Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Book Review: The Vespertine, by Saundra Mitchell

The Vespertine, by Saundra Mitchell
Release Date: March 7, 2011
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Pages: 293
Received: Net Galley
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars 

Author's Page
Amazon Page 

Goodreads Page


In the summer of 1899, country girl Amelia is sent to stay with relatives in Baltimore for the social season in order to find a suitable husband. The season begins joyfully with friendships and a number of attractive young men, but Amelia’s fun is interrupted by startling visions that appear to her in the light of the setting sun. Amelia and her cousin Zora begin accepting callers for private readings. As the town clamors for Amelia to read their futures, Amelia finds her heart pulled toward the decidedly unsuitable Nathaniel, an artist below her station. Balancing the fine line between propriety and passion, tension grows as Amelia’s visions show her increasingly disturbing events.


The book opens in the fall of 1899, after the events of the story have already transpired. We learn that tragedy has struck and Amelia has been left a ruined madwoman. To say this is an ominous opening is an understatement. I was saturated with a feeling of dread throughout the entire story, knowing that whatever happened would ultimately lead to a tragic end.

I was completely captivated. My mind was racing with questions right from the start. What happened to Amelia? What drove her mad? What is the nature of the tragedy? The dark allusions to cursed visions pulled me in further. I couldn’t wait to find out the story surrounding these visions and how the paranormal aspect would be woven into the story.

On the other hand, however, this somber beginning tainted my enjoyment of the romance. We know from the start that Amelia is a ruined woman, and in 1899 that usually meant a woman trusted her heart to an untrustworthy man. Knowing how Amelia’s relationship ended up, I had a very hard time liking Nathaniel. I constantly viewed him with suspicion and resentment.

In some ways, though, Nathaniel was an attractive romantic lead. There were some sensual scenes that I couldn’t help but get caught up in. Mitchell has a real gift with words and it shines in these scenes. Their behavior is basically PG-13, but her writing made these scenes smolder. There were a number of sentences throughout the book (both in the sexy scenes and in others) that caught my attention to the point where I stopped to reread and admire them. I also must point out how impressed I was by Michell's ability to so convincingly write in an 1899 tone and style. This is a big change from her previous book (modern, American Southern) and really makes her stand out to me as a convincing and versatile author.

Still, despite these scenes, I never really warmed up to Nathaniel. He took far too many liberties, and while there is something dangerously attractive about a man flaunting social conventions for love, it turns distasteful when he has just as little regard for the reputation of his lady. I did not like that about him, and in turn I also thought less of Amelia for allowing this sort of ruination.

It also struck me as rather rude of Amelia to so blatantly flaunt her social breaches while she was a guest in her family’s home. I may sound stuffy, but her behavior was a reflection upon them, and she seemed to care very little about how her actions would affect their reputations. I had a hard time liking Amelia as a character and feeling much sympathy for her eventual circumstances.

Even with my dislike of the two main characters, I still enjoyed this book. The side characters, while not developed as much as I would have liked, were interesting and fun to read about. I was much more invested in their stories and romances. The mysterious impending tragedy kept suspense high and I practically flew through the chapters to find out what would happen next.

I was confused by the paranormal aspects of the story. Amelia’s abilities were explained well enough in action, but I was frustrated at the lack of reason behind her talents. I have no idea why she receives visions and why only at sunset (and only in the presence of the sun, I think?). Is this ability a common or accepted occurrence in Amelia’s world? I don’t know and I would have liked to have read an explanation. The other abilities completely puzzled me. What exactly were they? Were they connected to Amelia's abilities? I just didn’t understand them at all.

The climax of the story is astounding. I wasn’t expecting it at all. With the ominous lead up and hints at something absolutely terrible happening, I was wondering if the eventual reveal would live up to the hype. All I can say without spoiling the ending is that it most certainly did live up to the hype. I have to give Mitchell credit here, she delivered.

My lower rating is because of my personal dislike of Amelia and Nathaniel and my confusion over the paranormal aspects of the book. The story overall was enjoyable, so take my rating with a grain of salt and read this one for yourself. You might also be interested in checking out Logan E. Turner's review. She loved The Vespertine so much her review is even motivating me to do a reread!

