Sitting here on the couch, dirty martini on the coaster (M makes me use them), listening to some crazy-ass kid music CD on the stereo. Buggins seems to dig it.
I hope every one had a good weekend. Shout out to RC, an anonymous reader who de-lurked to let me know that there is a guy out there reading my blog. Thanks RC, happy to have you along.
I got a haircut this weekend at Mr.'s Hai.r Company. Yes, that's the name. It's a barber shop in a strip mall. I'm a pretty classy, important guy. I get Mr. Jimmy himself to do it. Not some half-wit employee.
Anyway, I bring this up because I remember something very annoying that people used to say to us when we were trying to make the Buggins. They'd find out we were trying to get pregnant, and they'd say something extremely douche-baggy like "Ugh, you don't know how lucky you are, to still be childless. You don't know it, but you're in the time of your life right now. Enjoy it". I'm sure many of you have heard that statement too. Ignorance run amock.
Anyway, once you actually have a baby, these types of bullshit comments don't exactly end. They just change. Take Mr. Jimmy, for example.
Mr. Jimmy: "So, you guys going out tonight?"
Me: "No, we have a little buggins. Can't remember the last time we went out."
Mr. Jimmy: "This is the time of your life, when they're that small. You don't know it, but it is"
Me: "Oh, I know it."
Mr. Jimmy: "No, you don't know it. But it really is. The time of your life. You just don't know. But you will someday."
Me: "No, seriously, I know it. It's the time of my life."
Mr. Jimmy: "Oh no, you just don't know. But trust me. Time of your life."
Me: "Listen, you A-hole, I'll tell you what is definitely NOT the time of my life, this STUPID-ASS conversation."
Alright, I may have only thought that last line.
On another subject, I have to give a giant shout out to my extremely awesome wife, Mrs. Smarshy. She is going through a PARTICULARLY awesome phase. And I say awesome with the biggest Boston accent I can muster, given that I'm from Connecticut.
Since we have been forced by insurance to take a couple cycles off, there is not a drop of evil IF-related meds in her system. Her body and her mind are her OWN. And, because we know we are kicking off a new IVF cycle at the end of October, we have a gameplan and a sufficient supply of hope. So there is nothing we're supposed to be doing, charting, watching, poking, or counting. And we don't feel like we're slacking, because we have a good plan, and it's not too far in the future. So it's just time to be us, to enjoy the Buggins, and to be awesome.
I have to tell you, my wife is the happiest I have seen her in at least a year. She is in a good mood, she's silly, energetic, and so much fun. Honestly, I totally forgot how much fun she can be. It's literally like the woman I married just popped in for a visit.
I am so happy to have her back. I recognize I will lose her again, in just a few short weeks. But this brief period has reminded us how close we are, how compatible we are, and how much fun we have together. For those of you who are wondering if you might benefit from some time off, particularly those of you with the time to do it (in your 20's or early 30's), I want you to know that in our case, this time off has recharged us for many cycles in the future. Hopefully we only need 1 more cycle, though.
Other reasons why my wife is so awesome right now:
1) She started drinking again. HALLELUJAH. I just bought her a whole case of's Har.d Lemonade. I have to be honest, I get a little thrill each time I see her reaching for drink #2. It's not because I'm excited that she's catching a buzz, it's because it means she's relaxing. She's typically not a very relaxed person. Plus, after a couple drinks it's much easier to get in her pants. (Wait, was that out loud?)
2) TV season is back in full swing. All her trashy, ridiculous shows, in all their cheesiness, are lighting up our living room on a nightly basis. America's Next Top Model, The Bachelor, Project Runway, Deal or No Deal. Plus, any MTV show about hot 18 year olds. Every wonder who on Earth watches that crap? Yeah. It's Mrs. Smarshy. And it makes her HAPPY.
Lastly, we bought a mattress. We ended up choosing a Tempur-Pedic, one of those memory-foam NASA mattresses. For the price we paid, we could have gone on a fairly nice vacation. But my hope is that the increased comfort will keep my wife in her current state just a little bit longer.
That's all I got -