Bring on 2010!!!

I am ready for a new year! Hope you all have a FABULOUS one and hopefully 2010 will bring us all peace, love and happiness...and money!! A girl can dream, right?

And I haven't forgot about posting Christmas pic's...i'll get around to it next year!!

Merry Christmas!

We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!!
ours went a little like this...

Thursday, Christmas got over 14 viruses, one major one!! Luckily Scott's cousin is a computer guru so we took it to him. Party with my parents at 4:30. Scott's family arrived from Arizona about 6:00 pm. Party with Scott's family at 7:00. Frost cookies and put out carrots for Santa and the reindeer. Off to bed so santa can come about 10:00 pm.
Friday, Christmas morning...woke up saw what santa brought us. He was way to generous this year!!
Scott got a glock 23 pistol for the academy (watch out everyone), Mandi a new lens for her camera and clothes, Karter a dirtbike and a stunt psyco and a 22 rifle (from grandpa), Kandon a horseee (as he would say from grandma and grandpa) and a baja powerwheels car and a 22 rifle (from grandpa).
Once we saw what santa brought we headed to Shawna's house to open gifts with Scott's family. Left Shawna's around noon went to my parent's to finish opening gifts with them. Went home to let Kandon and mom have a nap (since mom was getting a headache, lack of sleep maybe?). Woke up headed back to Shawna's to play games with the family. Karter sleptover with the cousin's. Mom and dad went home put Kandon to bed tried to watch a show with Lance (Scott's brother) we all fell asleep.
Saturday the Day after Christmas...went shopping to use our giftcards (are we crazy, it was worse than black friday!!), lunch at 5 guys, Cabela's, shooting with the new guns everyone got, dinner at Texas Roadhouse. So tired headed home to hit the pillow again., Karter was the reverance child in sacrament. Primary...Scott came got Karter took him home cuz he was so onry. Karter went home fell asleep. Noon got home from church. Karter woke up, Kandon went down for his nap. Mom and dad took turns falling asleep for a nap. Everyone woke up and was much happier! Dinner with Scott's family at our house. Said our goodbyes to Scott's mom and dad since they are headed back tomorrow. Scott and Lance went to pick up our computer. As for to bed again since I get to go to work at 5:00 am!!

It was quit a weekend full of fun, family and lack of sleep but well worth it!! I will post some pics now that I have a computer back and can finally upload some pic's!!

Give Thanks!!

I have so much to be thankful for I don't know where to start...
~my hubby and all he does and sacrifices for our family
~my boys and how they can always make me laugh just for being themselves
~my family an the unconditional love they have for me and the traditions they have taught me
~my job and being able to work part time to spend time with my boys
~health insurance that I can use whenever its needed
~our house and the warmth it provides us this time of year
~our dependable cars
~Scott being able to go to school
~all our sweet and loving friends that are truly the best
~my faith and the joy it brings us
~being an eternal family so I can be with my sweet family FOREVER!!

There is so much more that I could list but these are my top choices. Hope all of you had a fabulous holiday and have much to be thankful for. May we all remember to be thankful for all these things and more all year long!

The Funeral of LaRue Mower Wiley

My grandma's funeral was...perfect. It was the perfect day, the casket was breath taking and the talks were memorable along with all that came.
My handsome boys...loved their Grandma Wiley. I believe each of them know she's gone and will remember her forever.
My brother and cousins as the pallbearers.
The casket after the dedication of the grave by my cousin, Ryan.
My handsome hubby.

My sweet friends...the two Bestest Friends I could ever ask for!! I could not have went through all of this without the two of them in my life!!
The flowers from all the grandkids.

My grandma's living siblings
Don, Diane, Janice, Connie and Bill
My grandma's children
Marilyn, Denise, Roger, Colleen, Gayla and Bonnie
My Grandma was truly a ray of sunshine to me. This was the perfect setting of the sun shining on her and her casket. I love you Grandma rest in peace and enjoy the wonderful reunion you must be having, until we meet again...