Blog Award Nomination!

So I was browsing through my Google Reader looking at all the new blog posts waiting for me and I kept seeing this nomination pop up. I thought to myself, yup, these blogs totally deserve this because they're awesome (why else would I have them on my GR?) Being that I live under a rock, I had no idea what this award was, so I hopped on over to the wonderful blog hosting these awards, Mindful Musings. Guess what I found?

One of you awesome, fantastic, amazingly wonderful readers nominated ME!

Whoever this angel is, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have completely made my day! My fiance may not appreciate it as much as I do since I've been bursting out every five minutes with "EEEEE!!! I've been nominated! Me!" and then pointing at the screen and making him look at my name on the list (again...and again....and again). (Really though, he's very happy you've made me so happy). 

So whoever you are, these are for you: 

A cake, because cake is tasty.

A wagon of puppies, because it doesn't get much cuter than that. 

And a gold star, because I've been trained so well by my elementary school teachers that I still get excited over the idea of getting one.

And why all of this? Because,

And you totally are awesome!

But seriously, you can get real live actual non-computer picture prizes by voting for your favorite new blog of 2010 and your favorite established blog. Just head on over to Mindful Musings blog and vote on your favorites. There are so many awesome blogs nominated that I'm not sure how I'm going to pick who to vote for. I always feel kind of weird voting for myself, but I'm certainly not going to talk YOU out of voting for me! 

Book Review: The Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine

The Two Princesses of Bamarre, by Gail Carson Levine
Release Date: March 20, 2001
Publisher: HarperCollins
Pages: 256
Received: Bought
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars 


All their lives, sisters Meryl and Addie have played at saving their people from the specters, ogres, dragons, gryphons, and the mysterious Gray Death that plague their cowardly father's kingdom. Brave Meryl always played the hero, while shy and cowardly Addie always took the part of the damsel in distress. Both sisters were comfortable in their roles and never questioned their futures, until Meryl falls ill with the deadly Gray Death. Always following a specific progression, and always ending in death, Addie knows exactly how many days her sister has left before she succumbs to the illness. Empowered by a prophecy that claimed the Gray Death would be vanquished when "Cowards find courage," Addie battles her fears and, racing against time, she sets out to find a cure to save her sister.

Supplied with a cloak that helps the wearer blend into the shadows (but it doesn't work on dragons and specters), a table cloth that provides an endless supply of food, seven league boots, a spyglass that allows the viewer to see over long distances and through walls, and an elfin herb that provides strength and dampens pain, Addie finds she must rely upon her own ingenuity if she is to find a cure and make it back to the castle alive. A handsome wizard provides sporadic moral support and an invisible stranger lends an occasional helping hand, but this is not a story where the hero triumphs with the help of a gaggle of friends. Instead, Addie is pretty much on her own and she must learn to find strength, courage, and ability within herself instead of always relying on others.


I've heard nothing but fantastic things about Gail Carson Levine, but for some reason I had it in my head that she wrote "simple" stories. Maybe they were good, but I just wasn’t expecting all that much from them. My only exposure had been watching the movie Ella Enchanted (cute, but nothing amazing) and one of her fairy short stories (again, cute, but forgettable). Granted, not a fair account, but that’s where I was. I had picked up this copy at a garage sale and finally decided to read it (fully expecting to give it away when I was finished). Let me just say, I was so wrong about Gail Carson Levine!

Addie was such a good character. She was meek and the exact type of person the phrase “Scared of her own shadow” would apply to. She always lived in the shadow of her bold sister, and she was perfectly happy to stay there. I, like Addie, was always content to stay in the background while my friends took center stage. Because of this, I felt an instant connection with Addie.

While much of the plot was predictable and neatly tied together, the story didn't feel stale or boring at all. It is obvious from the outset that Addie will find courage, but her progression from timid coward to capable woman is paced well and enjoyable to read. I appreciated that Levine had Addie find courage in her own way. She never became a daring swordswoman charging into battle like her sister, but she instead found confidence in her own strengths and abilities. This made for a nice “Stay true to yourself” message without being overly preachy.

