Memorial Day!

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I have to say Memorial Day means a lot to me. It is a day I can pay respects to the ones that I love that have passed on. Each year we go decorate graves and these are some photo's of our day. I truly miss my grandpa Wiley and my Grandma Moore. I also have a photo of my Grandma Wiley that is still with us standing by my Grandpa's military flag. She misses him so much and just cried at his grave when we went. Enjoy the pic's!

Memorial Weekend!

Scott's family and I decided to surprise him by them coming to visit this weekend! It was so much fun and he was very surprised. I would say so surprised that when he saw our niece he didn't recognize her (he had not yet seen his mom, brother and sister)! When he turned around and saw them the look on his face was priceless.
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Our weekend consisted of playing the Wii and Xbox 360 including Rock Band of course. Scott, Lance and my dad went on the fun bus to Wendover (losing all the money they went with). Becky getting set up on a blind date with my friend Stephanie's cute brother. Becky had lots of fun, thanks Steph! Karly and I went to "What happens in Vegas". Thank's Karly I had a BLAST. Ending in swimming at my sister and brother in law's in somewhat ok weather. Thanks Scott and Shawna! And thanks Colleen, Becky, Lance and Kaydence coming to visit with out you we would have had a boring weekend!


Ok so here is a video of Scott last July when we were in Arizona. Scott, my brother in-law and sister in-law were practicing for the grocery race in the rodeo. The first time practicing this is what Scott did. I totally forgot about this video until the other day. Enjoy!!

Sir Kandon

We went to our neighbor boy's birthday party and we put this Thomas hat on Kandon and he left it on all afternoon. It was really cute and Karter thought it was so funny!


All of you have now received an invite from us saying our blog went private. We are happy to welcome you and are glad you will be able to keep in touch with what's going on at the good ole' Jones house through our blog. You are welcome to visit and leave us a comment anytime. We are asking you to please not share our information with anyone and if you know of someone (that we know) that would like an invite to our blog please leave us their name and email. Thanks we are so glad to have you as friends and family!

Girls Night Out!

Each month we have a girls night out...BUNCO!! It is tons of fun and goes by way to fast. Each of us look forward to the next one. This was the girl's at this month's and lucky me...I wasn't in the picture. We had a couple of subs but usually it is the same 12 girls! Thanks girls I love each one of you!

Out with the with the new!!

Scott has been needing and wanting a new truck for as long as I can remember. But it hasn't been our top priority. Having his car paid off was nice but it finally came down to the fact we were always needing a truck! So we sold his car to some good friends of ours for their 16 year old daughter (I wish I would have had that car when I was 16!!) and we finally got a truck and best of all it's a 4-door and the boys fit GREAT in the back!! Plus Scott loves it. Hopefully after getting this truck he will still love and ride his motorcycle this summer with gas prices the way they are.

A Flower for You...

Karter came running up to me yesterday and said "Mom I picked a flower for you". As I turned around to look it was a "Dandelion". I thought it was too cute...I think I love Dandelion's a lot more now, just not in our yard!!!