Karter's 7th Birthday

I can't believe how fast time flies. I remember having a baby shower before delivering Karter and so many girls giving advice of "enjoying every minute because time goes by way to fast and how fast kids grow up." I believed them but I didn't realize how fast they were really talking about and meant.
Where do I begin with Karter turning 7? It really feels like I have lost time with him or something. I spent a lot of time while he was young working. I know he is still young but I went part time just before he started kindergarten and by 1st grade I am now a stay at home mom. He comes home from school does his homework and wants to play with friends, not mom. I need to find a balance. A time that is just mine and his together. There are so many things I love about this boy. Here are some of the things he loves...
He loves his baby brother, even though they fight sometimes every now and then

His favorite color is red (just like mom) and black

His favorite tv show is Spongebob

His favorite movie is Goonies

His favorite treat is Nerds

His favorite food is hot dogs and no longer likes Ketchup that much, he's more of a mustard kid now.

He loves to read the Goosebumbs series

His favorite subject in school is Math. It just comes to him, he understands it. This is a shock because me and Scott aren't that good at it so I hope he keeps learning it and getting it as easy as he does now.

He writes his name many times on his school work as "Karter Scott Jones"

He is very good at spelling and has only got 80% and 90% once, the rest have been 100% in all of 1st grade

He loves to ride his dirt bike

He still likes to wear costumes
He loves to shoot hoops, play basketball and football

He loves to play the xbox 360

His nickname is "bug"

Him and Kandon both get on a giggle trip every night at 8pm sharp. It's like clockwork. It takes at least 20-30 minutes to get them to stop laughing at who knows what. Its cute!!

He gets a little annoyed when Kandon wants to do everything he does and be just like his BIG brother.

He's a water boy. He loves to swim, play in the sprinklers and since his last birthday jumped off 10-15 foot cliffs at Lake Powell. It scares me, I'm not a swimmer.
He is excited to get baptized when he turns "8" and is learning so much about Christ

His best friends right now are Cooper, Caleb and Eric.

He has so many friends and he loves them all so much. I can tell he will be one of those people that will do anything for anyone.

He is definitely a Mama's Boy...
He has lost 2 bottom teeth since his last birthday
He has the prettiest blue eyes
I love this boy with all my heart. He is a leader. His brother absolutely idolizes him. I see Kandon watch him and smile. He is stubborn, sometimes he won't stop til he gets his way. He has a tender heart. He gets his feelings hurt so easily. He loves everyone and to him it's the more the merrier. He loves and looks forward to me reading to him every night. I look forward to the times he reads to me, he is becoming such a good reader. He still loves me to sing to him and tell him stories every night. I love to do it, when I am not home to do it I feel a HUGE void. He begged and begged me this year to take and pick him up from school. He missed that last year in Kindergarten (I never got to take him). He got his way and gets so sad when it came to those few times this year I had to have someone take him for me. I could go on and on. But I will end in saying I love you "Bug" you truly are my Love "bug" and life wouldn't be life without you in it. I hope and pray the lord always watches over you, protects you and keeps you out of harms way. I am thankful he has given me the opportunity to be your "mom"!!