The quality of world building in this story surprised me, in a good way. The specters added a level of fear and interest that was different from the norm. They could appear as anyone, and so they often tried to trick the characters by pretending to be benign people. This concept was creepy, and the puzzle that presented in having to figure out who was real and who was a specter made for some fun scenes.

Often dragons are written pretty similar to human characters with very human-like personalities. This dragon wasn't very human at all. Though she possessed some human-like traits, overall her way of thinking was definitely different. She wasn't a villain, but she wasn't good either. She was a complex character older tweens and teens will probably appreciate.

The objects Addie has with her on her journey allowed for even more inventive scenes. Reading about and trying to guess how she should best use these resources was fun. The epic poem about the hero Drualt woven throughout the story also added a layer of depth to the world and was a nice way for the author to foreshadow events.

The ending was not my ideal, but it worked. I wasn't expecting to like this story as much as I did, but it was a fun, nice read and I was pleasantly surprised. This should be a hit among tween girls, and would make for a great recommendation to girls who are a little shy or insecure. While not a tween, I still enjoyed this story very much.
 Explanation of rating system: Star Rating Key 

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The Wide-Awake Princess, by E. D. Baker

Monday, December 20, 2010

Cover Review (6): The Luxe

Cover Crazy is a weekly meme hosted by Tawni at The Book Worms where a beautiful cover is featured each week for all of us to admire. I am going to use my Cover Crazy posts as an opportunity to review a book cover I love or review any cover (even the ones I don't love) from a book I've read. This week's Cover Crazy is for a cover I both love and have read the book: The Luxe, by Anna Godbersen

Previous Cover Crazy posts:
More of my Cover Crazy posts. 

Look at that dress! There are three two things that will make me absolutely drool over a cover: sparkles and beautiful dresses. It’s a good thing this cover doesn’t have sparkles, because I’m already overwhelmed by the magnificence of that dress.

The Luxe series follows the lives of wealthy New Yorkers at the turn of the 20th century. It’s one of those series I refer to as “Lifestyles of the rich and beautiful.” I read them because I want to vicariously live their lives of fabulous wealth (or at least observe and gossip).

It is fitting, then, that the cover pictures something that I want but will probably never have. I can’t imagine ever having occasion or ability to wear a dress like that, but boy would it be fun (and cumbersome, but that’s the beauty of fantasy, the dress will never be cumbersome in my imagination). 

The sheer size of the dress is stunning in the literal “I am stunned” way. Its massive size (spanning across not only the front cover, but the back cover as well) speaks to the wealth this girl must have. There must be yards and yards of rich, satiny fabric there. Then there are the details. Beautiful roses are nestled within the folds of the fabric and bunches of lace. The dress itself is pure artwork.

At any time, this dress would speak of a fortune, but in the late 19th century and early 20th century the wearer of this dress must be loaded. Looking at this cover, I can’t wait to dive into the book and read all about her luxurious life and all of the decadent parties she must attend. Plus, with a girl and dress that gorgeous, she must be embroiled in a few juicy romances.

There is a sweet femininity conveyed with the shade of pink used in the dress and the goldish color of the title. This girly innocence is belied by the penetrating gaze of the model. She stares out through the curl of the L, completely encircled by her world of luxury but, if her expression is any indication, she harbors secrets of her own. I look at the cover and wonder about those secrets.

The final touches come with the swooping font of the title. I find the letter L to be a very passionate letter. Think of these words for a minute: Lust, luxury, lascivious, lubricious. Say them out loud. Feel the way the words move in your mouth. They capture their definitions in their sound and feel. The swirling, swooping lines of the letter underscore the opulence of the word, and consequently the book.  

Passion, secrets, and wealth are practically oozing out of this cover. I look at this cover and I want to read the book. I want to be a fly on the wall as this girl dishes her secrets. I want to learn her gossip. I want to read the scene where she wears this dress and I want to vicariously experience the opulence of this dress and the events at which she must wear it. This cover is extremely successful at drawing my attention and sparking a desire to read this book.

What do you think about this cover? Do you like it? Dislike it? Does it make you want to read the book?

Interested in covers? Be sure to check out another Cover Crazy post by Gina from My Precious. 

