick one. the one managing pain nearly every day of her life, trying to care for my baby girl through blinding headaches, numbness, tingling, and shooting pain.
i don't want to figure this out any more.
i don't want to call the different doctors, insurance company , etc.
i barely have the energy to fight through pain every day much less summon more energy to do personal research and pay our limited resources for more "opinions."
i want them to call me and tell me how to get better!
i realize this sounds unreasonable. because, doctors are not gods.
however, what i am seeing more than i would like is the
healthcare BUSINESS.
health-care often feels like a business first and, a helper second.
everyone is taking my credit card and pushing me into the next office and no one really knows what to do with me.
my heart aches for those with chronic illness and a lifetime of doctor's offices, second and third opinions and little to no relief.
it is not how we were meant to spend our days.
i need to talk to Jesus about this.
then, i could really go for a cold beer.