Halloween 2009

I have to admit I've dreaded posting pic's of Halloween. Why? Only because usually you can't get the camera out of my hands or away from my kids face. But this year with all that happened with my grandma I'm lucky to have these pic's. They are all I have until I get more from what Bridget took. Sad to say...I just didn't care this year!!
Karter had to dress up for church, school and then again the next day...He was never the same thing twice. He was anything from Darth Vador, Power Ranger to Captain Jack! And no...I did not buy him all these costumes this year. He just loves to dress up year round!! He always makes me laugh.
Kandon was a caterpillar and the cutest one ever I must say!!! Too bad he wouldn't keep the hat part on.

The back of his costume was the cutest part.

It's Never Easy to Say Goodbye

This is by far one of the hardest posts I have done since I started my blog. Sorry this will be extremely long and hopefully it makes sense through the tears that are falling.

I had the opportunity to know and have one of the BEST grandma's in the world. My grandma was the sweetest lady anyone would ever meet. She was like a mother to me and took care of me while I was young while my parents worked. She was giving, unselfish, devoted, strong, courageous and sacrificed till the end. She was a person that loved her family and showed us that till the moment she took her last breath. I spent most of the day with my grandma on October 28th. I had to leave around 4:30 because I was hosting a baby shower for one of my friends. I came home hosted, bathed Cookie and got my kids in bed. Once Karter had fell asleep I laid there thinking and pondering of my grandma. Right then the phone rang...I hesitated to answer it only because I knew or hoped I could possibly change fate. I finally mom was on the other line telling me my grandma had taken a turn for the worse and had the death rattle. I rushed to put my shoes on and went to find Scott unable to locate him I left...yes kids in bed and all. Calling my neighbor as I was driving down the road asking her to watch my kids until I could get a hold of Scott. I got to my grandma's house seeing the condition she was in...knowing it would be that night that she would return home to her Heavenly Father. I cried, trembled and in the same sense was happy that she would again be with the man she loved and cherished her whole life, my grandpa. She wasn't coherent but I know she heard everything we said to her and sang to her. She struggled for almost 6 hours. I say this not because she struggled in pain but struggled wanting so badly to be here with her family.
But then she reached up with both arms as if she was being lifted from this life.
Within minutes she was gone...
LaRue Mower Wiley
  • BORN: February 2, 1922
  • DIED: October 29, 2009
  • LOCATION: Orem, UT
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LaRue Mower Wiley, our devoted loving and serving mother, grandmother, great grandmother, and friend, passed away peacefully in her home surrounded by her family on October 29, 2009. LaRue was born February 2, 1922 in Fairview, Utah to Clarence Eugene Mower and Leona Christina Clark. She was raised in Milburn and Fairview (Sanpete County), and the coal-mining town of Spring Canyon (Carbon County). In her high school years, her family moved to Springville where she worked at the home of Ed Clyde. Later she met her sweetheart, Joseph LaVon Wiley, and they married on July 17, 1942, just prior to LaVon leaving to serve his country during World War II. She helped with the war effort by working in the drafting department at Geneva Steel. After the war, she devoted her life to being a homemaker. They were sealed in the Provo Temple November 22, 1986.

LaVon and LaRue had six children (all surviving): Marilyn (Bob) Adams, Lindon; Denise (Bob) Haag, Orem; Roger Lavon (Mickie) Wiley, Federal Way, Washington; Colleen (Ted) Rasmussen, Lehi, Gayla (Kevin) Moore, Provo; and Bonnie Jean Cordner, Orem. Their posterity includes 20 grandchildren and 29 great grandchildren. LaRue's surviving siblings include: Beth Johnson, Connie Mae Orr, William (Bill) Earl Mower, Donald Lee Mower, Janice Ruth Frandsen, and Cecelia Dianne Goelz. LaRue was preceded in death by her husband, brothers Clair Eugene (Gene) Mower and Clark Alvin Mower, and sister Neatha Greener Elliot Wilson.

During her lifetime, LaRue made numerous quilts and quillows, sewed many matching dresses for her daughters, grew many gardens, and enjoyed many hikes in the mountains. She was the greatest cook and hostess. No one ever went hungry in her home and her cooking pot was never empty. LaRue served in many church callings in all auxiliaries, including Primary President and Jr. Sunday School Coordinator. She had a special talent working with children. She also served as Relief Society Compassionate Service Leader. LaRue devoted her life giving unselfish, endless love and service to her family and others. She created a warm, safe, welcoming, and loving spirit in her home and saw good in everyone.