Sunday, December 19, 2010

I don't want to read that book


Have you ever been recommended a book you really don't want to read? Working in a library, especially a small town library, I encounter this situation all the time. I never knew how to handle this situation until recently (keep reading to hear my fantabulous new response).

I love my patrons, really, I do. They bring me cakes and gourmet chocolates and knit me scarves and buy me Christmas presents. They totally rock.  They're so nice and I really love spending time with them. They'll come in all excited over the latest book they just read and I get excited with them because I'm happy they're happy.


(I'm working on these chocolates right now from the incredible Mrs. S.)

But then the dreaded recommendation comes. The, "You just have to read this book!" Usually I respond with something along the lines of, "Gee, thanks! I'll add it to my TBR" when really in my head I'm thinking something more like this:

"I am so never reading that book." 

Why don't I just stand my ground and tell them thank you but the book isn't for me? Well, frankly, because I'm a wimp. I'm shy and a pushover and I don't like confrontation. Plus, how do you say no when they bring cookies?

This response usually works at avoiding immediate awkwardness, even if I do sort of feel a little skuzzy for my white lies. It works, that is, until they start following up. They'll come back a week, a month, a few months later and ask me if I've read the book yet. And then they'll ask me again. And then again. After a while, the "Really, I just have a very long TBR" excuse starts looking a little thin (although, really, I do have a very long TBR....their book just isn't on it).

But now, I have a super fantastic amazingly fabulous response that totally gets me off the hook while allowing me to both glide away from confrontation while also telling the truth. What is this response? Here it is folks:

"I write young adult book reviews so I'm really swamped with that at the moment. I actually don't even have time to read any books that aren't YA."

(Have I mentioned yet that I am a huge Star Trek nerd? I don't dress up or anything though. Really.)

Ta da! The beauty of this response is that it's totally the truth, but it's vague enough that it allows each person to project their own feelings into my statement.

  • Some people are impressed. OOooh I'm a snazzy book reviewer (they think I'm getting paid! Ha!)
  • Some people feel sorry for me. Oh look, the poor adult who has to read all those kiddie books (little do they know!)
  • Some people are excited because it turns out that they love YA books too (these people are awesome)

But everyone, regardless of what they think about YA, totally accept my response and don't try to push their books on me. Unless they are one of those people who fall into the last category. Then they actually do help my TBR grow and I actually do have every intention of reading their recommendations.

Ah, I can now breathe a sigh of relief.

How about you? Do you ever encounter the "Oh please don't recommend that book to me" situation? How do you handle it? Are you braver than me? What was a book recommended to you that you would least like to read?

In My Mailbox (6)

In My Mailbox is a meme started by Kristi at The Story Siren with some inspiration from Alea of Pop Culture Junkie where we get to post about the books we receive each week through publishers/authors, our own purchases, contests won, and libraries.
The cute IMM button comes from Bewitched Bookworms.

For the second week in a row now, I've been trying to practice some restraint by not ordering a whole bunch of books (especially considering I still have books not only from last week, but from the week before that....and the week before that!) I was doing pretty good actually, until I saw Net Galley had Outside In  by Maria V. Snyder up for grabs. I loved her book Poison Study and I'd been eying her dystopian series for a while now. I finally broke down and ordered Inside Out from the library:

(Click on the image to make it larger)

So, funny story about this picture? You all already know I'm not the tallest person in the world, but I wanted to try to get a more overhead shot of this book. Partially because it looks better and partially because you could see the stamp of the library the book came from on the bottom edges of the pages. I stood on a chair in order to take the picture. Only it was my computer chair. It started rotating around as I was trying to take the picture, so I snapped it real fast as I was drifting to the left. So, that's why it's a little off center!

For Review from Goodreads' First Reads program (I think this is the first book that has actually arrived in my mailbox):

(Click on the image to make it larger)

And look! The author signed it too!
(Click on the image to make it larger)

What a wonderful thing to come home to today. A big thank you to both Goodreads and Adele Griffin. The cover looks even spookier in person! 

Anyone read any of these books? What were your thoughts? 

What did you get in your mailbox (or on your library card or credit card)? Feel free to add your IMM links in your comments.

