Thursday, February 25, 2010

Our Monthly Opine

If you couldn’t guess by the title, Kristen is not the updater this week. I am not usually one to tend the blog and worry if we are up-to-date, but we have some pictures that were too cute not to post. These really cute pictures were taken at a friend's house. This friend is the type of friend everyone looks for, they have amazing, cutting-edge electronics and a photo studio in their house. On top of all the cool gadgets, they are easy going, faithful people, just the best! We’ve met a lot of families out here in Champaign that are great. We couldn't survive without friends out here, Kristen and I would probably have killed each other by now! Another exciting announcement, although not quite as big as the one we made over Christmas (but close to as big), is that I am training for a sprint triathlon out here called Tri-the-illini. It’s a little tri around the U of I campus. So I have been swimming, biking and running. Hopefully it starts to get a little warmer so I can train outside. I'll let you know more as it gets closer, but I expect a fast and prayer session the weekend of the event, the last thing I need is to try and bike/run into a 30 mph wind. Anyway, here are the pictures – Enjoy!

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Monday, February 1, 2010

Grandpa and Uncle Dave are in Haiti

This news clip has an interview with Steve's dad, (kind of at the end), we're really proud of him! He is in Haiti right now, along with Steve's brother Dave, helping to do surgeries and provide medical attention, and Dave is helping and will be flying back with the orphans. We love you and are keeping you in our prayers! When Audrey saw this, she got all excited saying "Apa! Apa!", it was so cute :) - Utah Hospital Task Force on its way to Haiti