The family wishes to thank Dr. Douglas Mower, Erica from home health, Roseanne from Aspen Senior Care, the staff of Alpine Hospice, and Walker Sanderson Family Mortuaries for taking special care of our mother.

Funeral services will be held Tuesday, November 3, 2009, at 12 noon, in the Cascade First Ward, 451 E. Center St., Orem. Family and friends may call Monday evening, November 2, from 6-8 p.m. at the Walker Sanderson Funeral Home, 646 E. 800 N., Orem, and Tuesday morning, November 3, from 10:45-11:45 a.m. prior to the funeral services. Interment will be at the Orem City Cemetery.

One of my aunts had said and it was quoted in a talk at my grandma's funeral
"in order to learn how to live we have to learn how to die,
and in order to learn how to die we have to learn how to live."
That is exactly what my grandma taught me. I hope I can be half the woman, mother and wife she was!
She was truly amazing in all she did!!
I will miss you so much Grandma until we meet again...


You will ALWAYS be older than me...

even if it is only by a couple weeks!!
I love you babe and know this year's birthday wasn't the best. You worked all day, went to school all night and the second you walked in the door I left to go be by my grandma's bedside fearing she would pass away that night. You are the BEST husband ever to put the most important things first and not be selfish at all!! Speaking of which...I still owe you your present that I still haven't even wrapped or put in a bag yet! I love you with ALL my heart and look forward to many, many more years and birthdays that we will CELEBRATE!!


Scott got a call the day Provo High was playing Timpview asking him to bring his bike to help support Provo High for the start of the game and half time show. Of course Scott came home polished it up and off he went!! It was lots of fun to hear all the bikes...too bad Provo High lost by 64-7!! Better luck next year right? I told Scott if we still live here when our boys play ball we might have to be traitors and let them go to

Mr. 2!!!

My Baby has went from this...

To this...

Just when you think your baby is still your baby you realize...he's now 2!! It amazes me how fast kids grow up. And it's right before our eyes!!
Kandon turned 2...October 17th!

The cake me and Bridget decided to try to tackle and make ourselves...I think it turned out pretty darn good myself!! I know I couldn't have done it without her help!!

The many faces of Kandon!!

The party and kids playing outside. They all get along so well! Thanks everyone for coming and celebrating our Mr. Crew turning 2!! We have the best family and friends!!!

Our Trip to California 2009

So I am finally getting around to posting about our trip!! Our trip to California was awesome other than Scott couldn't go cuz of school and my dad ended up having to work so it was me and the kiddos and my mom! We left on Saturday the 19th went to my friends wedding in Mesquite and left for California on Sunday.
Sunday- arrived in San Juan Capistrano and just relaxed and played at the pool.
Monday-played at the beach across the street from our resort and me and Kandon went to the Urgent Care and both had ear infections in our left ears!! Just my luck!!
Tuesday-Disneyland Day 1 (no need to's Disneyland!) and me and Kandon was feeling a bit better.
Wednesday-Laguna Beach...BEAUTIFUL!!!

Thursday-Disneyland Day fun!!
Friday-Beach, pool...Karter learned or should I say taught himself to do a flip off the side of the pool and we did some shopping. We got a call that night from my aunt telling us that my grandma had been in the hospital since Tuesday because she had fell and was bleeding from her rectum they were searching for the bleeding and came across some horrible news...that she has cancer. They know it is malignant and is growing but are not sure how fast. It is in between her trachea and her lungs and is approx. 2" in diameter. They did further testing and found that it is more than likely in her lymph modes as well but aren't 100% sure. The family decided not to do the needle biopsy because it would be very painful for my grandma and she is 87 years old and wouldn't make it through a surgery anyways. We have no idea a time frame but are cherishing every moment we have left with her. Me and my mom cried and cried but tried to get it together for the boys. We wanted to come home but knew we needed to finish our trip. We have since been told since we got home from hospice that if it's in her lungs it will probably be 3-6 months.
Saturday-Sea World...I love it just as much as Disneyland!