And don't forget to join in on my event, Busting the Newbie Blues! We're having a ton of fun!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Summary: Cloaked in Red by Vivian Vande Velde

Have you ever read a book and then forgotten everything you read? Do you ever wish you could just read a quick summary to refresh your memory instead of having to reread the entire book? I have, especially when a book is part of a series and I just want to get the highlights of the previous books so I know what's going on when I read the latest installment. I enjoy rereading, but sometimes I just feel so guilty spending time on a book I've already read when all the books on my TBR pile glare at me for neglecting them. These posts are an attempt to help forgetful readers like myself.

These posts are also where those of us who have read the book can hold a discussion about any events in the book. These discussions will contain spoilers. 

The following post is a summary of the book. If you have not read the book, then go to my Cloaked In Red review instead. 

This post does contain spoilers, so if you haven't read the book, then don't read the rest of this post!

Cloaked in Red, b Vivian Vande Velde
Release Date: October 2010
Marshall Cavendish Children's Books
Pages: 128
My Review
Author's Page
Amazon Page

Goodreads Page

So you want to find out what happens in Cloaked in Red? Click here if you want to read my spoiler free review, or click the following link for the full summary:

Click me to read spoilers

Author’s Note: Explains the LRRH story, including multiple versions with various endings. Points out the absurdities of the story (how stupid Little Red was for not being able to tell the difference between her own grandmother and a wolf, naming a child after an article of clothing, etc).

The Red Cloak: Follows a girl named Meg who is shy and does not want to wear the bright red cloak her mother dyed for her. Her mother sends Meg to visit her grandmother and bring back a bowl used for stew. To avoid being seen in the cloak, Meg cuts through the woods. There, she encounters a wood cutter who decides to hold her hostage in order to get a ransom from her parents. He likely intends to kill her. Meg attracts a wolf and then tosses the stew bowl at the wood cutter. Attracted by the scent of the stew, the wolf goes after the wood cutter and traps him in a tree. Meg escapes. She is then noticed by a group of attractive boys who seem to admire her cloak. She decides having a “look-at-me-red” cloak might not be such a bad thing after all.

The Red Riding Hood Doll: Georgette is a dressmaker and a spinster who longs for a child. A disgruntled customer refuses a cloak Georgette made, and so Georgette decides to reuse the fabric. She sews into the night and creates a beautiful and very life-like doll with a long red cloak. Her mother wants to use the doll as a sample, but Georgette insists the doll is more like a child to her. Customers admire the doll and want to buy it, but Georgette refuses. Saddened, she wanders into the woods one night with her doll and falls asleep. When she wakes, she discovers the doll has been turned into a real girl, but she is not the child Georgette hoped for. A group of boys approach and begin flirting in a very unseemly manner. Georgette’s doll responds positively and runs off with the boys. Georgette decides children might be too much trouble after all and considers getting a cat instead.

Little Red Riding Hood’s Family: Roselle’s mother sprains her ankle while joking around with her family one day, so Roselle offers to go and visit her grandmother in her mother’s stead. Roselle puts on her cloak and walks through the woods to her grandmother’s house. When she arrives, she hears thuds coming from the bedroom. She goes to investigate and find her grandmother—in her wolf form—sorting through her closet looking for her shoes. Grandmother is happy to see Roselle and the reader learns that Grandmother is a werewolf, and very kind. The reader also learns that Roselle is a witch. A vampire comes into the cottage, but Roselle takes care of him with her magic by turning him into a frog before he can do anyone harm. Roselle and Grandmother then eat together.

