Bring on 2010!!!

I am ready for a new year! Hope you all have a FABULOUS one and hopefully 2010 will bring us all peace, love and happiness...and money!! A girl can dream, right?

And I haven't forgot about posting Christmas pic's...i'll get around to it next year!!

Merry Christmas!

We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!!
ours went a little like this...

Thursday, Christmas got over 14 viruses, one major one!! Luckily Scott's cousin is a computer guru so we took it to him. Party with my parents at 4:30. Scott's family arrived from Arizona about 6:00 pm. Party with Scott's family at 7:00. Frost cookies and put out carrots for Santa and the reindeer. Off to bed so santa can come about 10:00 pm.
Friday, Christmas morning...woke up saw what santa brought us. He was way to generous this year!!
Scott got a glock 23 pistol for the academy (watch out everyone), Mandi a new lens for her camera and clothes, Karter a dirtbike and a stunt psyco and a 22 rifle (from grandpa), Kandon a horseee (as he would say from grandma and grandpa) and a baja powerwheels car and a 22 rifle (from grandpa).
Once we saw what santa brought we headed to Shawna's house to open gifts with Scott's family. Left Shawna's around noon went to my parent's to finish opening gifts with them. Went home to let Kandon and mom have a nap (since mom was getting a headache, lack of sleep maybe?). Woke up headed back to Shawna's to play games with the family. Karter sleptover with the cousin's. Mom and dad went home put Kandon to bed tried to watch a show with Lance (Scott's brother) we all fell asleep.
Saturday the Day after Christmas...went shopping to use our giftcards (are we crazy, it was worse than black friday!!), lunch at 5 guys, Cabela's, shooting with the new guns everyone got, dinner at Texas Roadhouse. So tired headed home to hit the pillow again., Karter was the reverance child in sacrament. Primary...Scott came got Karter took him home cuz he was so onry. Karter went home fell asleep. Noon got home from church. Karter woke up, Kandon went down for his nap. Mom and dad took turns falling asleep for a nap. Everyone woke up and was much happier! Dinner with Scott's family at our house. Said our goodbyes to Scott's mom and dad since they are headed back tomorrow. Scott and Lance went to pick up our computer. As for to bed again since I get to go to work at 5:00 am!!

It was quit a weekend full of fun, family and lack of sleep but well worth it!! I will post some pics now that I have a computer back and can finally upload some pic's!!