Christmas 2011

 Christmas 2011 was our first Christmas at our townhouse.
Kandon got the scooter he asked Santa for.
Karter got his Tony Hawk skateboard.
 Karter and Kandon got the game Skylanders to share.
 Kandon got his Tony Hawk skateboard, that was almost as big as he was.
Karter got a black eye from falling on his "Heeley's" (the shoes with wheels) about a week or so before Christmas.
My gift from my parents, my dad made me this AR-15!! 
Our Cookie to Santa and cheese for the reindeer.
Karter reading the letter from Santa.
Christmas morning...
Our tree.

 This year the boys got "Elf on the Shelf" our elf's name is "Scout"
 He came every morning about 2 weeks before Christmas.
 His job is to watch the boys and report back to Santa each night.
 He always got into mischief.
 Sometimes the boys were good.
 Sometimes they were bad.
 If he didn't get into mischief, the boys knew they needed to try harder to be good.
There was a couple nights he didn't move at all.
But the first thing both of the boys did each morning, was look for Scout and what he did.
Sometimes we had to search the whole house to find him.
He even wrapped our toilet like a present!!
And sometimes he even played with their toys.
And he tried to get them to break out of their room, but they crawled out a hole in the bottom.

 But one of our favorite things about Christmas is Santa...
And remembering the TRUE MEANING of CHRISTMAS...
Christ's birth.

Halloween 2011

First things first...I did NOT buy Karter 4 costumes! But as you will see he insisted on wearing 4 this year. One that I bought him (shown above and below), one from a mask he just had laying around the house, and one borrowed from Grandma. Crazy kid.
 Scream, (the one borrowed from Grandma) and my little Vampire.
 Watch out!

 Grim Reaper and again my little Vampire.
And since Scott never dresses up you only get to see pictures of me and the boys.
 Karter's Costume at school, since he couldn't wear a mask he wore his Mohawk wig.
They had so much fun this year and got WAY too MUCH candy. This was the first year my boys went through it and donated some to our dentist office that is delivered to our Troops. I was so proud of them and Karter kept asking how many kids the troops were going to give it to.

Kandon Turned 4...

I know this is about a year late but I am going to try and catch up on this old blog. I don't want to miss any milestones that happened over the past year so be patient with me.

I can't begin to tell you how much joy Kandon brings to our family. He is silly. He has learned to be quite the little jokester. He still admires his BIG brother and always wants to play with him and do everything he does. He LOVES Karter.
His cake...of course he had to have his favorite color GREEN on it.
 Blowing out the candles.
 Karter reading him a card from Mom and Dad.
 Kandon just being "silly" putting on one of Karter's Halloween masks.
 He's a little shy, even around family sometimes.
But I still remember the day he was born...
And how scared I was when I found out he was going to have to be delivered by an emergency C-Section because he had the umbilical cord wrapped around his arm, his leg, his neck and his waist...
And how my Grandma said that "back in her day and age, we both would have died." Because of the complications...
But he was PERFECT!!
 And his Dad and BIG brother LOVED him.
 But I still remember not being able to feed him his first bottle and my mom having to do it because the morphine they gave me, made me so sick and nauseous. 
How lucky our family was to be able to be sealed in the temple when he was 4 months old.
 But he turned 1...
 then he turned 2...
and he even turned 3...
But although I HATE that he is growing up right before my eyes...I LOVE my little 4 year old!!