We sat in the 5th row and Shamu DRENCHED us and we were wet pretty much the rest of the day!!

Sunday-The beach on last time and then we left California. We were going to stay in Vegas but decided to save the money and drive home. Scott didn't know we were coming home so about 11 pm we got home went upstairs and surprised him by the boys jumping on the bed and us yelling as we went through the bedroom door. It was fun to see him asleep and wake up so confused for a moment but so excited to see us!!

I'm glad to be back but I have to say if there is ever a place i'm going to retire it will be by the Ocean. I absolutely love the beach and the sounds of the waves crashing. It is so relaxing to me. I can't wait to go back and enjoy some more family time again maybe next time with the whole family!!

I'm up for a Change...

I was going to post pic's of our trip to California first but I decided it's going to take me awhile so i'm posting what I did once I got back. I have been so tired of my hair lately so I told Shannon I wanted to go brown...why? I am sick of the upkeep of blonde hair and sad but true the older I get the more my hair is turning darker and darker I just haven't wanted to admit it. I also tattooed my eyebrows and lips too right before I left to California. It's all a great change for fall. So here's the new me!!I absolutely LOVE it!! Thanks Shan you always do such an AMAZING job!!!

Karter's First Day of School

K loves to give Kisses
A loves to Ask questions
R loves me to Read to him every night.
T we are so Thankful he is part of our family
E is very Entergetic
R is very Respectful
I can't even believe Karter started kindergarten this year. It makes me so sad that he is growing up right before my eyes and there is nothing I can do to stop it. I am so proud of him though for being so brave and not crying the first day. I totally expected to have a meltdown and luckily did not. Karter is very sensitive and cries over everything. I knew that if he started crying I would breakdown and cry too. It made it much easier that the school had a safety assembly that the parents of the kindergartners were asked to attend. So I didn't have to just take him into class and drop him off. Although he was latched onto my leg while going to class once we got there he sat by the new friend he had already made and said "Bye mom I love you". So although I never ended up crying I am sad that he is already in kindergarten.

Bridal Veil Falls

We took the kids up the canyon to have a picnic and see Bridal Veil Falls. I'm surprised Kandon didn't get in the water with Karter. Karter looks a little frozen in some of the pics. Then Karter had to throw rocks in the river right by the falls where it is super steep, talk about mom having a heart attack. I think I was so nervous because there was a little girl about a month ago that fell in right there and didn't survive. But beside my heart beating out of my chest it was a great time!

Stung Again

As many of you already know Karter is allergic to bees. A couple weeks ago we had a 2nd scare of him getting stung by a bee. Luckily and much to our surprise he did not react the way the doctor planned and prepared us for. We were told last time we needed to carry an epipen and plan on calling 911 to assure he would be at an emergency room within 2o minutes because he would probably have a difficult time breathing or possibly stop breathing.
I am so grateful that he did not react the way we were prepared for. He was outside playing when suddenly I heard him screaming and crying. I ran to the door to find out that he had been stung. I immediately ran in the house and got some benadryl and the epipen just in case. I was advised not to use the epipen until there was obvious signs of difficulty breathing. I called the doctor and they told me to watch him for an hour. I did, and thankfully he only swelled a little bit. I still carry my epipen just in case but pray I never have to use it!!

Salem Days

This is for Karly...she has been waiting too long and I would like to keep my friends so here you go.

We went to the Salem days with the Chase fam. I have to admit it was the best parade ever...why I got 2 potted plants and a t-shirt plus the kids got TONS of candy! No parade I know gives away plants. All i can say is they better plan on the Jones fam ever year now.
This is a raspberry picker...I have never seen one before so I had to take a pic of it...
The kids waiting for the parade to start
Karly and her flower basket...
Karter in the dunk tank
Jeff and Scott waiting to dunk Trey and Karter...
Trey in the dunk tank
Kennedy...she is the sweetest thing ever!!
Karter during the parade
Kandon doing his own thing during the parade
Jeff and Scott entered the ping pong tournament and had a lot of fun...
Scott takes ping pong pretty serious
Jeff takes it way serious too...
Needless to say neither of our boys won the tournament but they advanced until almost the end... Great job boys!!