Its Only Basketball...

Karter begged and begged me to sign him up for basketball. You would think he would love the sport much as his dad...NOPE!! During one game he come over to me while they are playing and yells "mom I hate basketball" trust me I laughed and was like what?
Then the last game he went to right after it was over he says "mom go tell my coach to take me off the team!"
It's all because he feels they are being bullies by pushing him around when blocking!!
Scott's worked with him when he has had time between work and school. Considering Karter is the very youngest on the team hopefully it will be better next year. He was still suppose to be on the smart start but he wanted to play Jr. Jazz and since he was 6 years old, Provo City let him.
Maybe that was a mistake!! hahaha

Karter's 6th Birthday Party

Happy 6th Birthday KARTER!!!

I have been told I have to be a party planner...why? Only because I definitely went a little overboard for Karter's 6th birthday party. We planned a carnival birthday party and that's exactly what it was. We had Soda Pop the clown come she painted faces, tied balloons, and did a magic show. We had popcorn, hot dogs, cotton candy and all the carnival booths you can imagine. I know! I totally went all out, but you have to understand my mom comes from a family that use to have carnivals when she was growing up all the time. So she put me to the test...and tested all my partying skills...and patience!! It turned out great and I believe all 30 kids (yep I said 30, what's a carnival without a ton of kids, right?) had the time of their lives!! I just hope all those kids and especially Karter don't expect something bigger and better next year cuz it ain't happening!!
I "think" my friends and family even had a blast!!
So if you ever need a party planner...give me a call! Lol


I know Valentines was over a month ago...but I have been the worst blogger lately ever!! Here are some goodies me and Bridget made. They turned out perfect!!
Me and Scott took the boys and headed up to Logan for a little mini vacation for Valentines and stayed a couple days. Karter's birthday is on the 16th so we kinda spent time with him since Scott had school on his actual birthday and wouldn't have seen him. We stayed here...
The boys slept together on the hideaway bed. Surprisingly Kandon did so good and didn't even fall off!! Karter is in there...somewhere!!!
The Logan temple...which I love!!
What we watched...
And that's about it other than we played in the pool a whole bunch and shopped. But that's all I have pic's of! Everyone was asking why we were going there...I love Logan. I seriously could live there!!