Thursday, September 29, 2011

Photo Book

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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Lots to do....

Just downloaded 679 pictures from my camera....guess I have a lot to do and catch up on!!!! Keep checking back although it may take me months!!!!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Happy 30th Calvin !!

Calvin is one year older...and maybe wiser!! We had a fun Birthday, we left to Goblin Valley!! His perfect birthday camping with his family!!
He is amazing and gets better every year!! We LOVE him so much.

This is him opening his present before hitting the road!!
From the girls he got...Badmittin, Uno and a Movie...perfect for camping.
From me a new BBQ, and we all LOVE that !!!

One AWESOME Dad!!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

House "NOT" for Sale

Many of you know we WERE trying to sell our house. But after many calls and talking to Realtors we decided now is just not going to work. We want what we want for our house and are VERY FIRM on our price, because we don't HAVE to sell, just WANT to, and in this market that is not what a buyer wants to hear. We all have mixed feelings, a sense of relief, sadness, less stress, broken dreams, right, wrong etc... We have talked it over and over and just thought now is not the time, if it is meant to be it will happen some day!! So for now we are going to keep on dreaming of our FARM and enjoy our home sweet home!!

Don't get me wrong I DO LOVE our home and am VERY grateful for it, just never thought we would still be here 10 years after moving in but the longer we are here the harder it is going to be to say goodbye. We are very comfortable here, however we would LOVE to have a little more land, to have our own LITTLE farm with a little more room to RUN!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

My RUNNER.....

Saige's school does a "FUN RUN" fundraiser every year so we always like to go do our part and run. Saige and I got up early Saturday morning to go do the one mile FUN RUN...well when we got there and signing up Saige insisted on running the 5K, I tried to make sure she understood how far that was (trying to talk her out of it, I was in no way ready to run) but she said she could do it, so we did it. AND WOW, I can not believe her, she really ran the WHOLE thing, I was the one lagging!!! As we crossed the finish line I was so proud and holding back the tears, I think this has to top the list as one of my proudest moments of her. She was so excited too, and all smiles, with cheering of all the runners who had finished. SHE WAS THRILLED and should be.
I only wish Calvin could have been there to watch, but when we left we were just doing the 1 mile no big deal. I had tried to call him with no answer & come to find out he was home locked out with no truck keys!! So he had planned on coming up, but NEXT time he will be there cheering her on, because we are going to do another one together.
So there were around 310 runners, & Saige took first in her age group and 44th overall!!!! WOW
Here is her official Runner card
Because I have had too many people NOT believe her time!!
So this is PROOF!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Girls Day at the Salon

The girls love to have their cousins come down from Kamas, so we had them come for a sleepover then a trip to the Salon for a few hairdo's, mani's and pedi's. They loved it and thought they were ohhh so big. They all got curls done, (minus Addie she wanted hers straight ?!?) then they got nails and toenails done. The hair looked darling....fingers and toes left MUCH to be desired, but they were tickled none the less.
After we went to snap a few GLAMOR shots, we went to the one place that has pretty flower the Temple and took some cute pics of them.
Thanks Aunt Megan for the great idea and getting us going...too bad she had to leave early. :(
Here they are showing off their new DO's. So cute and the best of Friends.