Granny and the Wolf: Nelda is a wealthy elderly woman being courted by a wood cutter named Gladwyn. She is not at all interested in him, accurately feeling Gladwyn is only after her money. While on her way to sell tarts in the village, Nelda happens upon a female wolf caught in one of Gladwyn’s animal traps. She rescues the wolf and gives her some treats. The wolf follows Nelda back to her home and Nelda bandages her up and feeds her more treats. The two become fast friends. Nelda’s granddaughter Scarlet then comes over, but Nelda decides she must hide the wolf. Scarlet’s father is very worrisome and would not like it if Nelda had a pet wolf. She hides the wolf in her bedroom and lets Scarlet in. Scarlet wants to try on a dress Nelda is sewing for her, but the dress is in her bedroom. Nelda hides the wolf in her wardrobe and then helps Scarlet into her dress. Gladwyn then comes over and Nelda needs to hide Scarlet so Gladwyn doesn’t make comments about Nelda spending so much money on her granddaughter. She hides Scarlet under the table. The wolf begins whining and Gladwyn wonders what is going on. Nelda claims it is her grandchild ill and in bed. Gladwyn insists he see her. Nelda takes the wolf out of the wardrobe, puts her in the bed and puts a hat on her. Gladwyn is fooled, but remarks on how hairy she is. Nelda claims it is a family trait, hoping to also dissuade Gladwyn’s feelings for her in the process. Scarlet’s father then arrives, and Nelda tells Gladwyn that he must leave for her son is very protective of her and will hurt Gladwyn if he sees him. Gladwyn flees. Scarlet’s father enters and asks to borrow an ax. He then leaves. Scarlet comes out and questions Nelda on her “other grandchild.” Nelda comes clean and Scarlet, Nelda, and the wolf happily eat dinner together.

Deems the Wood Gatherer: Deems is a kind hearted but very poor-sighted wood gatherer. The story follows him as he gathers wood one day. He comes across the wolf and the three little pigs, but due to his poor eyesight he mistakes the wolf for a man. He helps the wolf break into the little pigs’ house, assuming he is helping a father get back into his home of which his children have locked him out. He then accidentally steps on the gingerbread man. He then comes across Hansel and Gretel walking through the woods with their parents. Appalled at seeing children waste food (dropping bread crumbs) he picks them up. He then brings the wood he gathered to his “kind” neighbor with a house made of candy. He remarks that she will be very happy with all of the wood he’s bringing her because she had said she is having a lot of children for dinner.

Why Willy and His Brother Won’t Ever Amount to Anything: Isolda is a young girl who happens upon a baby fox, but the fox is frightened away by her neighbor Willy who believes he is saving her from a wolf. Isolda remarks that neither Willy nor his brother will ever amount to anything because they are dreamers. Willy and his brother Jakob later “save” Isolda and her grandmother from a stuffed animal wolf. Grandmother says that those Grimm brothers will never amount to anything. The narrator states that she was right, because all they ever became were writers.

The Little Red Headache: A wolf is sleeping until a little girl in a red cloak steps on his tail. He wakes and she begins screaming, giving him a splitting headache. She runs away and leaves her basket of food behind. The wolf, trying to be nice, picks up the basket and follows her in an attempt to return her basket. She runs away screaming again. The wolf decides to go to the cottage in the woods, thinking she is probably heading there. A grandmother opens the door and screams, thinking the wolf is there to eat her. She hides in the wardrobe. Hearing the girl approaching, the wolf tries to hide in the bed. She sees him and begins screaming. Granny begins screaming again. The wolf, with a gigantic headache at this point, jumps out of bed, out the door, and leaves. He runs into a woodcutter who screams, but the wolf just keeps running.

Little Red Riding Hood’s Little Red Riding Hood: An old fairy godmother is asked to grant a gift to her goddaughter Ruby. Donning a red cloak, she goes to see the little girl, but misspeaks when granting the gift. She accidentally grants the cloak intelligence, but because she is old she is only able to do one bit of magic per day. She decides to give the cloak to the baby. The intelligent cloak mends itself, alters its colors to what Ruby is wearing, etc. Ruby, unfortunately, is pretty dumb, and so she often finds herself in trouble. Ruby encounters a wolf in the woods who wishes to eat her. The cloak attempts to help her by snagging itself on doorways to hold her back and covering her mouth to keep her from admitting she is alone, but Ruby thwarts the “stupid” cloak. The wolf masquerades as Ruby’s grandmother. The cloak throws itself on the wolf and Ruby starts screaming because the wolf “grandmother” had promised Ruby a gift. A woodcutter hears her screams and comes to help. The wolf, with the cloak still on its face, jumps out the window realizing that this is more trouble than it is worth. The cloak agrees, and slinks away out the window where it is picked up by another person. The cloak is passed down through the years until it comes to be owned by Superman.

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